

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-10-24 05:21:46
  美国国防合约商苍鹭系统公司(Heron Systems)设计的 AI 空战系统,通过 5 轮竞赛,战胜人类。   苍鹭 AI 完胜。班格(Banger)是一名经验丰富、驾驶 F-16 战斗机超过 2000 小时的飞行员,他每一个新回合都能坚持更长的时间,甚至在最后一轮对抗中察觉到了 AI 的破绽。只是这个破绽持续时间非常短,仅仅在 AI 重新计算路径并且给予人类飞行员致命一击的时候才出现。      尽管如此,国外媒体用 “令人鼓舞” 来形容班格的表现。   在最近几年,随着 AI 技术的突飞猛进,人工智能已经击败了国际象棋大师、围棋冠军和职业扑克玩家,在电子竞技领域,AI 同样战胜了 Dota2 和星际争霸 2 中的世界级玩家。   那么,有没有一种可能,AI 可以在高速、高过载的空中格斗中战胜人类飞行员呢?   一年多前的 2019 年 5 月,美国国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA)启动空战进化计划(ACE)。该计划目标是提高人类飞行员对自动空战技术的信任,通过人机交互技术应对不同状况下的挑战。   在 DARPA 看来,飞行员不需要充当 “飞机操作员” 的角色,他们应该成为战斗指挥官。这要求飞行员需要对 AI 充分信任,相信 AI 可以完成复杂的高端格斗,在真实的空战场景中,飞行员可以在驾驶舱内把动态空战任务委托给无人、半自主的机载设备完成。   DARPA

SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor failed to fetch data from zookeeper path in Heron Cluster

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-13 03:35:57
问题 In Heron, I instantiated a SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor named adaptor using IStateManager and created a new Runtime config to saved this adaptor. Then, I created a ISchedulerClient object for invoking its schedulerClient.updateTopology function. Code as follows: String stateMgrClass = Context.stateManagerClass(this.config); // get state manager instance IStateManager stateMgr = null; try { stateMgr = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(stateMgrClass); FileUtils.writeToFile(filename, "Create

Zookeeper EndOfStreamException happened in Heron Cluster

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-11 15:57:40
问题 There is a problem that bothers me. EndOfStreamExceptionalways happen in zookeeper after submitted topologies. Although it does not affect the normal operation of the cluster, I still hope to solve the problem because it may be affect other parts of Heron function. The zookeeper version is 3.4.10 and was deployed on standalonemode in one host of my cluster. The contents of zoo.cfg are as follows. tickTime=10000 initLimit=100 syncLimit=50 dataDir=/home/yitian/zookeeper/data dataLogDir=/home

The exception java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack happend in Heron

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-11 15:18:15
问题 I tried to get the PhysicalPlan from zookeeper using the following codes: String stateMgrClass = Context.stateManagerClass(this.config); IStateManager stateManager = null; stateManager = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(stateMgrClass); stateManager.initialize(this.config); SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor stateManagerAdaptor = new SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor(stateManager, 5000); PhysicalPlans.PhysicalPlan physicalPlan = stateManagerAdaptor.getPhysicalPlan(this.topologyName); And then the exceptiion:

How to deploy a Twitter Heron on Windows OS?

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-02 18:50:12
问题 I can deploy a Twitter heron cluster on Liunx OS, but I don't know whether heron can be deployed on Window OS or not? What's more, If I want to running a Heron project using IntelliJ IDEA, should I install the IntelliJ IDEA on Liunx OS(not windows OS?). Any suggestions would be appreciated. 回答1: We don't support officially Windows yet for Heron. You can install the cluster in Linux and submit the topologies from Windows. If you find any issues, let us know - happy to resolve it. 来源: https:/