
[英语] 何凯文考研英语第271句

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-04 18:05:00
原文:   When we were very young and vulnerable, parents hold our hands tightly to prevent us from falling, comfort us out of fear in darkness and tell us stories to give us wisdom.   As we mature into adulthood, we begin to have duties and stresses on our shoulders. And this is the very time that we think of the question of how our parents have felt and how they have strived to do their best.   And yet whenever we look into their eyes, we are always greeted with tender smiles and warm encouragement, giving us little clue of the hard struggles they may be in.   But despite of the strong mind and

[英语] 何凯文考研英语第270句

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-04 15:20:35
原文:   Managers don’t need an academic study to recognize that launches take a toll on many parts of a company, from design and development to manufacturing and marketing. Firms that launch many new products incur high costs, which may hurt stock returns. 词汇突破:   launch 新品发布        incur 导致     hurt stock returns 损害股票收益    manufacture 制造   marketing 市场营销 听写: 新品发布          市场营销         制造          导致 损害股票权益 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zf007/p/11871352.html

[英语] 何凯文每日英语第267句

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-04 15:18:16
1、When strange or different elements come together, we will have fresh perspectives and divergent ways of thinking. 2、They inevitably give birth to inventiveness. 3.Cultural diversity has always been one of the most charming qualities of great cities, making it possible for people with different backgrounds to live side by side and to absorb the best of others. 4、It is striking that many of the social, economic and cultural breakthroughs that shape our life have emerged not from the mainstream elites but from the restless marginal groups. 5、They expose themselves frequently to diversified


泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-03 14:59:51
✅一、英语 网课推荐 ❤️1️⃣词汇:朱伟《恋练有词》对于英语来说单词是最基础的,也是最重要的,所以背单词一定要尽早提上日程! ❤️2️⃣阅读:唐迟老师,他的课程主要教大家分析题目的方法,理解文章的逻辑关系,找关键句,有讲很多解题技巧和长难句分析。 ❤️3️⃣新题型和完型:王晟,完型部分相对比较不容易得分,他的课会讲这两个部分的套路,和一些解题技巧。 ❤️4️⃣作文:王江涛,这个老师的课程比较适合基础比较差的同学,他的课程需要背诵的内容比较多,但是对提升基础有很大的作用。 ❤️5️⃣语法:田静和刘晓燕,田静老师的课程由浅入深。这两位老师的课都内容细致也容易理解,适合基础不太好的同学。 ❤️6️⃣长难句:田静和何凯文,田静老师参考上一条;何凯文老师比较适合基础比较好的同学,他讲的句子都比较高级。 ❤️7️⃣翻译:唐静,课程里很多干货,推荐《拆分与组合分析法》,不过官网要到六月才更新,大家可以先看看19年的。 ❤️8️⃣真题:张剑,黄皮书。主要讲文章结构和解题思路,偏向于教大家搞清楚每个句子之间的关系和文章意思的理解。 作者:考研冲鸭 链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/329640243/answer/856839923 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 来源: https://www.cnblogs