
Yeoman generator-angular : 'task wiredep' is not in gulpfile & $.useref.restore is not a function

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-10 15:41:48
问题 I've just started using Yeoman to scaffold a new Angular app. I followed the installation guide at generator-angular but chose to use gulp instead of grunt for the task runner. After installation I received error : task 'wiredep' is not in you gulpfile . I tried running the build using gulp and received error : TypeError: $.useref.restore is not a function If I run gulp serve , the resulting page does not wire dependencies. Is there a fix to the errors above? I noticed that Yeoman uses grunt,

Gulp throwing error: File not found with singular glob

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-06 17:12:15
问题 After renaming my file I am getting the following error when running the gulp build task: Error: Error: File not found with singular glob: F:\Projects\xyz\HTML\app\css\main.css at DestroyableTransform.<anonymous> (F:\Projects\xyz\HTML\node_modules\gulp-useref\lib\streamManager.js:90:36) main.css file no longer exists as I changed it to style.css but for some reason it is searching for the old file. 回答1: As it turns out I missed changing file name in HTML file as it was calling main.css

Gulp throwing error: File not found with singular glob

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-05 00:22:06
After renaming my file I am getting the following error when running the gulp build task: Error: Error: File not found with singular glob: F:\Projects\xyz\HTML\app\css\main.css at DestroyableTransform.<anonymous> (F:\Projects\xyz\HTML\node_modules\gulp-useref\lib\streamManager.js:90:36) main.css file no longer exists as I changed it to style.css but for some reason it is searching for the old file. As it turns out I missed changing file name in HTML file as it was calling main.css instead of style.css. <!--build:css css/main.min.css --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css"> <!-- endbuild