

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-05 10:45:52
用各种GAN生成MNIST数字 完整代码 : https://github.com/SongDark/GAN_collections 数据获取 MNIST数据集的获取可以参考这篇博客: https://blog.csdn.net/songbinxu/article/details/82992264 需要注意的是MNIST数据的值域范围,有的源是原本的 [ 0 , 255 ] [0,255] [ 0 , 2 5 5 ] ,有的归一化到了 [ 0 , 1 ] [0,1] [ 0 , 1 ] 。 生成器和判别器 实现了CNN和MLP两种版本。CNN结构参考自 这里 ,MLP结构参考自 这里 。 有关 Spectral Norm 在 dense 层、 conv2d 层和 deconv2d 层中都实现了 Spectral Normalization ,可以自由选择或取消。 Spectral Normalization 是用来限制判别器D的,不应该加到生成器G中。 有关 Gradient Clipping 所谓 Gradient Clipping(GC) 就是将参数限制在某个范围内,比如 ( − 0.01 , 0.01 ) (-0.01,0.01) ( − 0 . 0 1 , 0 . 0 1 ) ,它也是用来限制判别器D的,不应该加到生成器G中。WGAN的原始版本必须加GC

Android - Testing app on Galaxy S8 or LG G6

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-05 02:07:22
I was reading the following article about updating an app to take full advantage of devices like the Galaxy S8 or LG G6 https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2017/03/update-your-app-to-take-advantage-of.html And what I want to do is to test the app in an emulator of these screens and test it before and after adding the line of code the article suggests: <meta-data android:name="android.max_aspect" android:value="2.1" /> I have tried creating an AVD inside of Android Studio with a screen size of 5.8 and a resolution of 2960x1440 (Galaxy S8 screen resolution), and my app runs fine without

Trouble connecting to LG phone with adb (Mac OS X 10.7.5)

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-04 22:42:53
When I run adb devices there are no devices showing as connected. My device is a LG Optimus Exceed 2 running 4.4.2 There are many of these posts around, so here's what I've done: I'm using the cord that came with the phone. It charges and tries to sync photos, so it isn't an issue here. Switching usb ports and trying a powered usb hub doesn't affect it either. I've added the vendor id (0x1004) to ~/.android/adb_usb.ini Restarted and unplugged any combination of things you can think of USB Debugging is on. And has been restarted. Same with Unknown sources. I have never used EasyTether, nor is

Manual Focus using android camera2 API

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-04 11:27:20
I want to develop an Android Camera App for myself (can share it if there are interested people) that has a manual focus while video recording. I've added a SeekBar to the google sample Camera2 app but I can't find the way to implement the manual focus. I found Manual focus in camera2, android but it doesn't work on my LG G4. The stock camera app is almost perfect since it doesn't allow the manual focus in video mode. Does anyone of you have an idea ? EDIT: here's the code of the SeekBar listener: @Override public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) {} @Override public void

Enable developer mode on LG WebOS tv

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-04 08:29:59
I'm developing a simple app on a LG webOS smart TV. Since I had no luck running my app from the usb drive, I'm trying to use the developer mode from Eclipse IDE. The thing is: I've added a new target configuration, pointing to the physical TV ip. When I try to connect, a passphrase is required. I've tried something like 123456 A pop up appears: "Please verify the properties on the target and also make sure the key server in Developer mode app is ON in TV" How do I enable Developer Mode on these TV? dbexec With webOS 2 only some specific TVs where enable to debug and run apps on 22 January 2016

android studio doesn't detect my device on my ubuntu laptop

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-03 15:32:39
I am trying to run an app from Android Studio on my Ubuntu laptop. I have enabled USB debugging, but it is still not working. When I press run in Android Studio, it does not detect my device (LG G3 Lollipop). I could not find any help :( Himanshu Shankar First of all, Open terminal and do following: Do lsusb command to check your device is indeed connected. Do adb devices to check if your device is connected then it is detected as in adb mode. 2.a. if the above command is not found, do sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb and then check if it is listed. Secondly, post results of step 1 and 2

Resigning system.img on a device

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-03 08:56:18
问题 I am working on an automatic app updating solution for devices (LG p509 - Optimus 1) which we deploy to our customers. We have control of these devices and currently install a custom kernel on them (but not a full custom ROM). Since we are trying to do auto-updating of our app on the device, we need the system to be signed by a key which we control so we can sign our apps with the same key (to get the INSTALL_PACKAGES permission). I have been having a few issues running AOSP builds on the


喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-03 05:15:27
增删改查 查 切片 [] print(a[1:])#取到最后 print(a[1:-1])#取到倒数第二值 print(a[1:-1:1])#从左到右一个一个去取 print(a[1::2])#从左到右隔一个去取 print(a[3::-1]) b=a[3::-1] print(b)#['sanpang', 'xiaohu', 'jinxin', 'wuchao'] print(a[-2::-1]) print(a[1:-1:-2]) 添加 append insert a.append('xuepeng') #默认插到最后一个位置 print(a) a.insert(1,'xuepeng') #将数据插入到任意一个位置 print(a) 修改 a[1]='haidilao' print(a) a[1:3]=['a','b'] print(a) 删除 remove pop del a.remove(a[0]) print(a) b=a.pop(1) print(a) print(b) del a[0] print(a) del a print(a) a.remove(['wuchao','jinxin']) print(a) count:计算某元素出现次数 t=['to', 'be', 'or', 'not', 'to', 'be'].count('to') print(t)

SmsManager MMS APIs on HTC/LG

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 03:04:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I'm using the new Android lollipop APIs for sending and receiving MMS messages: SmsManager.downloadMultimediaMessage and SmsManager.sendMultimediaMessage . This works well on Nexus 4 and 5, but not working at all on HTC One & LG G3 running lollipop. Looking at the logs on the HTC device, this looks like a worrying error log: MmsServiceBroker "Failed to bind to MmsService" Has anyone managed to get the new MMS APIs working across devices? If not, any workaround? EDIT: added LG G3 to the unsupported devices as reported by users 文章来源:

Is log(n!) = Θ(n・log(n))?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:13:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I am to show that log( n !) = Θ( n ・log( n )) . A hint was given that I should show the upper bound with n n and show the lower bound with ( n /2) ( n /2) . This does not seem all that intuitive to me. Why would that be the case? I can definitely see how to convert n n to n ・log( n ) (i.e. log both sides of an equation), but that's kind of working backwards. What would be the correct approach to tackle this problem? Should I draw the recursion tree? There is nothing recursive about this, so that doesn't seem like a likely approach.. 回答1: