
Load content as an element scrolls into view

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-17 18:44:53
问题 I have a list of search results in a <div> element with a static height and overflow: auto; in the style. I would like to load only the first x number of search results (e.g. 20), and load another x results as the user scrolls to the bottom of the element containing the search results. Can anyone explain to me how I would do this? I found a few examples, but all of those use the scroll value of the entire document, not a single <div> . I am using jQuery, if it matters. 回答1: Sounds to me like

Alternatives to dlsym() and dlopen() in C++

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-17 17:32:17
问题 I have an application a part of which uses shared libraries. These libraries are linked at compile time. At Runtime the loader expects the shared object to be in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH , if not found the entire application crashes with error "unable to load shared libraries".Note that there is no guarantee that client would be having the library, in that case I want the application to leave a suitable error message also the independent part should work correctly. For this purpose I am using

what are similarities and differences between dynamic loading and late binding?

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-13 06:51:28
问题 From wikipedia: Dynamic loading is a mechanism by which a computer program can, at run time, load a library (or other binary) into memory, retrieve the addresses of functions and variables contained in the library, execute those functions or access those variables, and unload the library from memory. Late binding is a computer programming mechanism in which the method being called upon an object is looked up by name at run-time. In my opinion, A similarity is they are both mechanisms in which

does dynamic library shared global variable in linux

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-12 16:51:25
问题 As we know, linux call ldconfig to load all *.so libraries and then link the applications who use the shared library. However, I am confused how the global variable is working in this case. Since there is only one copy of shared library across all these application, do they share the global variables in the shared library? If yes, then how they synchronize? Thanks, 回答1: No it is not shared - the code/text section of the library is shared - the data portion is unique to each process that uses

What's the simplest way to write portable dynamically loadable libraries in C++?

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-12 08:48:12
问题 I'm working on a project which has multiple similar code paths which I'd like to separate from the main project into plugins. The project must remain cross-platform compatible, and all of the dynamic library loading APIs I've looked into are platform specific. What's the simplest way to create a dynamic library loading system which can be compiled and run on multiple operating systems without extra modification of the code? Ideally, I'd like to write one plugin, and have it work on all the

How to dynamically load a C# dll from a C++ DLL

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-12 07:58:15
问题 I have a C++ application. This supports users' C++ plugin DLL's, it will dynamically load these DLL's and then be able to create and use the user's types dynamically. These user types derive from base types and interfaces defined in the main application's core library, so I hold user's objects as pointers to the base class and call the user's virtual functions to make their magic happen. Now I want to extend the plugin DLL's to allow managed DLL's (I care about C# mostly). I want all of the

Poco AsyncChannel does not exit on forked process exit

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-12 04:53:45
问题 Problem: Call/Initialize Poco code from inside a C library, using loader (3rd party C program, our code is in c++). The Program loads our library, our lib initializes Poco::Logger and uses AsyncChannel + FileChannel in the logger. Fork from this process. Run some threads in the child process. try to exit the child process, joining threads. The AsyncChannel's destructor blocks on close(), essentially polling Queue and sleeping. The _queue has 1 element always when the destructor for

Javascript dynamic script loading via functions… how to do onload or readyState all over again?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-12 03:59:48
问题 At present, I have a javascript callable functions (without adding global variables) that add scripts to the head. Onload is useful for pages after the site loaded initially, but I'm waiting to load larger scripts until they're needed considering many won't need them. The following code works for some scripts, but not for some larger ones... function include(script) { var head= document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var newScript= document.createElement('script'); newScript.type= 'text

Java JavaCompiler.run() compiling anonymous classes as well

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-11 23:30:07
问题 I am trying to load in text files on the fly and compile them. File file = new File("Files/"+fileName+".java"); JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); compiler.run(null, null, errStream, file.getAbsolutePath()); I then will load the compiled .class files later: public Class loadStrategyClass(File strategyClassFile) throws IOException { FileChannel roChannel = new RandomAccessFile(strategyClassFile, "r").getChannel(); ByteBuffer buffer = roChannel.map(FileChannel.MapMode

Dynamic loading of template files into a div not working in IE8-

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-11 14:33:53
问题 Im using the following code to load the html file containing my templates into a div dynamically it is working fine in all the browsers except IE8 and lower JS Function: function loadHTML(url, callback) { $.ajax({ url: url, success: function(res) { var div = document.createElement("div"); div.setAttribute("id", "downloadIFrame"); document.body.appendChild(div); document.getElementById("downloadIFrame").innerHTML = (res); callback(); } }); } template.html: <script type="text/html" id="tmpl1">