
Data range expression for an enumeration in Protégé

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-02 21:30:55
问题 I would like to define the range of a data type property as an exhaustive enumeration of strings, in a way that an individual could have as value of this property only one of the strings in the enumeration. For example, a data type property called "color", which can assume only 3 values: "Red", "Green" and "Blue". I'm using OWL 2, and Protégé 5.0. Is there an easy way of doind that using Protégé? 回答1: I don't seem to be able to find an exact duplicate question, though I think that this may

Data range expression for an enumeration in Protégé

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-02 12:20:06
I would like to define the range of a data type property as an exhaustive enumeration of strings, in a way that an individual could have as value of this property only one of the strings in the enumeration. For example, a data type property called "color", which can assume only 3 values: "Red", "Green" and "Blue". I'm using OWL 2, and Protégé 5.0. Is there an easy way of doind that using Protégé? I don't seem to be able to find an exact duplicate question, though I think that this may have been asked before. In Protege, you can use a datatype expression to represent an enumeration of literals.

How to add qualified cardinality in JENA

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-11-30 15:49:07
问题 How can I add qualified cardinality restriction in Jena? I can not use createCardinalityQRestriction because the OntModelSpec is for the first version of OWL, not OWL2. In ModelFactory's createOntologyModel, is there a way to create an OWL2 ontology? I need a class expression like JeVysledkom exactly 1 Kolik_Fazovy I've tried using this code: OntModel ontModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(); OntClass ret = ontModel.createCardinalityQRestriction(null, ontProperty, cardinality, ontClass2

How to add qualified cardinality in JENA

余生颓废 提交于 2019-11-30 15:30:23
How can I add qualified cardinality restriction in Jena? I can not use createCardinalityQRestriction because the OntModelSpec is for the first version of OWL, not OWL2. In ModelFactory's createOntologyModel, is there a way to create an OWL2 ontology? I need a class expression like JeVysledkom exactly 1 Kolik_Fazovy I've tried using this code: OntModel ontModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(); OntClass ret = ontModel.createCardinalityQRestriction(null, ontProperty, cardinality, ontClass2 ); ontClass.addSuperClass(ret); but I get this exception: com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.ProfileException:

Adding statements of knowledge to an OWL Ontology in Protege)

心已入冬 提交于 2019-11-27 23:16:28
In my Ontology I have three classes, Player , Team , and Competition . I also have the two object properties, employs , and competesIn . The domain of employs is Team , and the range Player , the domain of competesIn is Team or Player and the range Competition . I want the Ontology to infer that if a Player is employed by a Team and that Team competes in a Competition then the Player also competes in that Competition . Is there any way to add this information to an Ontology without putting in the {Player} competesIn {Competition} for every single individual in the ontology? Joshua Taylor First

Sparql query Subclass or EquivalentTo

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-11-27 09:20:55
I want to query all subclass of Nicotine (product). the result must be (Nasal form nicotine, Oropharyngeal from ni ..(4 items).. see in the picture) i try to query by rdfs:subClassOf+ and owl:equivalentClass+ but didn't work try from this example the code same here. PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> SELECT * WHERE { ?s owl:equivalentClass+ ?o . # and try ?s rdfs:subClassOf ?o filter(?s=<>) } this image from protege Thank. The first query hard

SWRL rules don't infer new Object and Data Property Assertions

百般思念 提交于 2019-11-26 23:19:50
问题 I have created this ontology which contains two classes: Blood-Sugar and Services . Blood-Sugar has two data properties: hasValu with range xsd:int, and hasStatut with range xsd:string. The object property triggerService has Blood-Sugar as domain and Service as range. I want to infer a data property assertion with this rule: Blood_Sugar(?x) ∧ hasValue(?x, ?y) ∧ swrlb:greaterThan(?y, 126) ∧ swrlb:lessThan(?y, 500) → hasStatut(?x, "High") Then I want to infer a new object property with this

Adding statements of knowledge to an OWL Ontology in Protege)

点点圈 提交于 2019-11-26 23:17:31
问题 In my Ontology I have three classes, Player , Team , and Competition . I also have the two object properties, employs , and competesIn . The domain of employs is Team , and the range Player , the domain of competesIn is Team or Player and the range Competition . I want the Ontology to infer that if a Player is employed by a Team and that Team competes in a Competition then the Player also competes in that Competition . Is there any way to add this information to an Ontology without putting in

OWL 2 rolification

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-11-26 20:32:02
In description logic, there is a concept called "rolification" ( OWL and Rules, Sec 3.2 ). It converts a concept (class) into a role (property). For example, when we rolify R(x) , we get r(x,x) . This technique is useful for expressing some rules in DL. How do we do this in OWL 2? It seems that there is no direct support for rolification in OWL 2 specification . Section 3.2 of the paper that you linked to says: It is indeed possible to translate this rule into OWL 2—however this involves a transformation which we call rolification: The rolification of a concept A is a (new) role R A defined by

Using Property Chains to get inferred Knowledge in an OWL Ontology(Protege)

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-11-26 16:56:15
问题 I have modelled the following in my Ontology: Club employs some Player, Player hasNationality some Nationality, Player hasNationalStatus value National_Player, Country is equivalent to Nationality. I want the Ontology to infer that: If a Player hasNationality some Nationality and, Player hasNationalStatus value National_Player then, Country(Same as the nationality the player has) employs Player. As an example: {Steven_Gerrard} hasNationality value England and, {Steven_Gerrard}