
__call__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'send' FastAPI on App Engine

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-01-27 13:02:30
问题 When trying to host an API on App Engine, the following error keeps coming up. The program used to run on Flask which was working but very slow. Error: "Traceback (most recent call last): File "/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gunicorn/workers/", line 134, in handle self.handle_request(listener, req, client, addr) File "/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gunicorn/workers/", line 175, in handle_request respiter = self.wsgi(environ, resp.start_response) TypeError: __call__() missing

How to parallelize the for loop inside a async function and track for loop execution status?

荒凉一梦 提交于 2021-01-20 20:13:30
问题 Recently, I have asked a question regarding how to track the progress of a for loop inside a API deployed. Here's the link. The solution code that worked for me is, from fastapi import FastAPI, UploadFile from typing import List import asyncio import uuid context = {'jobs': {}} app = FastAPI() async def do_work(job_key, files=None): iter_over = files if files else range(100) for file, file_number in enumerate(iter_over): jobs = context['jobs'] job_info = jobs[job_key] job_info['iteration'] =

How to parallelize the for loop inside a async function and track for loop execution status?

余生颓废 提交于 2021-01-20 20:12:47
问题 Recently, I have asked a question regarding how to track the progress of a for loop inside a API deployed. Here's the link. The solution code that worked for me is, from fastapi import FastAPI, UploadFile from typing import List import asyncio import uuid context = {'jobs': {}} app = FastAPI() async def do_work(job_key, files=None): iter_over = files if files else range(100) for file, file_number in enumerate(iter_over): jobs = context['jobs'] job_info = jobs[job_key] job_info['iteration'] =

「开发者投稿」使用 Authing 对 SPA 应用进行身份认证实践

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2021-01-12 23:31:37
作者段清华,「最懂金融的 AI 工程师,微软 AI 领域最有价值专家(MVP),谷歌开发者专家(GDE),希望加速人类的生产力,让智能比电力与宽带更普及。」 为什么需要云身份验证和单点登录 简单来说是为了降低维护用户注册登录系统、权限、统计等各方面的成本。 应用结构简述 通过 Authing 实现身份验证和单点登录,有很多种方法,这篇文章的例子是根据自身软件架构,实现了其中一种相对简单的方法,并不适用所有情况,Authing 本身还提供了多种的登录解决方案,包括直接嵌入到网站上、APP 上的等等。 前端采用纯 React/React-router/ 开发,没用 Redux/Server Rendering 之类比较复杂的东西,就使用 create-react-app 的最基本方案,没用 TypeScript(因为懒,我有罪)。 后端采用 Python + FastAPI 的简单 API。 登录流程 第一阶段,前端 通过检测本地 localStorage,未发现保存的登录 token 信息时,提示用户需要登录,给出登录链接,用 HTML 的 a 标签直接跳转到 Authing 提供的 SSO 网址上,例如 ,其中 xxxx 是可以用户自定义的。 第二阶段,Authing SSO 网站 完成登录,可以自由配置,例如注册方式

How to do object detection on a video stream coming from a websocket url

柔情痞子 提交于 2021-01-07 04:15:09
问题 I am getting a stream from a source which I made so that it can be accessed at a particular websocket URL (Not sure if this ideal and would appreciate any other architectures as well). I need to now do object detection on this video stream, and thought of the architecture that I will connect to the websocket URL through a client websocket library like websocket in a server which is made through flask or fastapi, and then again stream the object detected video to multiple clients through

How to do object detection on a video stream coming from a websocket url

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2021-01-07 04:13:18
问题 I am getting a stream from a source which I made so that it can be accessed at a particular websocket URL (Not sure if this ideal and would appreciate any other architectures as well). I need to now do object detection on this video stream, and thought of the architecture that I will connect to the websocket URL through a client websocket library like websocket in a server which is made through flask or fastapi, and then again stream the object detected video to multiple clients through

How to do object detection on a video stream coming from a websocket url

北城余情 提交于 2021-01-07 04:12:57
问题 I am getting a stream from a source which I made so that it can be accessed at a particular websocket URL (Not sure if this ideal and would appreciate any other architectures as well). I need to now do object detection on this video stream, and thought of the architecture that I will connect to the websocket URL through a client websocket library like websocket in a server which is made through flask or fastapi, and then again stream the object detected video to multiple clients through

starlette, using a synchronous function inside a web socket

无人久伴 提交于 2021-01-07 03:33:07
问题 I'm trying to build a web socket using starlette which receives a message, runs calculations in a synchronous function and returns a response. @app.websocket("/ws") async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket): await websocket.accept() while True: stock = await websocket.receive_text() stock = stock.upper() data = sentiment_analysis(stock=stock) await websocket.send_json({"score": data}) the sentiment analysis is a synchronous function. so the text is received and the calculations are

Is there a way to deploy a fastapi app on cpanel?

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2021-01-07 01:34:42
问题 I'm having trouble deploying a FastAPI app on cpanel with Passenger 回答1: You might be able to run your FastAPI app using a2wsgi: In your : from a2wsgi import ASGIMiddleware from main import app # Import your FastAPI app. application = ASGIMiddleware(app) 回答2: Applied the python package a2wsgi for resolving the problem but it's not working. 来源:

FastApi pagination error using fastapi-contrib

柔情痞子 提交于 2021-01-04 06:45:48
问题 I'm trying to add pagination to my fastapi project. So I decide to use this: fastapi-contrib I follow the same example there, but for some reason I'm getting this error: type object 'MOrdenesTrabajo' has no attribute 'count' Here is my code, thanks for your help!! route @router.get("/ordenes-trabajo") async def read_ot(pagination: Pagination = Depends(), db: Session =Depends(get_db)): filter_kwargs = {} return await pagination.paginate(serializer_class=OtSerializer.MOrdenesTrabajo, **filter