
WPF Masked Textbox with a value that does not contain mask

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-01-24 20:20:16
问题 I need a WPF Textbox that displays a phone number as "(555) 555-5555" but has a value of "5555555555". All of the examples I'm seeing have the ability to mask the control on the UI but that affects the bound property of my view model so that the property value has the extraneous ()- characters. 回答1: How about an IValueConverter? 回答2: I am thinking that you will probably have to roll-your-own. It shouldn't be too difficult, subclass and override to obtain the results you are looking for. 来源:

common lisp, how to mask keyboard input

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2020-01-24 12:32:55
问题 This is a console program in Common Lisp for a Hangman type game. The first player enters a string to be guessed by the second player. My input function is below --- unfortunately the characters typed by the first player remain visible. With JavaScript it's simple, just use a password text entry box. With VB it's simple using the same sort of facility. Is there any way to do this using a native Common Lisp function? Thanks, CC. (defun get-answer () (format t "Enter the word or phrase to be

What is equivalent of VB6.0's MaskColor property in C#

北慕城南 提交于 2020-01-15 08:57:10
问题 The MaskColor property in VB 6.0 is used to remove the background color of an Image . How might I do the same in C#? 回答1: You can use MakeTransparent(Color color) for the bitmap image. example: //convert the red color in the image into transparent. ((Bitmap)BackgroundImage).MakeTransparent(Color.Red); 回答2: I don't think there is any direct equivalent. I've made it work in the past by using the ColorMap class to map my background color to Color.Transparent. Then I create an ImageAttributes

JQuery Masked Input plugin doesn't work

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-01-11 05:46:10
问题 I've added a JQuery Masked Input plugin to my Web project but it's not working at all. The plugin can be found here: I've included JQuery libray and the Masked Input plugin to my JSP, and called the mask function for my html <input> element: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <!-- JS ---> <script src="js/jquery-1.11.0.js"></script> <script src="js/masked-input-jquery-1.3.1.js"></script> <title

EaselJS: Using updateCache() with AlphaMaskFilter When Dragging Mask

一世执手 提交于 2020-01-06 01:52:18
问题 I'm using an imported png with an alpha gradient that I'm setting as a mask that reveals the bitmap it is assigned to. The mask object is draggable (kind of like a flashlight). I know I'm supposed to use an AlphaMaskFilter as one of the filters, and I know I'm supposed to use .updateCache()... I'm just not sure I'm using them correctly? var stage; var assetQueue; var bg; var bgMask; var container; var amf; $(document).ready(function(){ loadImages(); }); function loadImages() { // Set up

SVG: Issue with multiple masks in different svg

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-01-05 05:10:35
问题 I came across a strange problem using svg filter and masks. Let's say I have an svg file containg these filters and masks: <filter id="om-outline"> <feMorphology result="offset" in="SourceGraphic" operator="dilate" radius="3"/> <feComposite in="offset" in2="SourceGraphic" operator="out" result="stroke" /> <feFlood flood-color="#79868d" result="COLOR-red-2" /> <feComposite in="COLOR-red-2" in2="stroke" operator="in" result="BEVEL_41" /> </filter> <mask id="outline-mask"> <rect cx="0" cy="0"

C++: Mask and decoding bits

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-01-04 05:35:11
问题 I just came across a function I dont understand, and I was wondering if you could explain it to me. unsigned long long x(unsigned long long value, int begin, int end) { unsigned long long mask = (1 << (end - begin)) - 1; return (value >> begin) & mask; } Thanks uksz 回答1: The above function serves as a mask to extract a range of bits from a number. It can be broken down into four steps. First step: mask = 1UL << (end - begin) The << logically shifts 1 to the left by end - begin bits. Since the

How to input mask value to Convolution1D layer

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-01-02 02:26:26
问题 I need to feed variable length sequences into my model. My model is Embedding + LSTM + Conv1d + Maxpooling + softmax . When I set mask_zero = True in Embedding , I fail to compile at Conv1d . How can I input mask value in Conv1d or is there another solution? 回答1: Conv1D layer does not support masking at this time. Here is an open issue on the keras repo. Depending on the task you might be able to get away with embedding the mask_value just like the other values in the sequence and apply

Mask Passwords with Logback?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-31 17:54:30
问题 We currently generically log all XML documents coming in and going out of our system, and some of them contain passwords in the clear. We would like to be able to configure the logback logger/appender that is doing this to do some pattern matching or similar and if it detects a password is present to replace it (with asterisks most likely). Note we don't want to filter out the log entry, we want to mask a portion of it. I would appreciate advice on how this would be done with logback. Thanks.