
Mondrian OLAP connection management

旧巷老猫 提交于 2020-01-15 12:31:11
问题 What is the recommended pattern for managing Mondrian database connections? I am using Mondrian as a library in a Scala/Play Framework web application. For example: var connection try { connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connection_string).unwrap(classOf[OlapConnection]) val result = connection.createStatement.executeOlapQuery(mdx) // ... use the result ... } finally { if (connection) connection.close } Is calling close in a finally block the right approach? How do I configure a

How deep to go when denormalising

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-01-15 09:13:17
问题 I denormalising a OLTP database for use in a DWH. At the moment I am denormalising studygroups. Each studygroup has a key pointing towards 1 project. Each project has a key pointing towards 1 department. Each department has a key pointing towards 1 university. Each universityhas a key pointing to 1 city. Now I know that you are supposed to denormalize the sh*t out your OLTP but in this dwh department will be a dimension on its own. This goes for university also. Would it suffise to add a key

OLAP on SQL Express

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-01-13 09:32:48
问题 I'm wondering if there is any desktop OLAP solution that can use SQL Express (and therefore does not require Analysis Services) I've been tasked with finding a way to allow our customers to do 'Ad-Hoc' reports, but the vast majority of them are on Sql Express, In previous jobs, customers have had Analysis Services and typically Cognos or Crystal Reports, so all that was required was to design the cube. 回答1: SQL Express is pretty limited, I don't know of any OLAP capabilities. Although, we use

MDX Allow member set only siblings in Roles-Dimension Data

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-01-05 17:49:33
问题 Is it possbile to restrict a Role in Dimension Data by allowing him to see only siblings in the parent-child Hierarchy? Example Hierarchy: EMEA 100 UK 50 London 30 Southampton 20 France 50 Paris 10 Lyon 40 To see only: EMEA 100 UK 50 France 50 回答1: I've received the expected result with the following MDX statement NONEMPTY( descendants( [Dim Branch Hierarchies].[Branch Hierarchy] ,,leaves ) , ( [Measures].[GrantedHi] ,StrtoMember( "([Dim Users].[Account Name].[Account Name].["+ Username()+ "]

MDX Allow member set only siblings in Roles-Dimension Data

寵の児 提交于 2020-01-05 17:49:25
问题 Is it possbile to restrict a Role in Dimension Data by allowing him to see only siblings in the parent-child Hierarchy? Example Hierarchy: EMEA 100 UK 50 London 30 Southampton 20 France 50 Paris 10 Lyon 40 To see only: EMEA 100 UK 50 France 50 回答1: I've received the expected result with the following MDX statement NONEMPTY( descendants( [Dim Branch Hierarchies].[Branch Hierarchy] ,,leaves ) , ( [Measures].[GrantedHi] ,StrtoMember( "([Dim Users].[Account Name].[Account Name].["+ Username()+ "]

Ordering a complex set

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-01-05 09:33:02
问题 I've been playing with a script of Chris Webb's found here: http://cwebbbi.wordpress.com/2007/06/25/advanced-ranking-and-dynamically-generated-named-sets-in-mdx/ The adapted script is this: WITH SET MyMonths AS TopPercent ( [Date].[Calendar].[Month].MEMBERS ,20 ,[Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount] ) SET MyEmployees AS [Employee].[Employee].[Employee].MEMBERS SET MyMonthsWithEmployeesSets AS Generate ( MyMonths ,Union ( {[Date].[Calendar].CurrentMember} ,StrToSet (" Intersect({}, {TopCount

What makes access to OLAP Cubes / Datamarts and similar datastructures, faster than to relational databases?

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-01-02 09:55:15
问题 What makes access to OLAP Cubes/Datamarts and similar datastructures, faster than to relational databases? EDIT A bounty of 200 will be provided asap. 回答1: I would say mainly because of different purposes. OLAP cubes / datamarts are used mainly in read mode for data analysis by business users whereas I'm assuming when mentioning relational DBs you're talking about OLTP usage requiring for example ACID transactions. Those different purposes means: different constraints for the implementation

What is the best approach to get from relational OLTP database to OLAP cube?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-31 09:03:09
问题 I have a fairly standard OLTP normalised database and I have realised that I need to do some complex queries, averages, standard deviations across different dimensions in the data. So I have turned to SSAS and the creation of OLAP cubes. However to create the cubes I believe my data source structure needs to be in a 'star' or 'snowflake' configuration (which I don't think it is right now). Is the normal procedure to use SSIS to do some sort of ETL process on my primary OLTP DB into another

SSAS Aggregation on Distinct ID

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-31 07:13:18
问题 I wish to change the default aggregation from SUM to SUM on Distinct ID Values. This is the current behaviour ID Amount 1 $10 1 $10 2 $20 3 $30 3 $30 Sum Total = $90 By default, I am getting a sum of $90. I wish to do the sum on distinct ids and get a value of $60. How would I modify the default Aggregation Behavior to achieve this result? 回答1: Design your data as a many-to-many relationship: create one table/view having one record per ID and the amount column from the data shown in your

SSAS Aggregation on Distinct ID

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-31 07:13:05
问题 I wish to change the default aggregation from SUM to SUM on Distinct ID Values. This is the current behaviour ID Amount 1 $10 1 $10 2 $20 3 $30 3 $30 Sum Total = $90 By default, I am getting a sum of $90. I wish to do the sum on distinct ids and get a value of $60. How would I modify the default Aggregation Behavior to achieve this result? 回答1: Design your data as a many-to-many relationship: create one table/view having one record per ID and the amount column from the data shown in your