
How can I use jQuery to convert <div> into HTML table?

夙愿已清 提交于 2021-01-29 03:01:10
问题 <div> Hii,this is just an example </div> change to <td>Hii, only tag will be change </td> 回答1: in case someone needs to convert on the-fly: var div2table = $('.outer-div ').map(function () { var issue = $(this); var trline = issue.find('.inner-div').map(function () { return '<td>' + $(this).text(); }).get().join('</td>'); return '<tr>' + trline; }).get().join('</tr>'); div2table = '<table>' + div2table + '</table>'; where divs are <div class='outer-div'><div class='inner-div'>this will be 1st

HTML email button alignment in Outlook

99封情书 提交于 2021-01-28 06:59:58
问题 I'm having some issues aligning the call to action buttons in a HTML email I am building for a client. The buttons are appearing off to the left and not filled correctly. This is how they appear in my browser and most email clients: And this is how they appear in Outlook 2016: Here is my Inky markup: <row class="call-to-actions"> <columns small="6"> <spacer size="50"></spacer> <button class="facebook float-right" href="#">Like on Facebook</button> <spacer size="50"></spacer> </columns>