
SQLiteException: unknown error (code 0): Native could not create new byte[]

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2021-01-28 03:02:42
问题 I'm getting this error when trying to query up to 30 objects, each object has field byte[] which weights 100x100 ARGB_8888 bitmap data ~ 39kb I'm using OrmLite 4.45 version. on a Samsung GT n8000 tablet (max heap size 64mb) Here's stacktrace: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: unknown error (code 0): Native could not create new byte[] at android.database.CursorWindow.nativeGetBlob(Native Method) at android.database.CursorWindow.getBlob(CursorWindow.java:403) at android.database

Android ORMLite 框架的入门用法

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-03-02 18:34:02
大家在Android项目中或多或少的都会使用数据库,为了提高我们的开发效率,当然少不了数据库ORM框架了,尤其是某些数据库操作特别频繁的app;本篇博客将详细介绍ORMLite的简易用法。 下面开始介绍ORMLite的入门用法~ 1、下载 ORMLite Jar 首先去 ORMLite官网下载jar包 ,对于Android为:ormlite-android-4.48.jar 和 ormlite-core-4.48.jar ; ps:访问不了的朋友,文章末尾会把jar、源码、doc与本篇博客例子一起打包提供给大家下载。 2、配置Bean类 有了jar,我们直接新建一个项目为:zhy_ormlite,然后把jar拷贝到libs下。 然后新建一个包:com.zhy.zhy_ormlite.bean专门用于存放项目中的Bean,首先新建一个User.java [java] view plain copy package com.zhy.zhy_ormlite.bean; import com.j256.ormlite.field.DatabaseField; import com.j256.ormlite.table.DatabaseTable; @DatabaseTable (tableName = "tb_user" ) public class User {


浪尽此生 提交于 2020-02-26 10:13:07
自2017年初开始,我就致力于Android应用框架的研究,到2018年开始在Github上陆续开源系列作品,再到2019年收获我的第一个star过千的项目,期间我付出了很多,失去了很多,同时也获得了很多。 前言 为了能够让更多的人了解到我的开源项目,我也是使出了浑身解数,写了不少文章和文档来提高项目的曝光率,不过在这期间我也发现了不少问题:读者的水平参差不齐,以往我写的文章都是建立在有一定开发基础之上的,这就导致了很多新手小白、学生党看不懂,不会用,瞎折腾,这完全违背了我的初衷。我希望我的开源项目不仅能够服务那些有一定开发经验的人,还能帮助那些热爱Android的人学习并提升自己的开发水平,早日能够跟上我们的步伐。 在接下来的数月里,我将一一详细讲解我开源的几个热门项目,介绍他们所使用的场景,解决的问题以及分析其中实现的逻辑。 概述 所有的技术框架都必须服务于实际生产,否则就是耍流氓。 我一直认为这世上没有绝对完美的事物,当然技术也并不例外。在做Android的最初几年里,我一直认为技术是产品的灵魂,用于创造产品而又高于产品,是无可替代的,这也是我初期为何执着于技术的原因。渐渐地,当一项技术趋于成熟的时候,你会发现其实技术也并不是想象中的那么重要,同样的功能或是产品,你可以用2种或者更多的技术方案来实现,这个时候你才会发现,原来技术也如同资本、人力、市场和物料等资源

Reading data from json and saving it in android app using ormlite

十年热恋 提交于 2020-02-05 05:13:06
问题 I am new in doing work with android database. My question is, I have a json data which i want to parse it in my android application. Specifically i want to take that data and save it in my app database which is ORMLITE. Does anyone have any example of this so please do share with me. Any kind of video tutorial or anything will be helpful here. Thanks in advance 回答1: I would utilize the GSON library which is super helpful for handling JSON https://code.google.com/p/google-gson/ Then you need

Reading data from json and saving it in android app using ormlite

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-02-05 05:12:26
问题 I am new in doing work with android database. My question is, I have a json data which i want to parse it in my android application. Specifically i want to take that data and save it in my app database which is ORMLITE. Does anyone have any example of this so please do share with me. Any kind of video tutorial or anything will be helpful here. Thanks in advance 回答1: I would utilize the GSON library which is super helpful for handling JSON https://code.google.com/p/google-gson/ Then you need

How can I use ORMLite with SQLCipher together in Android?

主宰稳场 提交于 2020-01-27 06:11:28
问题 I would like to use OrmLite with SQLCipher in my Android project, but both libraries have their own abstract SQLiteOpenHelper class to implement. Java don't allow a class to extend two classes and if I implement separately, they will not communicate with each other. How can I work with both together? How do I resolve the SQLiteOpenHelper implementation problem? 回答1: How can I use ORMLite with SQLCipher together in Android? It should be possible @Bruno. One way that should work is to just copy

ORMLite and Images saved as BLOB on Android

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-01-20 18:40:07
问题 So I recently switched my database stuff over to ORMLite in my android tablet application I am writing. So far so good, got most things refactored/recoded. Though I am having issues to what was originally stored in the database as a BLOB. In my original data model it looked like this: byte[] imageBytes; but I don't think I can use that in ORMLite, best I could tell it has to be a string so now I have: @DatabaseField String picture; But now, I am confused as to how to read and write those data

Cannot retrieve the latest update value from database after running the ORM Lite UpdateBuilder.update() in android

随声附和 提交于 2020-01-16 20:08:24
问题 I have trouble when updating the data in android by using ORM Lite because my updated data is not affected in database immediately. After the update process, I query the data from the database but I got the old data that was the same as before I update. So, I solved this problem by refreshing each updated object by using refresh(Object) after the update process, the problem was OK(I can access the latest updated data from data in next query). But I am not sure is it the best way or not? If

Cannot retrieve the latest update value from database after running the ORM Lite UpdateBuilder.update() in android

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-01-16 20:07:02
问题 I have trouble when updating the data in android by using ORM Lite because my updated data is not affected in database immediately. After the update process, I query the data from the database but I got the old data that was the same as before I update. So, I solved this problem by refreshing each updated object by using refresh(Object) after the update process, the problem was OK(I can access the latest updated data from data in next query). But I am not sure is it the best way or not? If

Cannot retrieve the latest update value from database after running the ORM Lite UpdateBuilder.update() in android

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-01-16 20:06:18
问题 I have trouble when updating the data in android by using ORM Lite because my updated data is not affected in database immediately. After the update process, I query the data from the database but I got the old data that was the same as before I update. So, I solved this problem by refreshing each updated object by using refresh(Object) after the update process, the problem was OK(I can access the latest updated data from data in next query). But I am not sure is it the best way or not? If