
Android : how to create custom component

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2020-01-03 03:57:06
问题 Any one please guide me, How to create a custom component in xml and java file pass attributes from xml (this i somewhat completed) how to pass attributes dynamically from new customClass() -- constructor method. -- i dont know how to implement this point for Eg : I created a custom component with two textview as a single component. In xml i created two component by xml attributes. Now i want to create two new component by java code by calling the constructor of my I dont

how can I get selected value in spinner such as C# ComboBox?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-01-03 02:04:27
问题 I trying to make a custom Spinner containing Id and Title. This Spinner displays Title but everywhere in my code I can access to selected Id. how can I do it. it's like ComboBox in C#. thanks. 回答1: if you have id's and names in the separate arrays then based on the spinner selected item position you can get selected item id. spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int arg2, long arg3) { System.out.println(Id

JSF Best Practice: Custom Components and JavaScript

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-30 22:55:03
问题 I am developing a JSF Custom Component, using the information I found on the following book Pro JSF and HTML5 by Apress. So far, I successfully developed: the java class to obtain the data to be rendered in the component the java component class the java renderer class the taglib file an example page to render the taglib Everything is working fine, the component is successfully rendered. Now I would like to add javascript events and behaviour to the rendered elements , more specifically, the

What is the relationship between component family, component type and renderer type?

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-28 02:00:07
问题 When I am learning custom component development in JSF, I got confused with the relationship between component family, component type and renderer type. For example, I registered a renderer and a custom component as shown below. faces-config.xml : <component> <component-type>study.faces.Div</component-type> <component-class>javax.faces.component.UIPanel</component-class> </component> <render-kit> <render-kit-id>HTML_BASIC</render-kit-id> <renderer> <component-family>javax.faces.Panel<

How to get an image or js from a JAR in the server in JSF (For a custom component)

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-25 15:56:10
问题 I have done a custom JSF component (it looks like a combobox (icefaces selectonemenu)) but it uses a couple of images (png) and a bit of javascript. I jar everything, so then the developers use it as a jar copied in the web-inf/lib folder. The image and the js are just for this custom component, so I can't make them put this image and js in his project, it has to be in MY jar. I jar everything and it works almost great, just the image and the JS, I do not get them to work. I do not know how

OnClick event handler for control in custom component not working (Lazarus)

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-25 12:12:24
问题 Using: Lazarus 1.2.0; Windows 32-bit application I have written a custom component derived from TPanel and it conains 4 TEdit controls. I've written the OnClick event handler code for the TEdits. However its not working at runtime ie the events are not firing. I'm not sure what I missed. Please can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Component code follows: unit uEditPanel; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls;

composite attributes returns null in jsf custom components

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-25 09:49:50
问题 I am implementing my custom component like below. Placed this file web-> resource folder <html xmlns="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:composite="" > <h:body> <composite:interface> <composite:attribute name="width" default="300"/> <composite:attribute name="height" default="400"/> </composite:interface> <composite:implementation> <h:inputText style="height: #{composite.attrs

composite attributes returns null in jsf custom components

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-25 09:49:24
问题 I am implementing my custom component like below. Placed this file web-> resource folder <html xmlns="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:composite="" > <h:body> <composite:interface> <composite:attribute name="width" default="300"/> <composite:attribute name="height" default="400"/> </composite:interface> <composite:implementation> <h:inputText style="height: #{composite.attrs

Custom component with dynamic configuration like jira, jdbc or azurestorage in talend

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-25 09:42:28
问题 I want to create a Talend component with dynamic configuration. I tried various sources to achieve that but no luck, apprach I tried previously but I could not able to link the component with plug-in, it always gives the error failed to load component then I am trying to create plugins like azure storage I cloned the repo from talend components with dynamic configuraion I developed the new component like azure storage and tried to register in C:\Users\sandy\Documents\talend\TOS_BD-20161216

Angular 2 compile dynamic template with data

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-25 04:27:46
问题 I am developing bridge like interface for jquery grid control. The grid is rendered with the below syntax and works as expected. <t-grid> <t-column>...</t-column> <t-column>...</t-column> </t-grid> While providing support to render template inside the t-column tag, I am able to get the data and jquery element. jQuery element <div class="angulartmplbda8aedb-6b16-456d-8c17-3240a674b0c7 angular-template"> <div _ngcontent-ila-1=""> <input _ngcontent-ila-1="" type="button" value="Template"></div>