
使用MiniDumpWriteDump API 来生成程序的Dump

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-08-04 14:34:29
MiniDumpWriteDump 是MS DbgHelp.dll 中一个API, 用于导出当前运行的程序的Dump. 这个dll程序系统中就有, 但是很多软件, 都在自己的安装目录下保存了这个.dll的最新的版本. 为了测试这个API, 参考网上一些资料, 写了一个简单的C++ 程序. 目的是当有异常发生的时候, 自动生成Dump文件供之后的分析. 有了Dump文件, 我们就可以使用WinDBG等调试器来分析异常发生时的情况. 其实这个功能很多软件都有, 比如QQ, 魔兽世界, 等等. 它们在出现了异常的时候会弹出一个对话框, 让用户输入异常发生时的情况, 然后把异常的dump文件用email发回, 供开发者们分析修改bug. 不过有一点, 这里需要程序的调试符号文件(pdb文件). 对于Debug版来说, 是生成的, 但是Release版来说默认是不生成的. 可以设置VC的编译器, 让它在Release版的时候也生成调试信息. 这带来一个新的问题, 因为.pdb里面是保存了源文件的信息的, 为了避免泄密, 可以采用VS中的CVPack工具, 从中去除敏感的信息. 程序需要使用 Dbghelp.h 和 Dbghelp.lib . 它们可以从MSDN找到. // 最主要的函数, 生成Dump static void DumpMiniDump(HANDLE hFile,

Any recommended VC++ settings for better PDB analysis on release builds

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-29 04:20:27
问题 Are there any VC++ settings I should know about to generate better PDB files that contain more information? I have a crash dump analysis system in place based on the project crashrpt. Also, my production build server has the source code installed on the D:\, but my development machine has the source code on the C:\. I entered the source path in the VC++ settings, but when looking through the call stack of a crash, it doesn't automatically jump to my source code. I believe if I had my dev

Any recommended VC++ settings for better PDB analysis on release builds

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-29 04:20:07
问题 Are there any VC++ settings I should know about to generate better PDB files that contain more information? I have a crash dump analysis system in place based on the project crashrpt. Also, my production build server has the source code installed on the D:\, but my development machine has the source code on the C:\. I entered the source path in the VC++ settings, but when looking through the call stack of a crash, it doesn't automatically jump to my source code. I believe if I had my dev

Any recommended VC++ settings for better PDB analysis on release builds

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-11-28 20:47:53
Are there any VC++ settings I should know about to generate better PDB files that contain more information? I have a crash dump analysis system in place based on the project crashrpt . Also, my production build server has the source code installed on the D:\, but my development machine has the source code on the C:\. I entered the source path in the VC++ settings, but when looking through the call stack of a crash, it doesn't automatically jump to my source code. I believe if I had my dev machine's source code on the D:\ it would work. "Are there any VC++ settings I should know about" Make