
Marked for react-native

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2021-02-09 10:58:15
问题 I am fetching strings with markdown from api and trying to use them in react-native project. Is there any similar library to marked that can be used in react-native or what is the best practice to achieve same result? 回答1: I did not have a chance to try any, but it looks like there are some libraries available, that can handle markdown react-native-markdown react-native-markdown-view react-native-simple-markdown 来源:

Marked ( Markdown ) + Mermaid ( Flow Chart & Diagrams )

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2020-01-14 20:18:30
问题 Struggling to get Mermaid - to work with Marked - From what I gather I should be able to write the following in markdown ``` graph TD;A-->B;A-->C;B-->D;C-->D; ``` and have it render <div class="mermaid"> FLOWCHART / DIAGRAM IS DRAWN HERE </div> What am I missing? <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Document</title> <script src="libs/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="libs/marked.min.js"><

Marked ( Markdown ) + Mermaid ( Flow Chart & Diagrams )

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-01-14 20:17:31
问题 Struggling to get Mermaid - to work with Marked - From what I gather I should be able to write the following in markdown ``` graph TD;A-->B;A-->C;B-->D;C-->D; ``` and have it render <div class="mermaid"> FLOWCHART / DIAGRAM IS DRAWN HERE </div> What am I missing? <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Document</title> <script src="libs/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="libs/marked.min.js"><

Marked ( Markdown ) + Mermaid ( Flow Chart & Diagrams )

风格不统一 提交于 2020-01-14 20:17:26
问题 Struggling to get Mermaid - to work with Marked - From what I gather I should be able to write the following in markdown ``` graph TD;A-->B;A-->C;B-->D;C-->D; ``` and have it render <div class="mermaid"> FLOWCHART / DIAGRAM IS DRAWN HERE </div> What am I missing? <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Document</title> <script src="libs/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="libs/marked.min.js"><

How to apply style for the inbuilt markdown tags?

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-12 04:57:25
问题 I am a learner for reactjs, i am trying to create a text editor, where i want to do indentation for the text which is selected based on the start and end index. I can get the selected text, and i can apply bold, italic using marked package like ** for bold, and _ for italic,etc,.. but i cannot apply the style like text align, text decoration for the marked tags How can i apply styles for the marked tags? what should i do? is there any other way to do? 回答1: You would need to define CSS rules

use marked in Angular2

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-06 02:08:02
问题 I'm trying to make a simple Markdown inline editor with Angular2. I tryed several approaches but none seems to work. I installed marked with npm and it is now visible in the projects node_modules directory. I can import it and it is recognized by netbeans. Now when ever I use it nothing works and if I open the firefox debuger then i find localhost:3000/marked not found. I put the markdown converter in a service. Which looks the following: import { Injectable } from 'angular2/core'; import *

Convert between Markdown elements

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-01 03:34:36
What are the options to parse Markdown document and process its elements to output an another Markdown document? Let's say it ``` # unaffected # ``` # H1 # H1 == ## H2 ## H2 -- ### H3 ### should be converted to ``` # unaffected # ``` ## H1 ## H1 -- ### H2 ### ### H2 ### #### H3 #### in Node environment. Target element may vary (e.g. #### may be converted to **). The document may contain other markup elements that should remain unaffected. How it can be obtained? Obviously, not with regexps (using regexp instead of full-blown lexer will affect # unaffected # ). I was hoped to use marked but it

Convert between Markdown elements

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-01 00:07:11
问题 What are the options to parse Markdown document and process its elements to output an another Markdown document? Let's say it ``` # unaffected # ``` # H1 # H1 == ## H2 ## H2 -- ### H3 ### should be converted to ``` # unaffected # ``` ## H1 ## H1 -- ### H2 ### ### H2 ### #### H3 #### in Node environment. Target element may vary (e.g. #### may be converted to **). The document may contain other markup elements that should remain unaffected. How it can be obtained? Obviously, not with regexps