
Keras creating three classes instead of two

那年仲夏 提交于 2021-01-27 06:51:07
问题 I am trying to train a model to identify images containing fire VS images that contain forests. I am training the model on a remote server using Linode. I am using Python 2.7 and Ubuntu 16.04.5. When i run the following code locally or in Jupyter notebooks it will create 2 classes, but when i want to run it on the server it creates 3 classes. The code that classifies the model: def onehot(x): return np.array(OneHotEncoder().fit_transform(x.reshape(-1,1)).todense()) model = keras.applications

Keras creating three classes instead of two

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2021-01-27 06:46:08
问题 I am trying to train a model to identify images containing fire VS images that contain forests. I am training the model on a remote server using Linode. I am using Python 2.7 and Ubuntu 16.04.5. When i run the following code locally or in Jupyter notebooks it will create 2 classes, but when i want to run it on the server it creates 3 classes. The code that classifies the model: def onehot(x): return np.array(OneHotEncoder().fit_transform(x.reshape(-1,1)).todense()) model = keras.applications

How can I limit the max numbers of folders that user can create in linux

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-01-24 09:07:22
问题 Since I have been told that if a user in my computer will create "infinite" number of folders / files (even empty) it can cause my computer to become much much slower (even stuck), I want to limit the maximum number of files/directories that user can create. I'm afraid that one user will try to create a huge number of files and it will become a problem for all the other users, so it will be a security issue, How do I do that, how do I limit the max number of files/directories each user can

Unable to connect to gmail smtp linode django apache2 setup

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-12-06 04:00:03
问题 Hello im having difficulties connecting to google smtp server. The context is that whenever a user fills in a form , my program will automatically email me the feedback to my gmail account. Everything is working except for the fact that the program is stuck within the send_mail function. I have tried doing this : telnet 25 Trying 2404:6800:4003:c03::6c... Which will eventually result in a time out. Here is some of my code: EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends

Unable to connect to gmail smtp linode django apache2 setup

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-12-06 03:58:33
问题 Hello im having difficulties connecting to google smtp server. The context is that whenever a user fills in a form , my program will automatically email me the feedback to my gmail account. Everything is working except for the fact that the program is stuck within the send_mail function. I have tried doing this : telnet 25 Trying 2404:6800:4003:c03::6c... Which will eventually result in a time out. Here is some of my code: EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends


岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-03-28 13:35:36
前言 FineUI控件库 发展至今已经有 5 个年头,目前论坛注册的QQ会员 5000 多人,捐赠用户 500 多人(捐赠用户转化率达到10%以上,在国内开源领域相信这是一个梦幻数字!也足以证明FineUI旺盛的生命力!)。这一切的得来不是无缘无故的,而是来自于FineUI的发布理念 – Release Early! Release Often! 时至今天,FineUI总共发布了 100 多个版本 ! 这 100 多个版本更新列表只是文本文件就有 120K 大小,放在页面上更是长的要命,如何恰当的向用户展示 FineUI 勤劳的身影就成了一个问题。之前的展示页面只是简单的将所有的更新记录放在一个 PRE 标签中,显得有点死气沉沉,如下图所示。 站在巨人的肩膀上 由于前段时间时间轴形式的展示方式比较火,就考虑采用这种方式。但是查阅了网上的jQuery timeline plugin,大部分都比较臃肿,还需要创建Google Spreadsheet Template,并且通过JavaScript调整时间轴中每个记录的位置,也不适合软件更新记录这样大数据集的展现。 其实我需要的只是一个简单、漂亮的数据展示方式,很快我找到了这个例子: 这个界面风格给人眼前一亮的感觉。在快速浏览之后


牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-02-09 11:37:05
AngularJS的官方网站 上给出了这个框架的基本使用方法,如: 如何引入AugularJS,从而让你的web应用使用该框架 如何添加控件,并对其进行数据绑定 如何进行表单验证 如何与服务器通信 如何创建可重用的组件 如何对组件进行本地化 如何让应用可嵌入、可注入和可测试 另外,网站上还给出了 一系列教程 ,跟随这些内容,我们可以从深入浅出地逐渐对AngularJS的各种特性和用法有很好的了解,进而很好地开始使用这一框架。 但是,正如Brian Ford所说,官方文档中并没有告诉开发者,当应用逐渐增长,其中包含上万甚至几十万行代码的时候,应该如何组织和管理它,而他的blog正是对这些内容以及最佳实践的总结。 这篇 blog 特别关注的是大型应用程序,作者首先给出的建议是,尽量不要让应用变得太巨大。而应该编写小型、功能专注的、模块化的部分,然后逐渐把它们组合起来,变得越来越大,从而构成你的应用。 接下来,Brian Ford首先讲述了如何组织应用的结构,然后对性能、测试、工具、服务器和构建过程做了简要的总结。 在应用的组织结构方面,Brian Ford针对各个方面给出如下建议: 目录: 建议在根目录中只放置index.html一个文件,然后根据需要创建scripts、styles、views等目录,在scripts目录下,首先会存放app.js文件,然后在之下又可以创建多个子目录


依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-01-31 14:50:52
1.1 简介 全称:Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP 其中PHP可替换为Nginx或Perl,Python 具有通用、跨平台、高性能、低价格、轻量、快速开发等优势 1.2 下载镜像 使用linode/lamp镜像 $docker run -p 80:80 -it linode/lamp /bin/bash 使用tutum/lamp镜像 $docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 3306:3306 tutum/lamp 1.3 部署自定义PHP应用 创建Dockerfile文件 呃,我没有项目地址,略过 P111 来源:

Rails/Nginx not serving JS and CSS

百般思念 提交于 2020-01-23 09:47:52
问题 I deployed a Rails 3.2.8 application via Capistrano, with asset pipeline enabled, to my Linode server. It is running nginx + unicorn. When I visit my application, the minimised JS and CSS are not being served, although the assets are present in <RAILS_DIR>/public/assets . $ tree assets assets |-- application-66e477d6fd8cf088e8be44affeead089.css |-- application-66e477d6fd8cf088e8be44affeead089.css.gz |-- application-7d3ead38a0b5e276a97d48e52044ac31.js |-- application

Rails/Nginx not serving JS and CSS

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-01-23 09:47:48
问题 I deployed a Rails 3.2.8 application via Capistrano, with asset pipeline enabled, to my Linode server. It is running nginx + unicorn. When I visit my application, the minimised JS and CSS are not being served, although the assets are present in <RAILS_DIR>/public/assets . $ tree assets assets |-- application-66e477d6fd8cf088e8be44affeead089.css |-- application-66e477d6fd8cf088e8be44affeead089.css.gz |-- application-7d3ead38a0b5e276a97d48e52044ac31.js |-- application