
Google API Service Account. Can only see service accounts drive even with Domain Wide Delegation Access

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-07-10 03:15:39
问题 I'm currently using a Google Service Account that has domain wide delegation enabled ( I followed this link, and this link, and has " scope enabled. I have downloaded the json credentials for the service account and placed them in the same directory as my python script. The problem is when I impersonate another user

Missing photos in Google Admin Directory Users response

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-06-17 04:59:12
问题 I'm using the Google Admin Directory Users endpoint to retrieve all the users in our company's domain. The request is working as expected and I'm receiving the full list of users. But a large number of users are missing photos. The thumbnailPhotoUrl property is present on each user entry, but following the URL leads to which is the default avatar, for a large number of our users. However: If I go into Inbox and send one of the users

Parameter applicationName must conform to the pattern (Google Report API)

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2020-05-31 16:39:58
问题 I neet to get the google hangouts meet data by java code and I am trying the google report api the following is my code String userKey = "all"; String applicationName = "meet"; String eventName = "call_ended"; Activities result = service.activities().list(userKey, applicationName).setEventName(eventName).setMaxResults(10).execute(); and the response is Parameter applicationName must conform to the pattern (admin)|(calendar)|(drive)|(login)|(token) the api I am trying is this, i can get the

Is it possible to call APIs from service account without acting on behalf of a user in domain-wide delegation?

我的梦境 提交于 2020-05-11 11:58:54
问题 My Python script retrieves infos about users and groups from a G Suite (testing, for now, with the 14 days free account). I'm using domain-wide delegation and OAuth 2.0 for server to server applications because I don't want to display a pop window where users from hosted domains would allow me to see their groups and users. These are the steps I followed in order to get users and groups: create and download all the necessary credentials, such as Client ID; from my G Suite admin console, allow

Is it possible to call APIs from service account without acting on behalf of a user in domain-wide delegation?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-05-11 11:54:19
问题 My Python script retrieves infos about users and groups from a G Suite (testing, for now, with the 14 days free account). I'm using domain-wide delegation and OAuth 2.0 for server to server applications because I don't want to display a pop window where users from hosted domains would allow me to see their groups and users. These are the steps I followed in order to get users and groups: create and download all the necessary credentials, such as Client ID; from my G Suite admin console, allow

Google API: How to increase access token expiration date?

蓝咒 提交于 2020-04-30 16:34:31
问题 Google API expiration date is 1 hour, the problem is that I'm using the API in order allow users to use admin SDK features (List groups, add members to a group etc.) No one can do any of that in one hour, that would require users to login to their accounts multiple times per day to manage their groups. A 1 hour expiration date is good if you just want to use Google to authenticate users. How to increase that or is there any work around? Am I missing something? 回答1: Due to security reasons,