after doing a git difftool --dir-diff, files are modified for some reason

孤人 提交于 2019-12-11 01:48:51


After doing git difftool --dir-diff, my workspace files are modified for some reason. I've been guessing that it's converting the line endings between crlf and lf etc... However, doing "git config core.autocrlf false" or "git config --global core.autocrlf false" don't make any difference. I have tried using both windiff and beyond compare as the custom diff tool but it doesn't help. This is bad since every time I view some changes in my .csproj file, the project is reloaded since it said the file has been modified externally. Any ideas?


The only other way an automatic conversion can be declared is through .gitattributes file (see gitattributes):

  • with directives like *.txt eol=lf ("Git: Default all text files to unix line breaks") or * text=auto ("Force LF eol in git repo and working copy")
  • with content filter (smudge script)

