
How to make combination in drilldown in highcharts / add outliers in boxplot in drilldown?

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-25 00:35:55
问题 I asked one question recently, but this is a new, relevant yet total different one. I would like to add outliers in boxplot which is in drilldown. I am able to do that in primary plot, in a combination way that boxplot is in one series while outliers are in another series as 'scatter'. As in follows: series : [ {type : 'boxplot' , ...} , {type : 'scatter' ,...} ] But as now my boxplot is in drilldown, whose series denotes different drilldowns/figures, I can not add outliers in boxplot. As in

Drilldown charts in angular js using google charts directives

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-19 12:09:09
问题 We are new to angularjs v4. We have a requirement of drilldown charts in google charts. We are using ng2-google-charts directives. We are able to find the select event and updated the data. but chart is not reloading. Could any one please help on this. view: index.html <pre> <br/> <google-chart #drillchart [data]='pieChartData' type="BarChart" (chartSelect)='select($event)'> </google-chart> </pre> Component.ts: pieChartData = { chartType: 'BarChart', dataTable: [ ['Country', 'Poulation'], [

Highcharts: adding extra data to drilldown

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-12 01:56:06
问题 as i understand it, the drilldown data format is something like this: data: [['foo1', 2], ['foo2', 3], ['foo3', 2]] i was actually successful in adding data to each array like so: data: [['foo1', 2, 111], ['foo2', 3, 222], ['foo3', 2, 333]] but, displaying it is giving me trouble. as i understand it, for the tooltip formatter, data is accessed using this.point.name, this.point.y, this.x, or this.percentage. how does one go about retrieving extra data in the point? 回答1: Switch to using a point

Multiple series in drilldown

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-11 06:37:39
问题 I am creating a drilldown graph in R and want one of the layers to be a line graph with multiple groups. I have figured out how to create the line graph, but i can't seem to be able to drilldown from a single to a multiple series. If i link two series on the same id (got that idea from what I read on javascript), only the second series will appear. Any idea on how to proceed? Edit * Updated code df <- data_frame( name = c("Animals", "Fruits", "Cars"), y = c(5, 2, 4), drilldown = tolower(name)

UITableView Category Array Drill-Down -Swift iOS

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-11 05:11:12
问题 I have 3 view controllers: FirstVC for creating 9 items, SecondVC is a tableView to sort those items by category name/id and display both, and ThirdVC is a tableView to extract and show the items inside that category. I'm trying to implement a tableView drill-down to do that but the secondVC and thirdVC has me stumped. This is the outcome I'm looking for: FirstVC -9 objects : 3 Red objects Cherry, Tomato, Ruby 3 Green objects Cucumber, Broccoli, Emerald 3 Blue objects Blueberries, Sky,

Foundation 6 data-responsive-menu parameters

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-10 17:52:44
问题 I'm building a responsive navigation with foundation 6, integrated in wordpress. I'd like to use data-responsive-menu attribute in order to trigger the drilldown plugin on small screens. Easy. The problem is that I don't want any of the other plugins on the other screen sizes. The documentation gives this example: <ul class="vertical menu" data-responsive-menu="drilldown medium-dropdown"> But this trigger drilldown plugin on small screens and dropdown on bigger ones. If I use only "drilldown"

Drilldown charts in angular js using google charts directives

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-01 14:40:11
We are new to angularjs v4. We have a requirement of drilldown charts in google charts. We are using ng2-google-charts directives. We are able to find the select event and updated the data. but chart is not reloading. Could any one please help on this. view: index.html <pre> <br/> <google-chart #drillchart [data]='pieChartData' type="BarChart" (chartSelect)='select($event)'> </google-chart> </pre> Component.ts: pieChartData = { chartType: 'BarChart', dataTable: [ ['Country', 'Poulation'], ['Ind', 25], ['Rus', 10], ['Chi', 30], ['USA', 15], ['UK', 12], ['Aus', 8] ], options: {'title':

Highcharts 3.08 drilldown with multiple parent series

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-01 12:54:41
I am making my first drilldown charts with Highcharts, and I just installed version 3.09, in which drilldown has built-in support. The drilldown chart will be part of a page that already contains multiple charts. All charts have 3 series (State, Region, Sub-region) with data populated dynamically. The problem is that the drilldown module doesn't seem to support multiple parent series. In my case, if I click on a column for a specific series (say, State), then the State series will disappear and its drilldown will appear, but the other series (Region, Sub-region) are still displayed and the

Drilldown for grouped column chart in highcharts

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-01 12:19:14
I'm trying to make drilldown for a grouped column chart in highcharts. My chart is here: $(function () { // Create the chart $('#container').highcharts({ chart: { type: 'column' }, title: { text: 'Basic drilldown' }, xAxis: { type: 'category', categories: [ "2011-12", "2012-13", "2013-14", "2014-15", "2015-16" ] }, legend: { enabled: false }, plotOptions: { series: { borderWidth: 0, dataLabels: { enabled: true, } } }, series: [ { "name": "First", "data": [ 40351.62, 51506.83, 68566.23, 80596.9228, 94329.31 ] }, { "name": "Second", "data": [ 40750.4963, 56205.181, 63776.2866, 74912.5923, 83801

Highcharts 3.08 drilldown with multiple parent series

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-01 10:25:38
问题 I am making my first drilldown charts with Highcharts, and I just installed version 3.09, in which drilldown has built-in support. The drilldown chart will be part of a page that already contains multiple charts. All charts have 3 series (State, Region, Sub-region) with data populated dynamically. The problem is that the drilldown module doesn't seem to support multiple parent series. In my case, if I click on a column for a specific series (say, State), then the State series will disappear