
Travis-CI: Do not fail build because of linter warnings

邮差的信 提交于 2021-01-24 08:06:09
问题 I have an old python project that I am trying to progressively clean up using flake8 (to warn about PEP8 issues). I use Travis for continuous integration and want my build to fail if any unit test fails. However, I do not want my build to fail simply because flake8 produced a warning (e.g., about something minor like trailing white space). How do I configure Travis to output flake8 warnings (so that I can resolve them as I have time) without causing them to fail the build? My .travis.yml is

How to debug java source code when I implement a custom Detector for Lint?

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-12-27 17:13:55
问题 I am a Android developer. I have already design my own lint rules by implementing new XXXDetector and XXXIssueRegistry, here is my source code snip: My XXXIssueRegistry file: public class MyIssueRegistry extends IssueRegistry { @Override public List<Issue> getIssues() { System.out.println("!!!!!!!!!!!!! ljf MyIssueRegistry lint rules works"); return Arrays.asList(AttrPrefixDetector.ISSUE, LoggerUsageDetector.ISSUE); } } My XXXDetector file: public class LoggerUsageDetector extends Detector

How to exclude all files under a directory in lint using angular CLI?

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-12-13 04:12:28
问题 We can exclude node_modules in this way. "lint": [ { "project": "src/main/webapp/app/file.json", "exclude": "**/node_modules/**" } ] But how to exclude all files under a directory? I tried below way. It is not working "exclude": [ "**/*whatever.pipe.ts", "**/*whatever_else.component.ts" ] So this is my current path for the directory "src/main/assets/js/ngx-typeahead" I have to exclude all the files under this directory from linting. How can i achieve that? Any suggestions would be appreciated

How to exclude all files under a directory in lint using angular CLI?

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-12-13 04:11:36
问题 We can exclude node_modules in this way. "lint": [ { "project": "src/main/webapp/app/file.json", "exclude": "**/node_modules/**" } ] But how to exclude all files under a directory? I tried below way. It is not working "exclude": [ "**/*whatever.pipe.ts", "**/*whatever_else.component.ts" ] So this is my current path for the directory "src/main/assets/js/ngx-typeahead" I have to exclude all the files under this directory from linting. How can i achieve that? Any suggestions would be appreciated

How to exclude all files under a directory in lint using angular CLI?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-12-13 04:10:27
问题 We can exclude node_modules in this way. "lint": [ { "project": "src/main/webapp/app/file.json", "exclude": "**/node_modules/**" } ] But how to exclude all files under a directory? I tried below way. It is not working "exclude": [ "**/*whatever.pipe.ts", "**/*whatever_else.component.ts" ] So this is my current path for the directory "src/main/assets/js/ngx-typeahead" I have to exclude all the files under this directory from linting. How can i achieve that? Any suggestions would be appreciated

How to exclude all files under a directory in lint using angular CLI?

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-12-13 04:10:15
问题 We can exclude node_modules in this way. "lint": [ { "project": "src/main/webapp/app/file.json", "exclude": "**/node_modules/**" } ] But how to exclude all files under a directory? I tried below way. It is not working "exclude": [ "**/*whatever.pipe.ts", "**/*whatever_else.component.ts" ] So this is my current path for the directory "src/main/assets/js/ngx-typeahead" I have to exclude all the files under this directory from linting. How can i achieve that? Any suggestions would be appreciated

How to exclude all files under a directory in lint using angular CLI?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2020-12-13 04:10:10
问题 We can exclude node_modules in this way. "lint": [ { "project": "src/main/webapp/app/file.json", "exclude": "**/node_modules/**" } ] But how to exclude all files under a directory? I tried below way. It is not working "exclude": [ "**/*whatever.pipe.ts", "**/*whatever_else.component.ts" ] So this is my current path for the directory "src/main/assets/js/ngx-typeahead" I have to exclude all the files under this directory from linting. How can i achieve that? Any suggestions would be appreciated

android 开发规范好工具----Android Lint

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-11-10 02:44:16
Eclipse的ADT插件更新到最新的16.0以后,发现在Eclipse功能栏里多了一个红色对号的图标,如图所示: 简单实用了一下之后,发现这个工具实在是太强大啦。 它能够对你的Android项目进行全面分析,然后会给你一个诊断结果。 告诉你的工程里有哪些不太妥当的地方,例如: 1,项目中有哪些资源文件引入了却没有在代码中使用的话,会给提示。既包括图片资源、layout文件,也有定义的String常量和Color常量等。如图: 2,layout文件中编写不规范的地方,会给出提示。例如考虑到国际化,如果直接在xml中写汉字会提醒你把文字写到string配置文件中。如 图: 3,如果把定义图片大小的变量设置为px时,会提示你不太规范,改成dp。 4,布局属性使用不当、id重复定义、标签使用不规范等,都会提示你修改。 5,考虑到屏幕适配,如果有些图片只在高分辨率中放置了,会提醒你应该在中低分辨率的文件夹下也应该放置一份。 .... .... .... 提示的信息还有很多,都是项目代码不规范的地方,目前来看这个工具非常非常实用,对于项目打包发布前优化代码、查找没用到的资源、给apk瘦身等非常有帮助。 更多用法请查看官方网站: 参考文章: 点击打开链接 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina