
Why is this code skipping the first character and printing a special character at the end of the file

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-07-10 10:29:29
问题 ch = getc(lname); while (ch != EOF) { ch = getc(lname); if (ch == '\n') temp++; //except the line to be deleted if (temp != delete_line) { //copy all lines in file replica.c putc(ch, rep); } } I have a file in which I have the following data Aryan Verma Vinayak Sharma Dev Deol Ameesh Deol the above code basically skips the line of data that I want to by putting the line value in delete_line. Here, temp is initiated to be 1. Now the problem is, this code is skipping the first char, i.e. "A" in

Python: Trying to check if file exists and if not create new files and final output list

自作多情 提交于 2020-05-16 22:01:15
问题 I have 2 input files that I want to modify and create new files if log file doesnt exist . All_files_with_path = ['/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/Name_xxx.yyy.ddd_Foo.input1', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/Randomletters.Name_xxx.yyy.ddd_Foo.input2.ext', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/', '/path/to/some/file/Test

Python: Trying to check if file exists and if not create new files and final output list

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2020-05-16 22:00:44
问题 I have 2 input files that I want to modify and create new files if log file doesnt exist . All_files_with_path = ['/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/Name_xxx.yyy.ddd_Foo.input1', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/Randomletters.Name_xxx.yyy.ddd_Foo.input2.ext', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/', '/path/to/some/file/Test

Python: Trying to check if file exists and if not create new files and final output list

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-05-16 22:00:10
问题 I have 2 input files that I want to modify and create new files if log file doesnt exist . All_files_with_path = ['/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/Name_xxx.yyy.ddd_Foo.input1', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/Randomletters.Name_xxx.yyy.ddd_Foo.input2.ext', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/', '/path/to/some/file/Test

When does ref($variable) return 'IO'?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-01-30 05:16:20
问题 Here's the relevant excerpt from the documentation of the ref function: The value returned depends on the type of thing the reference is a reference to. Builtin types include: SCALAR ARRAY HASH CODE REF GLOB LVALUE FORMAT IO VSTRING Regexp Based on this, I imagined that calling ref on a filehandle would return 'IO' . Surprisingly, it doesn't: use strict; use warnings; open my $fileHandle, '<', 'aValidFile'; close $fileHandle; print ref $fileHandle; # prints 'GLOB', not 'IO' perlref tries to

How do I add lines to the top and bottom of a file in Perl?

a 夏天 提交于 2020-01-21 05:42:28
问题 I want to add a line to top and bottom of the file. I can do it following way. open (DATA, "</usr/old") || die "cant open old\n"; #file to which line has to be added my @body=<DATA>; close(DATA); open (FILE, ">/usr/new") || die "cant open new\n"; #file after stuff has been added print FILE "9 431"; print FILE "\n"; my $body=@body; for (my $i=0; $i<$body;$i++){ print FILE "$body[$i]";#not using for loop leads to addition of spaces in new file } print FILE "(3,((((1,4),(7,6)),(2,8)),5),9)";

How do I get a filehandle from the command line?

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-01-04 01:38:11
问题 I have a subroutine that takes a filehandle as an argument. How do I make a filehandle from a file path specified on the command line? I don't want to do any processing of this file myself, I just want to pass it off to this other subroutine, which returns an array of hashes with all the parsed data from the file. Here's what the command line input I'm using looks like: $ ./ /path/to/some/file.csv Here's what the beginning of the subroutine I'm calling looks like: sub parse { my

How do I get a filehandle from the command line?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-01-04 01:38:08
问题 I have a subroutine that takes a filehandle as an argument. How do I make a filehandle from a file path specified on the command line? I don't want to do any processing of this file myself, I just want to pass it off to this other subroutine, which returns an array of hashes with all the parsed data from the file. Here's what the command line input I'm using looks like: $ ./ /path/to/some/file.csv Here's what the beginning of the subroutine I'm calling looks like: sub parse { my

hang on NtQuerySystemInformation in WinXPx32 but works fine in Win7x64

Deadly 提交于 2020-01-03 02:04:32
问题 I have a class that will let me close process handles in a given process. I have the fundamentals down, and it works flawlessly in Win7 x64, but when I run it in WinXP x86, it hangs and I can't understand why. I feel like I am missing something fairly obvious, here. public static List<handleFinder.SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION> GetHandles(Process process = null, string IN_strObjectTypeName = null, string IN_strObjectName = null) { int nLength = 0; int nHandleInfoSize = 0x10000; IntPtr ipHandle =

Allow line editing when reading input from the command line

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-01-02 09:10:37
问题 I already know how to get the input from user keyboard. I can use the readLine() method or let input = FileHandle.standardInput let inputData = input.availableData var text = String(data: inputData, encoding: .utf8) But the two methods get also when the user press an arrow key button. I would like to filter the input in order to remove these data. I want that the user can write something, maybe go back with the left arrow key, change something and insert the data without problem. Thanks! 回答1: