
Sort out same star from Photutils DAOStarFinder Tables of multiple figures

橙三吉。 提交于 2021-01-29 19:55:20
问题 I have a series of .fit figures of the CCD telescope observation, I use DAOStarFinder in photutils to do the photometrys. I want to find out data of same stars and plot their light curves. The stars table obtained from one figure looks like: id xcentroid ycentroid sharpness roundness1 roundness2 npix sky peak flux mag JD-HELIO 1 7.2507764 7.1405824 0.25877792 -0.27655266 -0.014479976 361 0 422 12.624582 -2.7530425 2458718.4 2 2740.913 7.1539345 0.30025149 0.25451119 0.018093909 361 0 458 13