
Test Automation for Internet Explorer

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-02-23 09:58:17
问题 Is there any tools for GUI Test Automation for Internet Explorer? I already use Selenium for Mozilla Firefox, but I also need a tool for IE. 回答1: * UPDATE * Selenium Web Driver is the successor to Selenium RC. So the answer is still to use Selenium in some form. That could be any of the supported frameworks. Personally I'd use Protractor (useful for more than just Angular apps) or Leadfoot (from the project). * ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION * If you're already using Selenium, I'd use

How to record test cases with robotframework?

不羁的心 提交于 2020-01-14 02:47:11
问题 I recently started using robotframework with the Selenium2Library . I haven't tested using Selenium before, but I know it is possible to record tests using Selenium . In RobotFramework , it says, "it is not possible" . I mean even for a simple login test, I need to write the test , specifying the id of username, password and submit button. However, is there any way by which these tests can be recorded using robotframework ? such as clicking on a text box, entering a string and then clicking

how to make gui test without displaying in FEST-SWING

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-01-13 08:07:29
问题 In my project, we are using FEST for GUI testing. We have been persuaded that FEST is powerful, however displaying frames every time is a waste of time. Also we are using continuum and FEST doesn't work with continuum because continuum's maven can't open the GUI (by the way we use maven too and our tests pass in maven on our local machine). How can I solve this problem? If it is not possible, please inform me. 回答1: FEST by design displays the UI. If you don't want the tests to block your

how to make gui test without displaying in FEST-SWING

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-01-13 08:04:08
问题 In my project, we are using FEST for GUI testing. We have been persuaded that FEST is powerful, however displaying frames every time is a waste of time. Also we are using continuum and FEST doesn't work with continuum because continuum's maven can't open the GUI (by the way we use maven too and our tests pass in maven on our local machine). How can I solve this problem? If it is not possible, please inform me. 回答1: FEST by design displays the UI. If you don't want the tests to block your

Spring Boot GUI Testing Selenium WebDriver

谁都会走 提交于 2020-01-04 06:56:34
问题 I developped a Spring Boot / Angular JS app. Now I'm trying to implement some GUI interface tests. I tryed to use the Selenium ChromeDriver, so I added the Selenium dependency : <dependency> <groupId>org.seleniumhq.selenium</groupId> <artifactId>selenium-java</artifactId> <version>3.4.0</version> </dependency> And I created my first test : @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = MyMainClass.class) public class SeleniumTest { private WebDriver driver;

FEST-swing example doesn't work, frame.isShowing() return false

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2020-01-02 09:28:08
问题 Try to use the FEST-Swing for Swing GUI testing, and using example from Unfortunately the frame.isShowing() always return false though I already see the JavaApp Swing is running See my codes ... ApplicationLauncher.application(JavaApp.class).start(); GenericTypeMatcher<Frame> matcher = new GenericTypeMatcher<Frame>(Frame.class) { protected boolean isMatching(Frame frame) { System.out.println("title:" + frame.getTitle() +

why do i get kicked out of a logged in web session?

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-24 19:32:51
问题 so i still have the same problem, but this time, my code is not the problem, at least i think so My Code: import * as LogConst from 'C:\\Users\\Kristi\\Desktop\\BATests\\tests\\cypress\\fixtures\\Login_Data.json' describe('all testcases hopefully', function () { before(function () { cy.clearLocalStorage(); cy.clearCookies(); }); it('loading', function () { cy.visit('https://' + + ':' + LogConst.server.password + ''); cy.request({ method: 'POST',

Tcl/Tk - automating GUI testing

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-22 01:30:55
问题 I want to automate the testing of my GUI. I went through the following post but if someone can post a sample test code for the following example it would be much easier for me to understand. The following is my simple Hello World code. namespace eval Gui { } proc Gui::hello {} { toplevel .hello wm title .hello "Hello" wm resizable .hello 0 0 ;# not resizable # create a frame to hold the check widgets set f [frame .hello.boolean -borderwidth 10] pack $f -side top # OK and Cancel buttons button

Automatically generate IDs on SWT-Widgets

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-19 21:23:22
问题 Is there a way to automatically generate IDs on SWT-Widgets so UI-Tests can reference them? I know i can manually set an id using seData but I want to implement this feature for an existing application in a somewhat generic fashion. 回答1: You can recursively assign IDs for all your shells in your application using Display.getCurrent().getShells(); and Widget.setData(); . Setting the IDs Shell []shells = Display.getCurrent().getShells(); for(Shell obj : shells) { setIds(obj); } You have access