
I am doing unit testing using gtest and gmock frameworks and I need help in stubbing/mocking a external C functions used inside class functions

三世轮回 提交于 2021-01-21 10:21:44
问题 So I am trying to write test cases for my production code but the coverage is drastically low due to the usage of some external C library which cannot be executed without target hardware, So I have no choice but to stub the same. Now the problem is how to stub a C function ? My production code : prod_code.cpp int TargetTestClass::targetFunc() { if(externalCFunc() == True) { statement1; statement2; statement3; /// and so on } } My testcode.cpp generally contains tests like this //Fixture for

with Googletest i am not able to mock system function

别来无恙 提交于 2021-01-07 10:42:32
问题 I am trying to mock the system fun ioctl and socket but it is always calling the original definition of system function. Here is the gtest code i have written using gmock. Please go through the code and help me find what is wrong. Is there a way to mock the system functions using gmock in unit testing. If any please provide me with an example code that mocks system function. In the test.hpp file class SystemFun { public: virtual ~SystemFun() {} virtual int ioctl(int inetSocket, int counters,

with Googletest i am not able to mock system function

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2021-01-07 10:41:42
问题 I am trying to mock the system fun ioctl and socket but it is always calling the original definition of system function. Here is the gtest code i have written using gmock. Please go through the code and help me find what is wrong. Is there a way to mock the system functions using gmock in unit testing. If any please provide me with an example code that mocks system function. In the test.hpp file class SystemFun { public: virtual ~SystemFun() {} virtual int ioctl(int inetSocket, int counters,

How to Mock the return object

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-01-07 03:11:23
问题 I try to mock a User class and its nested struct UserBuilder: class User { public: virtual int loadData(const std::string& filename); virtual UserBuilder getUserBuilder(const std::string& functionName) const; struct UserBuilder { UserBuilder(std::string functionName) : m_functionName{functionName} {}; virtual ~UserBuilder(); virtual UserBuilder& fun1(); virtual UserBuilder& fun2(int32_t num); virtual bool callFunction(); private: std::string m_functionName{}; }; } This is the mock class for

How to Mock the return object

99封情书 提交于 2021-01-07 03:09:07
问题 I try to mock a User class and its nested struct UserBuilder: class User { public: virtual int loadData(const std::string& filename); virtual UserBuilder getUserBuilder(const std::string& functionName) const; struct UserBuilder { UserBuilder(std::string functionName) : m_functionName{functionName} {}; virtual ~UserBuilder(); virtual UserBuilder& fun1(); virtual UserBuilder& fun2(int32_t num); virtual bool callFunction(); private: std::string m_functionName{}; }; } This is the mock class for

How to Mock the return object

余生颓废 提交于 2021-01-07 03:08:57
问题 I try to mock a User class and its nested struct UserBuilder: class User { public: virtual int loadData(const std::string& filename); virtual UserBuilder getUserBuilder(const std::string& functionName) const; struct UserBuilder { UserBuilder(std::string functionName) : m_functionName{functionName} {}; virtual ~UserBuilder(); virtual UserBuilder& fun1(); virtual UserBuilder& fun2(int32_t num); virtual bool callFunction(); private: std::string m_functionName{}; }; } This is the mock class for


点点圈 提交于 2020-12-30 16:52:53
C++一直被称作永不过时的开发语言,比如游戏、服务器、人工智能等领域都必须用到C++! 虽然网上有很多教程和资料,但仍有很多人说C++难学,究其原因是没有找到正确的学习方法! GoogleTest框架一直广泛应用于C/C++项目测试 ,是一个非常重要的测试软件。 它的开发过程几乎覆盖C++核心知识和C++项目开发经常遇到的问题,是新手锻炼C++开发能力最好的项目之一! 因此,今天就给大家分享1个《C++难点突破训练营》! 这个训练营,老师会带你使用C++实现快速排序算法,深刻理解C++编程思想。 而且会重点带你经历,从GoogleTest实现原理到构建项目的全流程,让你能够从0到1独立开发一个C++项目,快速提升项目能力! 特训营老师胡船长是我一直非常敬重的大神,他早在10年前就获得了ACM亚洲区金牌,并2次晋级全球总决赛。 此后任职百度知识图谱部,推动开发百度NLP推理引擎开发。 他也会从自己在百度多年的面试角度出发,讲解大厂面试的核心关键点,教你如何准备大厂面试,拿下高薪offer! 特训营原价 599 元,靠着关系搞到 100 个免费名额, 0 元即可入学!只要你是统招本科及以上学历,就可以抢占! 长按3秒 即可扫码 你现在长按识别上方二维码或点击阅读原文,即可直接抢占 0 元免费名额。 来源: oschina 链接:

Installing gtest with conan

一世执手 提交于 2020-12-13 03:54:48
问题 I am about to change to conan, in the hope that is will simplify installing my package by my users. It was OK, until I started to add gtest to my package. During install, I receive messages gtest/1.8.1@bincrafters/stable: Package installed conanfile.txt imports(): Copied 4 '.a' files: libgmockd.a, libgtestd.a, libgmock_maind.a, libgtest_maind.a However, during build I receive: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgmock_maind /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgmockd /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgtestd My

CLion 使用googleTest demo

房东的猫 提交于 2020-12-06 19:47:28
CLion 使用googleTest demo 1. 基本步骤 创建C/C++项目 将googleTest克隆下来 git clone 将整个googleTest复制到项目里 配置CMakeLists.txt,下面是示范 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9) project(GTest) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) set(googleTestDir ./googletest) #Add the google test subdirectory add_subdirectory(${googleTestDir}) #include googletest/include dir include_directories(${googleTestDir}/googletest/include) #include the googlemock/include dir include_directories(${googleTestDir}/googlemock/include) set(SOURCE_FILE src/add.cpp test/addTest.cpp src/add.h ) add_executable(GTest ${SOURCE

Googletest: How to run tests asynchronously?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-12-05 10:22:31
问题 Given a large project with thousands of tests, some of which take multiple minutes to complete. When executed sequentially, the whole set of test takes more than an hour to finish. The testing time could be reduced by executing tests in parallel. As far as I know there are no means to do that directly from googletest/mock, like a --async option. Or am I wrong? One solution is to determine the tests which can run in parallel and write a script that starts each in a separate job, i.e. ./test -