
How to return a value from a stored procedure (not function)?

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-07-22 05:41:31
问题 I have a Stored Procedure that inserts, updates or deletes tablerows. It was working fine while all parameters were used as input. However, I need to return the ID of last inserted row. For that I tried using an INOUT parameter and RETURNING after the INSERT statement to return the ID. However, I am not sure how to bind the returned ID to the INOUT parameter. Following is the code for stored procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.spproductinsertupdatedelete( _ser integer, _subcategid

Autowire a parameterized constructor in spring boot

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-07-16 07:23:28
问题 I am not able to autowire a bean while passing values in paramterized constructor. How to call the parameterized constructor using SpringBoot? @Component public class MainClass { public void someTask() { AnotherClass obj = new AnotherClass(1, 2); } } //Replace the new AnotherClass(1, 2) using Autowire? @Component public class AnotherClass { private int number,age; public AnotherClass(int number, int age) { super(); this.number = number; this.age = age; } } I want to autowire "AnotherClass"

Autowire a parameterized constructor in spring boot

橙三吉。 提交于 2020-07-16 07:23:19
问题 I am not able to autowire a bean while passing values in paramterized constructor. How to call the parameterized constructor using SpringBoot? @Component public class MainClass { public void someTask() { AnotherClass obj = new AnotherClass(1, 2); } } //Replace the new AnotherClass(1, 2) using Autowire? @Component public class AnotherClass { private int number,age; public AnotherClass(int number, int age) { super(); this.number = number; this.age = age; } } I want to autowire "AnotherClass"

argparse: nargs with multiple flags in one dash?

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-07-10 10:25:43
问题 If I try running python -bf with the below code, I get bar=f and foo=foo1 instead of the desired result ( bar=bar1 and foo=foo1 ). How would I achieve the desired result? import argparse ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='test') ap.add_argument('--bar', '-b', nargs='?', const='bar1') ap.add_argument('--foo', '-f', nargs='?', const='foo1') args = ap.parse_args() 来源:

Python - How to parse argv on the command line using stdin/stdout?

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-07-06 13:47:05
问题 I'm new to programming. I looked at tutorials for this, but I'm just getting more confused. But what I'm trying to do is use stdin and stdout to take in data, pass it through arguments and print out output results. So basically,on the command line, the user will input the and an argument. The arguments are: i = sys.argv [1] f = sys.argv [2] w = sys.argv [3] Then using if/else the program will execute some stuff based on which argument chosen above. i.e: On the command line the user will enter

Powershell color formatting with format operator

我的梦境 提交于 2020-07-03 04:22:13
问题 I'm using a format operator inside a script with a following example: $current = 1 $total = 1250 $userCN = " Smith" "{0, -35}: {1}" -f "SUCCESS: Updated user $current/$total", $userCN This excpectedly shows the following output: SUCCESS: Updated user 1/1250 : Smith The format operator is there to keep the targeted output text in place with current / total running numbers varying between 1-99999. Without the format operator I could

How do I pass parameters to a running batch program by another one

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-06-29 03:39:28
问题 example: foo.bat : @echo off start bar.bat 2 3 set result=//somehow return the value echo %result% pause exit bar.bat : @echo off set int1=%1 set int2=%2 set /a result=%int1%+%int2% //somehow send the result to the running foo.bat exit can someone give me an idea on how to do this. I can only think about writing a file and checking in a for loop if the file exists and what it contains. But this is way complicated in my opinion. Thanks in advance. 回答1: The batch file foo.bat must be written as