
How can I make Perl die if a warning is generated?

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-04 00:31:43
I would like my script perl to die whenever a warning is generated, including warnings which are generated by used packages. For example, this should die: use strict; use warnings; use Statistics::Descriptive; my @data = ( 8, 9, 10, "bbb" ); my $stat = Statistics::Descriptive::Full->new(); $stat->add_data(@data); use warnings FATAL => 'all'; won't help since it's lexically scoped. Test::NoWarnings also doesn't do the work since it doesn't kill the script. To add to rafl's answer: when adding a handler to %SIG , it is (usually) better to not overwrite any previous handler, but call it after

Perl: After a successful system call, “or die” command still ends script

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-03 18:01:47
问题 I am using the following line to make a simple system call which works: system ("mkdir -p Purged") or die "Failed to mkdir." ; Executing the script does make the system call and I can find a directory called Purged, but the error message is still printed and the script dies. What is wrong with my syntax? 回答1: That would be a little confusing, wouldn't? - Leonardo Herrera on Ikegami's answer Yes, it is confusing that the system command inverts true and false in Perl, and creates fun logic like

how to get a detailed error report when a php-mysql script fails?

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-02 13:31:46
问题 How do i get a detailed error description during a php-mysql script run? I have the following statements where the script fails and displays the custom error message - the contents of the "or die". I want to get the actual error from MySQL (instead of the custom error i have mentioned), which would give better idea about the scenario - whether its a database issue or server connectivity issue etc.. this is the code i have where i need to enhance the error reporting $query = "SELECT * FROM

How can I run a system command and die if anything is written to STDERR?

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-02 06:25:42
I'm writing a Perl script which uses an external script. The external script must run from a specific directory so I found the following useful: use IPC::System::Simple qw(capture); my @args = ('external script path...', 'arg1', ...); my $out = capture( [0], "cd $dir ; @args" ); Sometimes the external script writes stuff to STDERR but still returns 0. I wish to capture these times and confess (or die ). Since I don't control the return value of the external script, I thought maybe I could capture its STDERR so I'll have something like this: my ($out, $err) = cool_capture( [0], "cd $dir ; @args

What is the difference between echo('exit'); die; and die('exit');?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-01 03:59:31
I have seen some code do this: if(something){ echo 'exit from program'; die; } ...more code And others that just use die : if(something) die('exit from program'); ...more code Is there any inherent difference in when it would end the program, should I be aware of the code that comes after it? etcetera UPDATE I am asking mainly, if it is a coding style, or if there is a real reason why some is coded one way versus another. I am not asking what the difference between exit and die is. No, there is no difference; they will both write "exit" to STDOUT and terminate the program. I would prefer the

How can I get around a 'die' call in a Perl library I can't modify?

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-11-28 19:12:46
Yes, the problem is with a library I'm using, and no, I cannot modify it. I need a workaround. Basically, I'm dealing with a badly written Perl library, that exits with 'die' when a certain error condition is encountered reading a file. I call this routine from a program which is looping through thousands of files, a handful of which are bad. Bad files happen; I just want my routine to log an error and move on. IF I COULD modify the library, I would simply change the die "error"; to a print "error";return; , but I cannot. Is there any way I can couch the routine so that the bad files won't

Can I catch exit() and die() messages?

北城以北 提交于 2019-11-28 06:18:43
I'd like to be able to catch die() and exit() messages. Is this possible? I'm hoping for something similar to set_error_handler and set_exception_handler . I've looked at register_shutdown_function() but it seems to contain no context for the offending die() and exit() calls. I realize that die() and exit() are bad ways to handle errors. I am not looking to be told not to do this. :) I am creating a generic system and want to be able to gracefully log exit() and die() if for some reason someone (not me) decides this is a good idea to do. MrQwerty Yes you can, but you need ob_start , ob_get

Php: when to use pthread

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-11-28 05:24:01
I don't know much about using threads but I looked into pthreads for php and it seems very interesting and easy, or easier than I thought... I searched for examples and looked through the documentation but I couldn't find any real-world examples of when it is actually beneficial to use threads, it sure is for long tasks that don't depend on each other like doing many http requests or maybe sending mails. But what about Writing log entries? Inserts to databases? (like tracking user activity) Fetching from database (can I return data from a thread?) Will this increase performance or is the

Php: when to use pthread

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-11-27 00:55:40
问题 I don't know much about using threads but I looked into pthreads for php and it seems very interesting and easy, or easier than I thought... I searched for examples and looked through the documentation but I couldn't find any real-world examples of when it is actually beneficial to use threads, it sure is for long tasks that don't depend on each other like doing many http requests or maybe sending mails. But what about Writing log entries? Inserts to databases? (like tracking user activity)

PHP: Utilizing exit(); or die(); after header(“Location: ”);

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-11-26 14:41:30
I have a user login/registration system that simply uses // execute queries, set cookies, etc. here header("Location: " . getenv("HTTP_REFERER")); I recently read a post about exit(); and die(); and had no idea that I was supposed to be using these. From what I understand, they make it end the PHP? Is that correct? What's the best way I can work toward this, simply adding one of these functions directly after ever header(); execution I have? I have AJAX, jQuery reading through my login.php/register.php, will this be affect in any way? Edit: Other than after header();, where else should I be