
Angular 5 router.navigate does not work

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2021-01-22 10:37:10
问题 I'm trying to redirect a user to another page based on some condition. Here's my example login component: ngOnInit() { console.log(">>> router", this.router) console.log(">>> activatedRoute", this.activatedRoute) if (this.activatedRoute.queryParams['value'].param === 'value') { console.log(">>> redirecting") this.router.navigate(['home']); } } If I navigate to the login component without a parameter, then I'm shown the login component template, that's good. However, when I navigate to the

display and navigate a web page from a flex tab

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-01-16 18:12:47
问题 i have a flex project that runs in using flash player 11. What i am trying to achive is to have a tab of my project which, when loaded displays a web page within the tab. I do not want to naviagate away from my project but display it within my tab layout. Is this possible? i have found plenty of info on how to do this using air but nothing with regards to my flex project not using air. thanks 回答1: No, this isn't directly possible. The HTML and StageWebView components would do the trick, but

Navigate on same page via element id in electron

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-24 18:50:29
问题 I want to navigate via href in <a> elements in electron. Which works like a charm in Firefox throws following exception in Electron/Chromium: Not allowed to navigate top frame to data URL The element (transformed via XSLT stylesheet from an XML, so I can't really change it) looks e.g. like this: <a href="#idPFMOB">Mobility</a> where the element with the id idPFMOB is an <h2> -Tag. As I said, this works in Firefox when I open the file there, but throws given exception in Chromium. Is there a

C# How to Navigate with post data using the geckofx browser?

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-24 11:46:07
问题 I'm using C# with Visual Studio 2013, working with the geckofx browser, and I need to Navigate using POST. The Navigate method is telling me I need a MimeInputStream, which is intuitive to use. The problem I'm facing with that is how to initialize it? MimeInputStream doesn't have a constructor. I found that the following code compiles, except the part where it can't cast the GeckoMIMEInputStream into a MimeInputStream like that. My code is: string dataString = string.Format("username={0}&pwd=

can't access elements after jQuerymobile page change

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-20 04:38:10
问题 I created a simple example to illustrate my problem here: Basically, I have page1.html, which has a div with id=content and I change its color to red. I have a page2.html, which has a div with id=content and I change its color to green. When I go to page1, the color of the text in the div is red, as expected. When I go to page2, the color of the text in the div is green, as expected. I have a simple anchor href from page1 that goes to page2. After

.NET C#: WebBrowser control Navigate() does not load targeted URL

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-17 23:44:29
问题 I'm trying to programmatically load a web page via the WebBrowser control with the intent of testing the page & it's JavaScript functions. Basically, I want to compare the HTML & JavaScript run through this control against a known output to ascertain whether there is a problem. However, I'm having trouble simply creating and navigating the WebBrowser control. The code below is intended to load the HtmlDocument into the WebBrowser.Document property: WebBrowser wb = new WebBrowser(); wb

how add a hyperlink in pdf page to page using itextsharp

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-11 19:38:26
问题 I want to add or create a hyperlink in bottom of the PDF page and it will redirecting to another page by using itextsharp . and next thing is for example if i have 50 pages PDF file. add 3 pages to it. and in 50th page i want 2 hyperlinks at bottom of the page. one to go for 51st page and another one to for 52nd page. next thing is if i am click back button in 51st page and 52nd page also it will come to 50th page. 回答1: Using PdfAnnotation to create link PdfAnnotation annotation; annotation =

How to cancel or dispose current navigation at WebBrowser element

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-10 18:16:46
问题 I am developing a C#, .NET Framework 4.0 application. It visits some pages with an order. Sometimes I have to move to the next page without waiting for the previous one to finish the job. How can I cancel the previous navigation process of the WebBrowser element? WebBrowser element uses Internet Explorer. Thank you. This is how I navigate webBrowser1.Navigate(""); 回答1: WebBrowser.Stop Method 回答2: There's two immediate ways to do this. First, you could simply make a

Firing WebBrowser.DocumentCompleted event whilst in a loop

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-10 11:48:17
问题 I have a simple app I am developing that needs to iterate through a list of URLs which are passed to a WebBrowsers Navigate function in a for each loop. I was hoping to see the DocumentCompleted event firing after each call of the Navigate function but it only seems to be fired after the whole form has completed loading - and this the loop has completed. I guess I am missing something fundamental here but some help and advice would be great! Thanks! Here is a sample of code that I am trying..

c# webbrowser control does not navigate to another page

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-09 18:18:40
问题 I have a console application and i've defined a webbrowser inside it. Firstly, i navigate to a page and fill a login form and invoke the submit button to login. After that, i want to go to another page in the same site using the same webbrowser but it does not navigate to that page. instead, it navigates to the page that it's redirected after login. Here is my code for clarification; this code gives me the source code of instead of product.aspx what is