How can I get around a 'die' call in a Perl library I can't modify?

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-11-28 19:12:46

You could wrap it in an eval. See:

perldoc -f eval

For instance, you could write:

# warn if routine calls die
eval { routine_might_die }; warn $@ if $@;

This will turn the fatal error into a warning, which is more or less what you suggested. If die is called, $@ contains the string passed to it.

Does it trap $SIG{__DIE__}? If it does, then it's more local than you are. But there are a couple strategies:

  • You can evoke its package and override die:

    package Library::Dumb::Dyer;
    use subs 'die';
    sub die {
        my ( $package, $file, $line ) = caller();
        unless ( $decider->decide( $file, $package, $line ) eq 'DUMB' ) {
            say "It's a good death.";
            die @_;
  • If not, can trap it. (look for $SIG on the page, markdown is not handling the full link.)

    my $old_die_handler = $SIG{__DIE__};
    sub _death_handler { 
        my ( $package, $file, $line ) = caller();
        unless ( $decider->decide( $file, $package, $line ) eq 'DUMB DIE' ) {
            say "It's a good death.";
            goto &$old_die_handler;
    $SIG{__DIE__} = \&_death_handler;
  • You might have to scan the library, find a sub that it always calls, and use that to load your $SIG handler by overriding that.

    my $dumb_package_do_something_dumb = \&Dumb::do_something_dumb;
    *Dumb::do_something_dumb = sub { 
        $SIG{__DIE__} = ...
        goto &$dumb_package_do_something_dumb;
  • Or override a builtin that it always calls...

    package Dumb; 
    use subs 'chdir';
    sub chdir { 
        $SIG{__DIE__} = ...
        CORE::chdir @_;
  • If all else fails, you can whip the horse's eyes with this:

    package CORE::GLOBAL;
    use subs 'die';
    sub die { 
        CORE::die @_;

This will override die globally, the only way you can get back die is to address it as CORE::die.

Some combination of this will work.

Although changing a die to not die has a specific solution as shown in the other answers, in general you can always override subroutines in other packages. You don't change the original source at all.

First, load the original package so you get all of the original definitions. Once the original is in place, you can redefine the troublesome subroutine:

      use Original::Lib;

      no warnings 'redefine';

      sub Original::Lib::some_sub { ... }

You can even cut and paste the original definition and tweak what you need. It's not a great solution, but if you can't change the original source (or want to try something before you change the original), it can work.

Besides that, you can copy the original source file into a separate directory for your application. Since you control that directory, you can edit the files in it. You modify that copy and load it by adding that directory to Perl's module search path:

use lib qw(/that/new/directory);
use Original::Lib;  # should find the one in /that/new/directory

Your copy sticks around even if someone updates the original module (although you might have to merge changes).

I talk about this quite a bit in Mastering Perl, where I show some other techniques to do that sort of thing. The trick is to not break things even more. How you not break things depends on what you are doing.
