
How to increase Microphone volume level in Android PJSIP?

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-05-12 15:53:47
问题 I have Integrated PJSIP with android . While making call in my application, the Speaker is working perfectly but Recording microphone volume is too low . My voice is not hearable by other side. Note: But in some mobiles it's working properly. Even i tried with adjustStreamVolume(), setStreamVolume(), setMode(),adjustVolume() methods to increase my volume level, it doesn't increase in anyway. Please give me a suggestion to solve this problem to increasing microphone Volume level in Android or

window7下python3 编译pjsua

故事扮演 提交于 2020-04-23 02:32:50
前几天因为公司需要用python自动化测试模拟话机呼叫,找了半天,大部分都是基于pjsip的库。所以开始苦逼的编译安装pjsua之路。 先已经编译好python3.7 32位的_pjsua.pyd并且可以通过import pjsua导入 首先,需要准备的工具有visual studio 2015,pjproject 先安装visual studio2015。这步省略 然后下载pjsip,地址 https://github.com/pjsip/pjproject 下载完成之后,解压到某个指定目录下,如D:\pythonProject\pjproject-2.10.tar 到pjlib/include/pj目录下,创建新的文件config_site.h 使用vs2015打开pjproject-vs14.sln 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/4286372/blog/3300007

PJSIP 录音、录像

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-03-24 17:53:32
3 月,跳不动了?>>> 基于 pjsip 2.8, 官方代码里内置了录音模块,貌似是直接写 wav 翻了一下没找到录像的,起码没有提供录制flv, mp4文件的。 自己写吧。 记录一下: 音频部分容易弄,反正 会议桥里有各种port可以attach进去, 自己写一个自定义的port让主端口把音频发给你出来就是; 视频部分, what ? 翻来翻去,没找到在哪里有提供类似的port, 只好自己写个回调呗,让vid_dev_port把读到的原始数据给一份你处理,,,,, 可以拿到数据了,接着要编码、复用到flv、MP4容器呗,有2个需要注意的地方: 1, aac encoder 需要注意frame size,否则有爆音; 2, yuv的正确分辨率到底是多少? 第一个问题,用ffmpeg来搞, 第二个问题,让 dshow_dev告诉上层,为什么?因为pjsip在上层打开摄像头的时候设置的分辨率有可能摄像头并不支持,底层会挑一个比较相近的分辨率!! 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/mingyuejingque/blog/3210294

Is there any way to make Android native sip stack to support voip on all android devices?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-02-25 13:28:09
问题 I have invested some time building a simple VOIP call using android native sip API. But later came to know that it does not support voip call on all Android devices. And it was mentioned that it was relied on Jain sip stack. So is there any way i can make it support on all Android Device (from Android 4 on ward) using native sip stack. Any simple demo source code on implementing sip using pjsip would be also highly appreciated. 回答1: PJSip Android Library Build Up Steps Requirements: - Latest

Setup pjsip for Python

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-02-05 04:12:31
问题 I'm trying to install pjsip's Python binding but am running into a build error that I feel is environmental but am just not able to figure out what's wrong. I'm able to build pjsip without issue but run into a problem when trying to build the python bindings -- I'm getting an error from ld about a bad value in one of the static libraries. Any thoughts? root@0fcbc7b108af:/src/pjproject-2.5.5/pjsip-apps/src/python# python setup.py install running install running build running build_py running

Setup pjsip for Python

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-02-05 04:12:27
问题 I'm trying to install pjsip's Python binding but am running into a build error that I feel is environmental but am just not able to figure out what's wrong. I'm able to build pjsip without issue but run into a problem when trying to build the python bindings -- I'm getting an error from ld about a bad value in one of the static libraries. Any thoughts? root@0fcbc7b108af:/src/pjproject-2.5.5/pjsip-apps/src/python# python setup.py install running install running build running build_py running

Disable audio recording notification while application is in background on iOS SDK 4.2+

大憨熊 提交于 2020-02-01 09:51:29
问题 In my project, where we use pjsip2 to receive streaming audio from a shared server. The app is meant to only receive streaming audio, not record. However even though we have disabled the mic in out code we still get a notification of the app recording while it is in the background (top bar flashing red with text: " (recording)"). How can I disable the recording notification while our app is running in the background? 回答1: Remove the audio option from info plist for UIBackgroundModes Example:


ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-01-30 22:52:41
会议桥 自定义媒体端口 在《 pjSIP注册呼叫流程简介 》中介绍了pjSIP注册与呼叫的基本流程,本节对自定义媒体流与端口做下介绍。 会议桥 pjSIP中通过会议桥(Conference)把媒体流(Stream)与抽象音频设备端口(Sound Device Port)连接起来(并负责各路媒体的混流);他们之间数据传递都是通过pjmedia_port接口来实现的。若要收发自定义的媒体数据,只需连接会议桥,从中接收或发送媒体数据即可。 typedef struct pjmedia_port { pj_status_t (*put_frame)(struct pjmedia_port *this_port, pjmedia_frame *frame); pj_status_t (*get_frame)(struct pjmedia_port *this_port, pjmedia_frame *frame); } pjmedia_port; 两个接口根据需要定义(put与get是从会议桥视角看),若要从会议桥中接收媒体则实现put接口,若要向会议桥中发送媒体则实现get接口;若要收发媒体,则两个都要定义。 Conference内部有一个默认master_port(索引为0)的端口,用作与音频设备间的连接接口(被动被sound device调用): 音频设备采集的PCM数据通过put

How to resolve the linker error in C++ compiler

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-01-30 10:41:07
问题 I have to compile PJSIP in CPP compiler. Because I am integrating an API with PJSIP . It is in CPP . So I have to use g++ instead of gcc . But now I didn't integrate any other API. But I am getting linker error in CPP compiler. If it is C compiler, it is working fine. Error: Undefined symbols for architecture arm: "_crypto_alloc", referenced from: srtp_stream_clone(srtp_stream_ctx_t const*, unsigned int, srtp_stream_ctx_t**)in libsrtp-arm-apple-darwin9.a(srtp.o) srtp_stream_alloc(srtp_stream

How to resolve the linker error in C++ compiler

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-01-30 10:40:39
问题 I have to compile PJSIP in CPP compiler. Because I am integrating an API with PJSIP . It is in CPP . So I have to use g++ instead of gcc . But now I didn't integrate any other API. But I am getting linker error in CPP compiler. If it is C compiler, it is working fine. Error: Undefined symbols for architecture arm: "_crypto_alloc", referenced from: srtp_stream_clone(srtp_stream_ctx_t const*, unsigned int, srtp_stream_ctx_t**)in libsrtp-arm-apple-darwin9.a(srtp.o) srtp_stream_alloc(srtp_stream