
freeswitch bypass 媒体数据

二次信任 提交于 2020-03-22 18:12:11
3 月,跳不动了?>>> 1 conf\sip_profiles\internal.xml 在 sip_profile 中设置proxy media 模式 其他模式注释掉, <param name="inbound-bypass-media" value="true"/> 2 在Dailplan中 , 在打电话bridge 之前 Dailplan中的default.xml的 local-extension 中设置bypass-media=true <param name="set" value=" proxy_media= true"/> 来源: oschina 链接:

Linux-SIPp3.6.0 测试FreeSwitch

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-02-24 23:15:17
前言 近期因业务需要,要针对FreeSwitch进行性能测试,花了些时间了解,并实施了对应的性能测试; 整理了下学习及实施过程中遇到的一些问题及解决方法,并分享给大家。(学习过程中,发现挺多人遇到问题或暂无头绪) 主要章节: 1、SIPP概述&参考资料 2、SIPP下载安装 3、UAC 4、UAS 5、UAC+UAS 6、注意事项 7、错误记录 一、SIPP概述 SIPp是一个测试SIP协议性能的工具软件。这是一个GPL的开放源码软件。 它包含了一些基本的SipStone用户代理工作流程(UAC和UAS),并可使用INVITE和BYE建立和释放多个呼叫。它也可以读XML的场景文件,即描述任何性能测试的配置文件。它能动态显示测试运行的统计数据(呼叫速率、信号来回的延迟,以及 消息统计)。周期性地把CSV统计数据转储,在多个套接字上的TCP和UDP,利用重新传输管理的多路复用。在场景定义文件中可以使用正规表达式,动态调整呼叫速率。 SIPp可以用来测试许多真实的SIP设备,如SIP代理,B2BUAs,SIP媒体服务器,SIP/x网关,SIP PBX,等等,它也可以模仿上千个SIP代理呼叫你的SIP系统。 SIPp的网址:[link],这里可以下载最新版的SIPp软件,并且有英文资料可供查阅。 SIP协议采用Client


本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-02-17 10:58:48
前言 freeswitch是基于ip网络的软电话交换机,协议采用sip。 安装 1.下载 找到freeswitch-1.6.2.tar.gz下载好。 2.安装依赖库 yum update update -y yum groupinstall "开发工具" -y yum install zlib-de* libjpeg-de* sqlite* epel-re* libcurl* pcre-de* speex* libldns* libedit* openssl* lua* libsndfile* yasm* -y  3.解压freeswitch-1.6.2.tar.gz tar xvf freeswitch-1.6.2.tar.gz cd freeswitch-1.6.2 4.打开modules.conf 注释掉这些模块 mod_enum mod_fsv mod_opus mod_sndfile mod_vpx ,当然如果你需要这些模块,需下载对应版本的库,手动编译安装. 5.编译三步骤 ./configure make make install   6.这样就安装完了,测试 进入 cd /usr/local/freeswitch/bin 运行./freeswitch


不羁岁月 提交于 2020-01-21 15:56:59
1、查看当前已注册用户 sofia status profile internal sofia status profile internal reg sofia status profile internal reg 1005 2、在系统中用软电话拨打另一用户 originate user/1000 9999 originate user/1000 9999 XML default 3、查看网关注册状态 sofia status 4、通过freeswitch直接外呼电话 originate sofia/gateway/gw1/xxxxxx &echo 5、FreeSWITCH 启动到后台的参数: freeswitch -nc 6、FreeSWITCH在启动时默认会启用uPnP6、FreeSWITCH在启动时默认会启用uPnP(或NAT-PMP)如果你的路由器不支持该协议,这一步可能耗时较长,因而会影响启动速度。所以,如果你只是在内网测试并且像作者一样一天启动很多次的话,建议关掉这个选项。关于NAT的内容我们会在后面讲到 freeswitch –nonat 上面两个参数也可以组合来用:freeswitch –nc -nonat 7、看进程是否存在。 1)如果进程已经启动,下列命令能列出所有与FreeSWITCH相关的进程: ps aux | grep freeswitch 2

What is the difference between built-in (or embedded) languages in FreeSWITCH and scripts using the Event Socket Library (ESL)?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-01-16 08:15:07
问题 Many languages are embedded into FreeSWITCH (such as JavaScript, see the docs), made possible by SWIG "to make the core FreeSWITCH library accessible to scripting". Languages can also use the Event Socket Library for the same purpose, so what is the difference? 回答1: As the FreeSWITCH 1.2 book points out, they are indeed not the same: ESL scripts versus built-in languages Keep in mind that ESL-based programs are not the same as using built-in languages. The FreeSWITCH event socket is a TCP


徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-01-10 16:26:46
1. clone配置文件到本地服务器 git clone 相关Dockerfile如下: # Jenkins. FROM ubuntu:16.04 MAINTAINER Thomas Quintana <> # Enable the Ubuntu multiverse repository. RUN echo "deb trusty multiverse" >> /etc/apt/source.list RUN echo "deb-src trusty multiverse">> /etc/apt/source.list RUN echo "deb trusty-updates multiverse" >> /etc/apt/source.list RUN echo "deb-src trusty-updates multiverse"

Voicemail detection on FreeSWITCH

拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-01-05 07:04:12
问题 I am working on a predictive dialer-like application in which I should detect whether the call was picked up by a voicemail or not. I am using the follwing: Server: I am using FreeSWITCH v1.6.11. I built and configured AVMD module. Client: I am using sipml5 connected to Freeswitch via WSS. The idea is when Freeswitch detects a beep sound, it will fire an event called AVMD_EVENT_BEEP. In the following log, I am using a telnet client connected to FreeSWITCH socket. I subscribed to the event via

Inconsistent systemd startup of freeswitch

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-01-03 01:52:32
问题 I have two problems running freeswitch from systemd : EDIT 2 - I have moved the slow start up question to here (Freeswitch pauses on check_ip at boot on centos 7.1) as although they may be related it's probably good as a standalone. EDIT - I have noticed something else. Look at these next lines captured from the terminal output when running it from there. The gap is 4 minutes but it has been around 10 minutes before. I noticed it because I was trying to find out why port 8021 was taking

Inconsistent systemd startup of freeswitch

橙三吉。 提交于 2020-01-03 01:52:09
问题 I have two problems running freeswitch from systemd : EDIT 2 - I have moved the slow start up question to here (Freeswitch pauses on check_ip at boot on centos 7.1) as although they may be related it's probably good as a standalone. EDIT - I have noticed something else. Look at these next lines captured from the terminal output when running it from there. The gap is 4 minutes but it has been around 10 minutes before. I noticed it because I was trying to find out why port 8021 was taking

Are there parallels to Asterisk AMI and AGI in FreeSWITCH?

旧街凉风 提交于 2020-01-01 09:43:13
问题 Asterisk has Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) and Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI), using which one can trigger PHP scripts at certain events from Asterisk. Using the same PHP scripts can also instruct Asterisk what to do next to a call/conference. Are there parallels to AMI and AGI in FreeSWITCH? 回答1: These are good questions. I just wanted to add a few things to what @dkwiebe said (which is correct, BTW). The AMI equivalent in FreeSWITCH is the event socket. (Technically it's not the "Event