Convert R dataframe from long to wide format, but with unequal group sizes, for use with qcc

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-11-29 07:10:59

You can create a sequence column ('.id') using getanID from splitstackshape and use dcast from data.table to convert the long format to wide format. The output of splitstackshape is a data.table. When we load splitstackshape, data.table will also be loaded. So, if you already have the devel version of data.table, then the dcast from data.table can be used as well.

dcast(getanID(df1, 'time'),, value.var='measure')
#     time          1           2          3         4         5
#1: 2001 Q1  0.1468068  0.53593193  0.5609797        NA        NA
#2: 2001 Q2 -1.4810269  0.18150972         NA        NA        NA
#3: 2001 Q3  1.7201815 -0.08480855 -2.2320888 -1.152691 0.5797502


As @snoram mentioned in the comments, function rowid from data.table makes it easier to use just data.table alone

dcast(setDT(df1), time ~ rowid(time), value.var = "measure")

You'll need an intermediate variable that gives a "within-time" id. You can create it and reshape like this


group_by(X, time) %>%
  mutate(seq = 1:n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  spread(seq, measure)
Veerendra Gadekar

Another splitstackshape approach

cSplit(setDT(df)[, toString(measure), by='time'], 'V1', ',')

#      time       V1_1        V1_2       V1_3      V1_4      V1_5
#1: 2001 Q1  0.1468068  0.53593193  0.5609797        NA        NA
#2: 2001 Q2 -1.4810269  0.18150972         NA        NA        NA
#3: 2001 Q3  1.7201815 -0.08480855 -2.2320888 -1.152691 0.5797502

Or using the devel version of data.table a similar approach after pasting together the 'measure' by the grouping column 'time' would be using tstrsplit to split the 'V1' column generated from toString(measure).

 setDT(df)[, toString(measure), by ='time'][, c(list(time), tstrsplit(V1, ', '))]

Also, we can add type.convert=TRUE in tstrsplit to convert the class of the split columns. By default it is FALSE.
