
STM32 : FatFs Library - f_mount

久未见 提交于 2020-01-06 19:29:34
问题 I am programming the STM32F0 (Keil uVision 5). I've tried to use FatFs library to manage a file system (SD card). I've writen every initialization functions and the project is compiling without any errors / warnings. But first function f_mount doesn't work properly. The function call is: const char sciezka = '0' ; FATFS *fs = (void *) 0; fresult= f_mount (fs, &sciezka, 1); Function doesn't even reach the line with disk_initialize. And I get fresult "FR_NOT_ENABLED" (f_mount -> find_volume : :

FATFS returns FR_DISK_ERR the second time I use an identical line of code

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-25 03:33:23
问题 I am using FATFS to write data to an SD card. It partially works and I am able to write EEPROM data to the SD card. But when I use a different function later on in the code it returns 'FR_DISK_ERR' even though I'm using the same line of code. The first time I try to write to the SD card is as follows (At this point I have already initialized the SD card and made the file, that is not the issue): //write EEPROM to EEPROM file fr = f_open(&File, file_name, FA_OPEN_APPEND | FA_WRITE); if (fr ==