
用分布式缓存提升ASP.NET Core性能

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2020-12-13 06:58:50
得益于纯净、轻量化并且跨平台支持的特性,ASP.NET Core作为热门Web应用开发框架,其高性能传输和负载均衡的支持已广受青睐。实际上,10-20台Web服务器还是轻松驾驭的。有了多服务器负载的支持,使得Web应用层在业务增长时随时采用水平扩展,ASP.NET Core也能够没有什么负担地处理长事务。然而造成性能瓶颈的地方仍然不可忽视,具体来说首当其冲就是数据存储,无法随着应用层的性能提升而提高大规模数据处理能力,这是因为数据层是没有办法简单通过增加服务器得到改善的。 ASP.NET Core应用有两类数据在数据存储成为瓶颈时突显出来: 数据库 Session会话 解决方案: 分布式缓存 解决这个性能瓶颈,不妨试试NCache,它是一个开源的支持.NET的分布式缓存,它的优势在于完全基于内存,所以你可以在业务增长时组建内存服务器的集群来实现线性扩展,相比于数据库能节省近八成的成本,并且在读写应用数据上得到更快的体验。NCache很适合存储session会话,在多Web服务器负载时也解决了会话保持的需求。 下图是NCache这类常见的分布式缓存的部署架构。 ASP.NET Core应用数据缓存 IDistributedCache 在ASP.NET Core之前,旧的ASP.NET程序的缓存对象是独立进程的,也没有多服务器支持的需要。现今ASP.NET Core推出了


纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-04-24 12:06:39
Nginx是什么? Nginx是一个开源且高性能、可靠的HTTP中间件、代理服务 其他的HTTP服务: HTTPD-Apache基金会 IIS-微软 GWS-Google(不对外开放) 近几年,Nginx的市场占有率越来越高,一度飙升,为什么呢?接下来我们就知道了! 我们为什么选择Nginx? 1. IO多路复用epoll(IO复用) 如何理解呢?举个例子吧! 有A、B、C三个老师,他们都遇到一个难题,要帮助一个班级的学生解决课堂作业。 老师A采用从第一排开始一个学生一个学生轮流解答的方式去回答问题,老师A浪费了很多时间,并且有的学生作业还没有完成呢,老师就来了,反反复复效率极慢。 老师B是一个忍者,他发现老师A的方法行不通,于是他使用了影分身术,分身出好几个自己同一时间去帮好几个同学回答问题,最后还没回答完,老师B消耗光了能量累倒了。 老师C比较精明,他告诉学生,谁完成了作业举手,有举手的同学他才去指导问题,他让学生主动发声,分开了“并发”。 这个老师C就是Nginx。 轻量级 功能模块少 - Nginx仅保留了HTTP需要的模块,其他都用插件的方式,后天添加 代码模块化 - 更适合二次开发,如阿里巴巴Tengine CPU亲和 把CPU核心和Nginx工作进程绑定,把每个worker进程固定在一个CPU上执行,减少切换CPU的cache miss,从而提高性能。

Alachisoft Ncache configuration issues

无人久伴 提交于 2020-01-14 03:45:10
问题 I'm new to NCache from Alachisoft. I`m trying to fix the Viewstate very large variable content issue. I have installed and configured NCache Enterprise Edition 4.4.0 (x64) on my server. Changes to web.config and app.browser were done as per instructions: and I have successfully created and tested with the "stress test tool"


天涯浪子 提交于 2020-01-07 20:29:59
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 多层次结构的应用程序是目前发展的趋势,这种程序都需要庞大的数据库支持。而数据传输的能力直接影响程序性能,成为程序可扩展性的瓶颈。因此很多开发者开始在程序中使用 内存分布式缓存 来提高程序性能。 同时, 内存分布式缓存 也带来了问题,那就是数据在缓存中如何保证与数据库同步。如果程序使用 Oracle数据库 ,那么 NCache 会帮你解决难题! NCache 提供OracleCacheDependency(数据库缓存依赖项),通过字符串连接数据库发现被注册的变化项。从而通过Oracle的数据库里的通知功能,更新相应的缓存。那么NCache是如何帮助程序实现的呢? 简单的说,你只需开启Oracle数据库的通知功能,然后添加NCache项目中的OracleCacheDependency到应用程序。总的分三个步骤完成: 首先启动Oracle数据库的通知功能,执行代码如下: 1 2 [SQL] "grant change notification to scott" 再次在你的程序中添加需要引用的NCache配置: 1 2 3 usingAlachisoft.NCache.Web.Caching; usingAlachisoft.NCache.Runtime.Dependencies; usingAlachisoft


泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-01-07 20:22:58
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> NCache 是一个基于 .NET 应用程序关键任务的集群存储器对象缓存。 NCache 也能对运行在服务器的 .NET 应用程序提供一个可升级的 ASP.NET Clustered Session State 解决方案。分布式缓存和会话状态同时使你不仅可以差不多可以十倍地提高你的 .NET 应用程序的速度,还可以使它更具可扩展性和可用性。 具体功能: 缓存拓扑 本地缓存。 复制缓存。 分区缓存(自动分区)。 分区缓存(紧密定位)。 Client Cache 客户端缓存。 本地 .NET 客户端 (InProc & OutProc)。 本地 Java 客户端 (OutProc)。 远程 .NET & Java 客户端。 Partitioned Cache with with Replicas 复制分区缓存。 动态聚类 在运行时添加或删除节点。 串变化时进行事件通知。 ASP.NET 会话聚类 基于 .NET 1.1 的 HttpModule (没有改变代码)。 基于 .NET 2.0 的 Session Store Provider (没有改变代码)。 三方整合 NHibernate Level-2 Cache Provider. Caching Application Block (CAB).

Fetching operations from Ncache server is taking time than previously

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-24 08:31:29
问题 In my office, we have a server that has Ncache installed for storing and retrieving data and our applications are also hosted there. There was an issue where application was getting timed out. In depth, i found that getting cache method from Ncache is taking 8-9 seconds, which was previously taking 0.5 seconds. The application isn't changed recently and it was working fine previously. All of a sudden this issue has occurred. Some one told me that there was an issue where all of a sudden all

NCache as Entity Framework second level cache not syncing with database

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-24 05:55:20
问题 Using NCache 4.6 as EF 6.1.3 second level cache, SqlDependency is not working. (It cant detect changes that I make directly in SQL server. Also does not update cache or invalidate it when using EF to add or delete entities to database. Albeit it detect updating an entity) I've installed NCache in my computer with IP: and SQL server 2014 in vbox with IP: using instruction from their site and customizing them to meet my IP & user, I executed following SQL: ALTER

AppFabric/NCache - will these solve HttpRuntime.Cache objects being updated by reference?

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-23 04:56:12
问题 When using the HttpRuntime.Cache in an ASP.NET application, any item retrieved from the cache that is then updated will result in the cached object being updated too (by reference). Subsequent reads from the cache will get the updated value, which may not be desirable. There are multiple posts on this subject, for example: Read HttpRuntime.Cache item as read-only And the suggested solution is to create a deep-copy clone using binary serialization. The problem with binary serialization is that

Alachisoft Ncache configuration issues

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-08 19:16:29
I'm new to NCache from Alachisoft. I`m trying to fix the Viewstate very large variable content issue. I have installed and configured NCache Enterprise Edition 4.4.0 (x64) on my server. Changes to web.config and app.browser were done as per instructions: and I have successfully created and tested with the "stress test tool" a Local Cache and a clustered Cache called "myCache", one at a time, but without the intended results

View Objects in Session of a Running ASP.NET Application

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-06 09:57:06
问题 I am trying to move my app to out-of-proc session state and can't find which session object is failing to serialize - the YSOD stack trace is unrevealing. Is it possible to view the objects, or at least the types of objects, currently stored in session state of a running application? Short of attaching a debugger to a running app, and having its source code available, I don't know if this is possible. I'm using Alachisoft NCache, so here's their stack trace, though it's not helpful: System