
Adding more complicated subclass axiom

邮差的信 提交于 2020-01-21 15:19:33
问题 I have stumbled upon another problem... I want to achieve something similar to this: I wanted to do so using RDFList, adding the necessary properties in to the list and then call method createUnionClass (or createIntersectionClass) and combine it together. Then, the result of this method would be added to particular ontClass with addSuperClass(). Is this wrong? I have started with something really simple, like: RDFList rdfList = ontModel.createList(); rdfList.addProperty(ExampleResource1);

Why is this DL-Query not returning any individuals?

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-30 09:51:12
问题 This DL-Query is not returning any individuals: Query (Protégé syntax) : hasPet exactly 1 DomesticAnimal Here's part of the ontology: :hasPet a owl:ObjectProperty; rdfs:domain :Human; rdfs:range :DomesticAnimal; owl:inverseOf : petOf; :Joe a :Human; hasPet :Lassy. :Bob a :Human; hasPet :Sparkey, Lucky. Queries: petOf value Bob returns Sparkey and Lucky petOf value Joe returns Lassy hasPet exactly 1 returns nothing. Why isn't the last query returning Joe ? I have tried it with in Protégé with

How to prove that something can *not* be translated into description logic?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-24 10:11:07
问题 My intuition says that it is not possible to translate the sentence all red cars are better than all blue cars into description logics (in FOL this would be ∀x∀y (red(x) ∧ blue(y) → better(x,y)) interpreted in the domain of cars). Indeed, the only construction that is a complete binary relation containing all pairs of elements of the domain is the universal role U . I don't see how to ask for all pairs of elements of the set red on the left and elements of the set blue on the right, i.e., how

Equal relationship between ontology properties

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-18 09:28:58
问题 I have 2 properties, e.g. 'hasColor' and 'hasFinish'. I want to express with ontology that in case of ontology class A are properties 'hasColor' and 'hasFinish' equal (owl:equivalentProperty). But in case of ontology class B the properties 'hasColor' and 'hasFinish' are NOT equal. How can I achieve this? One way probably is to create 'hasColor' and 'hasFinish' properties with class A as a range and set them to be equal. Then create another ones 'hasColor' and 'hasFinish' properties with class

Is it possible to make property assertions on class level in OWL 2?

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-18 09:28:45
问题 I have an OWL 2 ontology containing several named individuals belonging to a class that need to have the same object property with the same value. I would like to make this property assertion "on the class" in such a way that a reasoner could infer the property to be had by all of its members, thus without needing an explicit assertion for each. (obtaining something similar to a class-based object-oriented property inheritance) A simple example could be an ontology containing the individuals

DL; returning classes with max 1 and not exactly 0

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-12 06:16:30
问题 Let's have an OWL-DL ontology considering only the TBox (no individuals) and Let's consider Chinesefamily hasChilren max 1 SterileChinesefamily subClassOf Chinesefamily SterileChinesefamily hasChilren exactly 0 The expression hasChilren max 1 will return Chinesefamily and SterileChinesefamily as sub classes Well, how to specify classes that may have 0 or 1 children ( Chinesefamily ) but must not have exactly 0 children ( SterileChinesefamily ) I tried hasChilren max 1 and not hasChilren

How to express this individual in Description logic

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-12 03:19:08
问题 I want to express this in dl, Protege view. How can I express the individual inclusive gateway1 which is from type inclusiveGateway? {inclusiveGateway} ≡ (inclusivegateway1) (inslusiveGateway2) name: inclusiveGateway id: inclusiveGateway1 gatewaydirection: unspec if a object property exists: flowsinto: task1 Couldn't find an example how to do it for this case, just some equivalanceRelation for different classes, eg. Man≡ Person 回答1: The problem that you mostly got no answer is that your

Inheritance of property characteristic by sub-properties

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-11 12:15:48
问题 In OWL, is a sub-property of an irreflexive property also irreflexive? Likewise is a sub-property of an asymmetric property also asymmetric? Logically, they should be, but I can't find anything in the OWL documentation that specifies that this is the case. Consider the following example: :parent-of a owl:IrreflexiveProperty . :father-of a owl:ObjectProperty ; owl:subPropertyOf :parent-of . Based on this ontology, the following would not be allowed because parent-of is irreflexive: _:max

How to relate each instance of class with each instance of another class?

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-03 14:15:13
问题 The general problem I'm working on a simple ontology, using Protégé 4.3 and trying to create a model such that every instance of a class C has some particular value v , which is an instance of a class V , for a given property p . I can get this inference using an axiom C subClassOf (p value v) but I think I want to be able to state this more along the lines of a C subClassOf (p some V) because I'd actually like each instance of C to be related to every instance of V . A specific example My

How to relate each instance of class with each instance of another class?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-03 04:01:18
The general problem I'm working on a simple ontology, using Protégé 4.3 and trying to create a model such that every instance of a class C has some particular value v , which is an instance of a class V , for a given property p . I can get this inference using an axiom C subClassOf (p value v) but I think I want to be able to state this more along the lines of a C subClassOf (p some V) because I'd actually like each instance of C to be related to every instance of V . A specific example My example is automobiles and actions — I want to create a set of actions for automobiles. When I create new