
GitHub API - how to move an issue to a project?

别来无恙 提交于 2021-02-19 04:32:42
问题 There are several ways to move a Github issue to a Project board through the GitHub user interface, but there doesn't seem to be any way to do this via the API (either v3 or v4). Is this missing functionality? 回答1: You can: create a project card: POST /projects/columns/:column_id/cards move a project card: POST /projects/columns/cards/:card_id/moves That is: The first one allows you to associate an issue to a project card, content_id : The issue or pull request id you want to associate with


好久不见. 提交于 2021-02-19 02:50:10
对于CA机构颁发的证书Okhttp默认支持 可以直接访问 但是对于 自定义 的证书就不可以了(如:https : // ), 需要加入Trust 下面分两部分来写,一是信任所有证书,二是信任指定证书,访问自签名的网站 一、信任所有证书 1. 在你的module 下 build.gradule里添加 dependencies { 、、、 compile 'com.zhy:okhttputils:2.6.2' 、、、} 2.新建MyApplication public class MyApplication extends Application { @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); // 这就是信任所有证书 HttpsUtils.SSLParams sslParams = HttpsUtils.getSslSocketFactory(null,null, null); OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder() .connectTimeout(10000L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .readTimeout(10000L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

How can I use GitHub's online compare view to show the difference of “just the file contents” of two branches?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2021-02-19 02:41:49
问题 I want to compare "just the file contents" of two branches of a GitHub repository. When I use the default compare view for a pull request for example, it does still show me some diffs, even though the files are identical. You can reproduce the situation like this: Create new repository on GitHub with a file README . Add text to README and push the commit to a new branch duplicate . Add the same text to README of the master branch. Both README files from both branches now have identical

is it possible to get info about which ip or computer, from git commit history or information

99封情书 提交于 2021-02-19 02:32:03
问题 Just out of curiosity, is there a way to get which IP the commit came from, or what MAC address this commit is from? For example, if I clone a repo from GitHub and I check the Git history to find out all information about this commit. 回答1: No. This information is typically collected on the server side, because it has a listener (ssh or https) which can put them in a log. That is typically what does gitolite (an authorization layer) in its log file But one the client side, there is no listener

is it possible to get info about which ip or computer, from git commit history or information

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2021-02-19 02:31:46
问题 Just out of curiosity, is there a way to get which IP the commit came from, or what MAC address this commit is from? For example, if I clone a repo from GitHub and I check the Git history to find out all information about this commit. 回答1: No. This information is typically collected on the server side, because it has a listener (ssh or https) which can put them in a log. That is typically what does gitolite (an authorization layer) in its log file But one the client side, there is no listener

GitHub - Repository state at specified time

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2021-02-19 01:16:17
问题 I am beginner in using git versioning tool. I would like to download repository state (files) at specified time (e.g. on 5.10.2013). How can I do that ? 回答1: Click "Commits" and look for a commit that was on that date. Now clone the repository to your computer and check out that commit. 回答2: As of May 2019 (not sure when this was introduced), you can simply add the date in the following format - HEAD@{2019-04-29} - in the place of the URL where the commit would usually belong. Example: Here

GitHub - Repository state at specified time

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-02-19 01:15:59
问题 I am beginner in using git versioning tool. I would like to download repository state (files) at specified time (e.g. on 5.10.2013). How can I do that ? 回答1: Click "Commits" and look for a commit that was on that date. Now clone the repository to your computer and check out that commit. 回答2: As of May 2019 (not sure when this was introduced), you can simply add the date in the following format - HEAD@{2019-04-29} - in the place of the URL where the commit would usually belong. Example: Here

Git add through python subprocess

99封情书 提交于 2021-02-19 01:06:52
问题 I am trying to run git commands through python subprocess. I do this by calling the git.exe in the cmd directory of github. I managed to get most commands working (init, remote, status) but i get an error when calling git add. This is my code so far: import subprocess gitPath = 'C:/path/to/git/cmd.exe' repoPath = 'C:/path/to/my/repo' repoUrl = ''; #list to set directory and working tree dirList = ['--git-dir='+repoPath+'/.git','--work-tree='+repoPath] #init


断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-02-18 21:22:09
git提供了查看、添加、提交、删除、找回,重置修改文件的功能 一、常见的命令 git help <command> # 显示command的help git show # 显示某次提交的内容 git show $id git co -- <file> # 抛弃工作区修改 git co . # 抛弃工作区修改 git add <file> # 将工作文件修改提交到本地暂存区 git add . # 将所有修改过的工作文件提交暂存区 git rm <file> # 从版本库中删除文件 git rm <file> --cached # 从版本库中删除文件,但不删除文件 git reset <file> # 从暂存区恢复到工作文件 git reset -- . # 从暂存区恢复到工作文件 git reset --hard # 恢复最近一次提交过的状态,即放弃上次提交后的所有本次修改 git ci <file> git ci . git ci -a # 将git add, git rm和git ci等操作都合并在一起做 git ci -am "some comments" git ci --amend # 修改最后一次提交记录 git revert <$id> # 恢复某次提交的状态,恢复动作本身也创建次提交对象 git revert HEAD # 恢复最后一次提交的状态 二

How to test with different versions of PHP in a GitHub Action

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-02-18 21:12:58
问题 I have some PHP code with tests which run using PHPUnit and wanted to test it on GitHub Actions . I could not find a method in their documentation for testing PHP packages. I want to test using different versions of PHP, but they only have the latest one 7.3 installed. 回答1: You can add this setup-php action in your workflow. If not present, it installs the PHP version(s) you specify with required extensions and various tools like composer. It supports all the virtual environments supported by