
Windows下使用Beyond Compare作为git的比对与合并工具

扶醉桌前 提交于 2020-02-29 13:25:15
Windows下使用Beyond Compare作为git的比对与合并工具 ##介绍 其实各种git的GUI客户端都有自带比对工具,但是一开始学Git的时候,用的是Windows下的Git Bash,后来也渐渐熟悉各种命令,用图形客户端反而不习惯了。 这里介绍如何将Beyond Compare配置为git的difftool和mergetool。当需要比对或者合并冲突时,就可以通过difftool和mergetool调用Beyond Compare进行比对和合并冲突了。 ##操作 目前我电脑里安装的是Beyond Compare 4,就介绍一下4的设置,Beyond Compare 3也是类似的。 其实Beyond Compare官网就有 介绍 如何配置git的difftool和mergetool,其实就几行git命令。 #difftool 配置 git config --global diff.tool bc4 git config --global difftool.bc4.cmd "\"c:/program files (x86)/beyond compare 4/bcomp.exe\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"" #mergeftool 配置 git config --global merge.tool bc4 git config --global

git difftool — how to skip a certain file?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-01-02 05:28:06
问题 when I do a git difftool , I get the message Hit return to launch 'araxis': . I found out that I can terminate the whole diffing by pressing CTRL-C , but how about skipping a single file? Is this possible? Edit: as of git (and msysgit, it is possible. For every file, I get asked Launch 'araxis' [Y/n]: Seems like peterjmag's commit mentioned in his answer was accepted by the git guys and has made it's way into the master branch! 回答1: As eckes requested in the

Invoking external difftool from git-gui?

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-22 06:52:36
问题 I have p4merge configured so that from the command line if I do a "git difftool ... " then the external diff tool opens up correctly. I would like to open the external difftool from "git gui" instead of the command line. Is this possible? Is seems git-gui allows one to add a tool. But it is unclear to me how to get it working. Any pointers? 回答1: If you already have git difftool set up you can add an item for it: Add Tool dialog transcription: Tool Details box: Name: difftool Command: git

Getting Beyond Compare to Diff 2 Branches Simultaneously

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-20 08:44:59
问题 >>git difftool branch1 branch2 opens my difftool (Beyond Compare:BC) with every file that has a diff between the branches. I have to close BC after each file just for it to reopen with the next file. BC can diff whole directories and multiple files. Is there a way to get git difftool to open all files simultaneously, or diff the whole tree simultaneously? 回答1: Starting with git v1.7.11, you can use git difftool --dir-diff to perform a directory diff. The answer that follows applies to git

Git Diff and Meld on Windows

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-17 23:23:14
问题 Has anyone ever made Meld work with Git on Windows? I am trying to make it work and I have no success. I have Meld installed and when I call it from the command line with two files as parameters it diffs them well so Meld is installed correctly. However I can't make it work with Git (Git Diff). I use version git version 1.8.1.msysgit.1 of Git. I have tried several things: I created a shell script, meld.sh : #!/bin/bash meld.exe "$2" "$5" echo $2 echo $5 and used it from Git: [diff] tool =

How to get winmerge to show diff for new file in git?

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-17 19:52:31
问题 I can get winmerge to show me diffs for modified file. But for new files, winmerge gives a dialog saying 'Left path is invalid!'. I want it to show the left pane as empty and right pane with the contents of the file. $ git difftool head^ newfile.txt winmerge Dialog: I'm on git version 2.8.2.windows.1 This is my git config for difftool: [diff] tool = winmerge [difftool] prompt = false [difftool "winmerge"] cmd = \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\WinMerge\\WinMergeU.exe\" -e -ub -wl \"$LOCAL\" \"

git difftool, open all diff files immediately, not in serial

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-17 02:33:27
问题 The default git diff behavior is to open each diff file in serial (wait for previous file to be closed before opening next file). I'm looking for a way to open all the files at once - in BeyondCompare for example this would open all the files in tabs within the same BC window. This would make it easier to review a complex set of changes; flick back and forwards between the diff files and ignore unimportant files. 回答1: Starting with git v1.7.11, you can use git difftool --dir-diff to perform a

Using the Built in Visual Studio Diff Tool to View P4VS's Diffs

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-12 02:07:58
问题 Visual Studio has a fantastic internal diff tool: https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/tfvc/compare-files I'm using Perforce in Visual Studio via the P4VS plugin. The plugin adds the "Diff" sub-menu when you right-click on a file's tab. But by default any diff operations are carried out by P4M, rather than using Visual Studio's internal diff tool: To it's credit, P4VS does allow for the selection of a different diff app. But the provision is for a command line operation. I don't know how

after doing a git difftool --dir-diff, files are modified for some reason

孤人 提交于 2019-12-11 01:48:51
问题 After doing git difftool --dir-diff , my workspace files are modified for some reason. I've been guessing that it's converting the line endings between crlf and lf etc... However, doing "git config core.autocrlf false " or " git config --global core.autocrlf false " don't make any difference. I have tried using both windiff and beyond compare as the custom diff tool but it doesn't help. This is bad since every time I view some changes in my .csproj file, the project is reloaded since it said

Git difftool not opening sometimes

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-10 23:59:47
问题 I have 2 folders (with different code) with git initialized. But when I do git difftool -t meld one repo is working fine and asking me if I want to open files in meld to compare. The other one just output everything in the console and didn't execute meld. Also both .git/config file is the same (except for the url) Does anyone know why is that? 回答1: If in one repository you're in conflicted state (check by git status ), you need to use mergetool instead, e.g. git mergetool -t meld Related: git