
ELM get query parameter as string

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-06-28 03:21:37
问题 Based on this post and thanks to the @glennsl iam getting some where. First if someone has a link that i could learn about the parses i will be very glad. page : Url.Url -> String page url = case (Parser.parse (Parser.query (Query.string "name")) url) of Nothing -> "My query string: " ++ (Maybe.withDefault "empty" url.query) Just v -> case v of Just v2 -> "Finnaly a name" Nothing -> "????" As far i can understand the expression Parser.parse (Parser.query (Query.string "name")) url is

ELM QueryString parser dont compile

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-06-23 14:11:47
问题 I am really trying to learn a bit of ELM, but my mind collapse at the query parse, my idea was to create a function to get a query string value by name something like: given an query string ?name=Neuber a function like this getParam "name" that would return Neuber But its failing at most basic example, it doesn't even compile page comes from here routeParser comes from here module Main exposing (..) -- import Url.Parser exposing (Parser, (</>), (<?>), oneOf, s) import Url.Parser.Query

ELM QueryString parser dont compile

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-06-23 14:08:22
问题 I am really trying to learn a bit of ELM, but my mind collapse at the query parse, my idea was to create a function to get a query string value by name something like: given an query string ?name=Neuber a function like this getParam "name" that would return Neuber But its failing at most basic example, it doesn't even compile page comes from here routeParser comes from here module Main exposing (..) -- import Url.Parser exposing (Parser, (</>), (<?>), oneOf, s) import Url.Parser.Query

ELM QueryString parser dont compile

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-06-23 14:07:51
问题 I am really trying to learn a bit of ELM, but my mind collapse at the query parse, my idea was to create a function to get a query string value by name something like: given an query string ?name=Neuber a function like this getParam "name" that would return Neuber But its failing at most basic example, it doesn't even compile page comes from here routeParser comes from here module Main exposing (..) -- import Url.Parser exposing (Parser, (</>), (<?>), oneOf, s) import Url.Parser.Query


隐身守侯 提交于 2020-04-26 16:55:06
你可能不需要单页面应用 一、总结 一句话总结: 单页面应用和传统服务端渲染互有优缺:根据实际需求选择合适的方案:也可以根据需求采用混合式的解决方案 二、你可能不需要单页面应用 转自或参考:你可能不需要单页面应用 - 众成翻译 https://www.zcfy.cc/article/you-probably-don-t-need-a-single-page-application 随着 React、Angular、Vue.js、Elm 等前端框架的迅速崛起,单页面应用在 WEB 中无所不在。对大多数开发者来说,单页应用已经成为他们‘默认’工具集的一部分,在开始一个新的项目时,由于技术选型形成了思维定势,一些开发者往往直接想到:一个提供 REST API 的服务端,和 React、Angular、Vue、Elm 中的一个前端框架。 这些工具有什么问题吗?当然没有,实际上我喜欢用这些工具进行开发,然而我只会在实际需求将我推向那个方向时才会选择这种架构。如果没有明确的原因去开发一个单页面应用,我在本周每一个工作日都会使用传统服务端渲染的架构进行开发,这种架构很简单并且开发起来更快: 无状态请求 传统的 WEB 服务器是无状态的(HTTP协议是无状态的),这意味着每个端点都可以单独进行推理和测试。相比之下,单页面应用必须在整个会话期间精确地定义状态是如何加载,刷新以及销毁的

How can I get window.location.href in Elm?

为君一笑 提交于 2020-04-13 03:59:32
问题 I have an index.html which contains my Elm app. The Elm app uses various GET s to an API served by the same server as the one that serves the index.html . Rather than hardcode the URLs in my Elm code for the GET s, e.g.: url = "http://localhost:8080/api/tasks" is there a function which returns the value of window.location.href ? I'd like to do something like: url = getHref() ++ "/api/tasks" In this way, if I move my server to somewhere else I will not need to update all the urls in my Elm


我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-03-13 16:39:27
https://www.builtinchicago.org/2019/06/07/chicago-trading-firms Software Engineer, Risk DRW | CHICAGO DRW is a technology-driven, diversified principal trading firm. We trade our own capital at our own risk, across a broad range of asset classes, instruments and strategies, in financial markets around the world. As the markets have evolved over the past 25 years, so has DRW – maximizing opportunities to include real estate, cryptoassets and venture capital. With over 1,000 employees at our Chicago headquarters and offices around the world, we work together to solve complex problems, challenge

Is there a way to pass the name of a field to a setter function?

早过忘川 提交于 2020-02-22 07:50:46
问题 Here I have several functions that all just set a single field on a model record. In a more dynamic language, I'd just have a single setter function and pass it the name of the field (as a string) and the value that I want to set on the model object. Is there a way to pass the name of the field in Elm? What's the Elm way of doing something like this? type alias Patient = { id : String , name : String , dateOfBirth : String , sex : String ... other fields } setPatientName : Patient -> String -

Is there a way to pass the name of a field to a setter function?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-02-22 07:50:05
问题 Here I have several functions that all just set a single field on a model record. In a more dynamic language, I'd just have a single setter function and pass it the name of the field (as a string) and the value that I want to set on the model object. Is there a way to pass the name of the field in Elm? What's the Elm way of doing something like this? type alias Patient = { id : String , name : String , dateOfBirth : String , sex : String ... other fields } setPatientName : Patient -> String -

Calling window.open through port

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-01-23 12:04:45
问题 I'm implementing social auth. When the user clicks on a button, I send a command so I can call window.open() . Looking at this call-stack, we can see that the port handler is called in the next event loop: Since window.open is not being called within the click event lifecycle, browsers like safari do not allow for the popup to show up. What is your approach? 回答1: It's not super pretty, but you can do something like a [ Html.Attributes.attribute "onClick" "window.open(this.href, this.target,