
IntelliJ IDEA解决项目部署到Tomcat运行时提示jar包找不到问题

邮差的信 提交于 2020-02-20 08:57:28
使用IntelliJ IDEA创建JavaWeb项目,在开发中需要引用其他的jar包,当我们手动引用jar包或者使用Maven引用jar包后,部署到Tomcat运行时提示jar包找不到。 解决方法: (1)打开项目结构窗口,菜单:File → Project Structure,快捷键:Ctrl + Alt + Shift +S。 (2)设置 Artifacts选项,点击:Put into Output Root。如下图: 这样再次运行Tomcat就正常了。 来源: CSDN 作者: pan_junbiao 链接:


微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-02-10 11:05:40
PAN:personal area network 个人区域网络 无线连接:蓝牙,红外,NFC 有线连接:USB电缆 常用于传输小文件、如音乐、照片、日历、约定等 LAN:local area network 局域网 由一组设备组成,如计算机、服务器、交换机、打印机等 最常见的局域网类型是以太网,两台或多台计算机通过电缆连接到以太网交换机上 WLAN:wireless local area network无线局域网 使用无线通信代替有线通信 无线局域网的定义是至少有两个设备使用无线通信来形成局域网 无线局域网通常具有一个Wi-Fi路由器或一个用于无线设备的无线接入点,无线设备包括笔记本电脑、平板电脑、无线桌面电脑以及智能手机 简单地说,无线局域网是局域网的一种,但不使用电缆 CAN:campus area network校园区域网络 一个校园区域网络是在有限区域内将两个或多个局域网连接在一起的网络 例如,一个校园网络可以是一所大学在相同区域有多个建筑,彼此互联形成的大型网络,这些建筑可以是大学的不同院系,每个建筑所在的部门都有自己的局域网,然后这些建筑被连接起来形成一个校园区域网络 MAN:metropolitan area network 城域网 这是一种比校园网区域网络还大的网络 它是一种横跨一个城市或城镇的多个建筑的网络 城域网通常使用高速连接,例如光缆 城域网是一种高速网络

How to get the zoomed image bounds

为君一笑 提交于 2020-02-07 05:15:32
问题 I am performing zooming on the image, after zooming I need to find the current visible bounds (i.e.) zoomed area bounds. Since I need to add another element (Rectangle or any shape)on the center of the image, so even after panning, it should add at the center of the zoomed image. Need to find the bounds marked in the image. Zoomed Image <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="*"/> <RowDefinition Height="50"/> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility=


守給你的承諾、 提交于 2020-01-19 16:56:21
1、什么是JavaScript 1.1、概述 JavaScript是一本世界上最流行的脚本语言 一个合格的后端人员,必须要精通JavaScript 1.2、历史 ECMAScript它可以理解是JavaScript的一个标准 目前最新的版本是es6 但是大部分浏览器还是只停留在了支持es5代码上 问题:开发环境与线上环境的版本不一致 2、快速入门 2.1、引入JavaScript 1、内部标签 <script> alert("hello world1"); </script> 2、外部引入 abc.js alert("hello world2") index.html <script src="abc.js"></script> 2.2、基本语法入门 演示代码: <script> //数据类型 数据变量名 = 数据变量; var num = 3; if (num > 2) { alert("数字大于2") } else { alert("数字不大于2") } //控制台打印数据 console.log(num) </script> 运行效果: 浏览器必备调试须知: 2.3、数据类型 数值、文本、图形、音频、视频 1、变量 var //仅仅不能以数字开头 2、number ** js不区分小数和整数 123 //整数123 123.1 // 浮点数123.1 123e3 /

How to pan Image inside PictureBox

一笑奈何 提交于 2020-01-11 02:21:06
问题 I have a custom PictureBox which can zoom in using MouseWheel event. Now I want to add a panning feature to it. I mean when PictureBox is in zoomed state, if user left clicks and holds the click then move the mouse, the image would pan within the picturebox. Here is my code but unfortunately it does not work! I don't know where to look anymore... private Point _panStartingPoint = Point.Empty; private bool _panIsActive; private void CurveBox_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e

iOS: disable pan gesture when objects overlap

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-01-03 06:51:23
问题 I have a few objects moved by using Pan Gesture . Now I want the object to stop moving permanently when either: It overlaps a particular (stationary, not able to be moved) object, or It enters a certain range of locations. I've tried to stop it when the two objects overlap using removeGestureRecogniser but it didn't work. - (IBAction)cowimagemove:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)recognizer { if ( { [self removeGestureRecogniser]; } else { CGPoint translation =

prevent ios7 pan gesture to pop view controller

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-01-03 03:29:08
问题 iOS 7 has introduced pan gesture to popViewController. It introductes problems with the sidebar that I am using so I want to prevent this new function of ios7. How can I cancel that behaviour? Thanks in advance 回答1: You can use yourNavigationController.interactivePopGestureRecognizer.enabled = NO; 来源:

MKMapView Not Calling regionDidChangeAnimated on Pan

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-01-02 03:33:07
问题 I have an app with a MKMapView and code that is called each time the map changes locations (in regionDidChangeAnimated). When the app initially loads, regionDidChangeAnimated is called on pans (swipes), pinches, taps and buttons that explicitly update the map coordinates. After loading other views and coming back to the map the regionDidChangeAnimated is only called for taps and the buttons that explicitly update the map. Panning the map and pinches no longer call regionDidChangeAnimated. I

Android: Easiest way to make a WebView display a Bitmap?

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-30 08:36:33
问题 I have some images that I loaded from a remote source stored in Bitmap variables and I want to display them. In addition to switching between these images the user should also be able to zoom and pan them. My first idea was to somehow pass them via an intent to the built-in gallery application but this doesn't seem to be possible. A solution that is suggested in several places is using a WebView since it already supports zooming and panning. My question is how does my Bitmap data get into the

svg-pan-zoom — Pan and zoom to same location in different browser sizes

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-24 16:14:47
问题 I am using the ariutta svg-pan-zoom library( (Also using with jquery.layout.js panes and jquery-ui.js) I would like to save the values such as pan and zoom values of an svg-pan-zoom svg and use those values in to jump to the same location using a browser with a different sized window. Currently I am using getPan() and getZoom() to save the values; then zoom(zoom) and pan(pan) in the other browser to zoom and pan to the same location. That does not work