
OggVorbis ov_open() Throws Access Violation Exception

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-01-05 05:39:07
问题 I'm trying to open an OggVorbis file using the Vorbis SDK/DLLs. ov_open() throws an Access Violation exception 0x00000014 . I have checked the file exists: I've opened it with fopen and printed the contents to the console just to check - all went fine! Might not make a difference, but the DLLs have been compiled as DEBUG Win32 , and my project is compiling under the same configuration. I'm using an absolute path to the file, for reassurance, and the file does exist. As stated before, I can

Vorbis decoder for Windows Phone 7

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-01-01 23:32:10
问题 Anyone know of a vorbis decoder library that can be used on Windows Phone 7? The lack of native code interop make re-using any of the native code implementations difficult (impossible?) but if there are tricks to do that, I'm open to that as well. 回答1: There is a managed implementation for mono called csvorbis, it includes a sample which outputs a wav file this didn't need many changes to work with XNA's SoundEffect class. I did a whole track at once, this took a few seconds in the emulator

How can I decode OGG vorbis data from a ByteBuffer?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-25 09:27:01
问题 The libraries I founded so far only have methods to decode from a file or InputStream . I have a ByteBuffer with OGG vorbis data and I need it decoded to PCM without having to write it to a file first. 回答1: There seem to be 2 parts to this problem. 1) Getting Java Sound to deal with OGG Vorbis format. 2) Avoiding the File. For (1), the Java Sound API allows the addition of extra formats via the Service Provider Interface. The idea is to put an encoder/decoder into a Jar and use a standard

cut exact time range from mp3/ogg

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-22 11:15:25
问题 I have a heap of audio files on a CDN. Those are mp3's and ogg vorbises, in parallel. Those files are each worth about one hour of playback. I need to extract arbitrary parts from those files: I am given a filename (I can choose if I use the mp3 or ogg version) and two timestamps and I need the audio exactly between the given time positions. I don't want to download the whole file, so I think of using the Range http header. I have complete control over the audio files, so I encoded them in

libvorbis audio decode from memory in C++

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-21 08:17:08
问题 Given an encoded buffer in C++, what would be the steps using oggvorbis structs to decode the already in-memory data? OggVorbis_File cannot be used, because assets are within compressed archives. I'm trying to research the necessary structs and methods, but I'm fairly new to audio encoding and decoding. Any resources that can help further my reading are appreciated as well! I should clarify, I intend to use the decoded data to stream into OpenAL. Thanks. 回答1: Answering my own question. This

How to encode Recorded voice to ogg vorbis?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-18 02:54:16
问题 I have recorded voice with android AudioRecord and I would like to convert it to ogg vorbis as it is patent free. I have try vorbis-java beta, but it seem not work or I make some mistake. Here are my code : int frequency = 44100; int channel = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO; int mAudioSource = MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC; int mAudioEncoder = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT; try { final File outputFile = new File(mOutputPath); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new

cut exact time range from mp3/ogg

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-05 20:51:51
I have a heap of audio files on a CDN. Those are mp3's and ogg vorbises, in parallel. Those files are each worth about one hour of playback. I need to extract arbitrary parts from those files: I am given a filename (I can choose if I use the mp3 or ogg version) and two timestamps and I need the audio exactly between the given time positions. I don't want to download the whole file, so I think of using the Range http header. I have complete control over the audio files, so I encoded them in fixed bitrate, to be able to estimate which bytes I should reach for. However, both formats use frames

Vorbis decoder for Windows Phone 7

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-04 22:37:08
Anyone know of a vorbis decoder library that can be used on Windows Phone 7? The lack of native code interop make re-using any of the native code implementations difficult (impossible?) but if there are tricks to do that, I'm open to that as well. There is a managed implementation for mono called csvorbis , it includes a sample which outputs a wav file this didn't need many changes to work with XNA's SoundEffect class. I did a whole track at once, this took a few seconds in the emulator so you may need to stream it using DynamicSoundEffect for better results. The mooncodecs folder has a codec

libvorbis audio decode from memory in C++

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-04 03:23:01
Given an encoded buffer in C++, what would be the steps using oggvorbis structs to decode the already in-memory data? OggVorbis_File cannot be used, because assets are within compressed archives. I'm trying to research the necessary structs and methods, but I'm fairly new to audio encoding and decoding. Any resources that can help further my reading are appreciated as well! I should clarify, I intend to use the decoded data to stream into OpenAL. Thanks. Answering my own question. This can be done by providing custom callbacks to vorbis. struct ogg_file { char* curPtr; char* filePtr; size_t

How can I play compressed sound files in C# in a portable way?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-11-30 06:31:13
问题 Is there a portable, not patent-restricted way to play compressed sound files in C# / .Net? I want to play short "jingle" sounds on various events occuring in the program. System.Media.SoundPlayer can handle only WAV, but those are typically to big to embed in a downloadable apllication. MP3 is protected with patents, so even if there was a fully managed decoder/player it wouldn't be free to redistribute. The best format available would seem to be OGG Vorbis, but I had no luck getting any C#