
Input text into textarea for codemirror python selenium

随声附和 提交于 2020-07-24 05:43:04
问题 I am new to selenium and trying to input text into a textarea generated by CodeMirror. I have looked at the other questions on textarea and am unable to solve my problem. I am using Chrome and have found in sources where the textarea is and am able to click it to have the cursor blinking. However, I find that it has no attributes. How can I input text into the textarea? I have tried other elements and I have gotten either a "can't focus" or "not visible" error which I am guessing means that

Input text into textarea for codemirror python selenium

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-07-24 05:42:44
问题 I am new to selenium and trying to input text into a textarea generated by CodeMirror. I have looked at the other questions on textarea and am unable to solve my problem. I am using Chrome and have found in sources where the textarea is and am able to click it to have the cursor blinking. However, I find that it has no attributes. How can I input text into the textarea? I have tried other elements and I have gotten either a "can't focus" or "not visible" error which I am guessing means that

How can I clear a Codemirror editor field from Cypress

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-07-07 05:44:17
问题 I already tried something like this from another SO answer How to type using cypress .type() inside the codemirror editor? If it helps this is the site I am working on Cypress with // CodeMirror's editor doesn't let us clear it from the // textarea, but we can read the Window object and then // invoke `setValue` on the editor global cy.window().then(win => { win.editor.setValue("") }) The issue I am running into is when I try to implement this I am getting

Debouncing CodeMirror Input on change event

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2020-06-17 14:19:31
问题 I have a very simple implementation of EasyMDE, which internally uses CodeMirror. So to check for change of input I need to do this as said in the EasyMDE docs. Which works fine and I can even detect for change and get the input value as well. The problem right now I facing is that, there is no debounce available in both EasyMDE/CodeMirror and I am syncing the input on change to my backend functionality. On every input event I cant afford to sync to backend as it is may become very expensive.

How to type using cypress .type() inside the codemirror editor?

邮差的信 提交于 2020-06-14 06:20:08
问题 I am writing some cypress test for the Codemirror Editor. I have use cypress to type in the input field. I am trying to achieve the cy.type() in the CodeMirror Editor. The Data I have in codemirror is inside the span. <pre class=" CodeMirror-line " role="presentation"><span role="presentation" style="padding-right: 0.1px;"> < h1 > Welcome to your web project canvas! < /h1></span></pre> The cypress spec code cy.get('pre.CodeMirror-line') .type('Cypress HTML Data') I am not able to type some

codemirror: search and highlight multipule words without dialog

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-06-12 07:19:32
问题 Objective: I am using codemirror as editor. I want to Search and highlight multiple strings I want to be able to iterate each number of matches found and print its line number. I want to do it programatically and do no want to use dialog as in example Issue: during while loop only last match is selected, previous ones are cleared , but i also want it hightlighted yellow like JSFIDDLE:


社会主义新天地 提交于 2020-04-18 15:32:32
vue(element)中使用codemirror实现代码高亮,代码补全,版本差异对比 使用的是vue语言,用element的组件,要做一个在线编辑代码,要求输入代码内容,可以进行高亮展示,可以切换各不同语言,而且支持关键字补全,还要有一个各不同版本间的代码左右比较,这就是需求。 至于为什么选中codemirror,请查看 vue(element)中代码高亮插件全面对比 好了,现在正式开工吧! 首先需要下载codemirror组件,diff-match-patch组件 npm install codemirror npm install diff-match-patch 当然啦,npm下载很是缓慢,换个国内镜像,淘宝的吧。果然,速度就嗖嗖的起来。 npm install -g cnpm --registry= cnpm install cnpm install codemirror cnpm install diff-match-patch 可在node_modules下看到其目录结构 核心代码如下,简练易懂,可以根据下面的自己在接着定制开发。 <template> <div> <!-- 操作按钮 --> <el-button @click="handleAdd">代码编辑,高亮补全</el-button> <el


假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-04-18 13:03:48
vue(element)中使用codemirror实现代码高亮,代码补全,版本差异对比 使用的是vue语言,用element的组件,要做一个在线编辑代码,要求输入代码内容,可以进行高亮展示,可以切换各不同语言,而且支持关键字补全,还要有一个各不同版本间的代码左右比较,这就是需求。 至于为什么选中codemirror,请查看 vue(element)中代码高亮插件全面对比 好了,现在正式开工吧! 首先需要下载codemirror组件,diff-match-patch组件 npm install codemirror npm install diff-match-patch 当然啦,npm下载很是缓慢,换个国内镜像,淘宝的吧。果然,速度就嗖嗖的起来。 npm install -g cnpm --registry= cnpm install cnpm install codemirror cnpm install diff-match-patch 可在node_modules下看到其目录结构 核心代码如下,简练易懂,可以根据下面的自己在接着定制开发。 <template> <div> <!-- 操作按钮 --> <el-button @click="handleAdd">代码编辑,高亮补全</el-button> <el


梦想与她 提交于 2020-04-15 18:12:53
【推荐阅读】微服务还能火多久?>>> 创建codemirror对象: var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(document.body, { value: "function myScript(){return 100;}\n", mode: "javascript" }); 命令使用方法示例: //以下命令的作用是将滚动条置于文本区最下方 codemirror.execCommand("goDocEnd"); 如果与angularjs的ui-codemirror模块集成,需要将光标或滚动条置于文本最下方时,则需要在ui-codemirror.js文件中增加命令: function configNgModelLink(codemirror, ngModel, scope) { if (!ngModel) { return; } // CodeMirror expects a string, so make sure it gets one. // This does not change the model. ngModel.$formatters.push(function(value) { if (angular.isUndefined(value) || value === null) { return ''; } else if (angular

Cannot read property &apos;value&apos; of undefined

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-04-15 15:37:13
【推荐阅读】微服务还能火多久?>>> Error in v-on handler: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined" 报错如下所示,即 在运行Vue项目时出现了上述错误,出现该错误的原因是其容器还未生成就对其进行了初始化所造成的。 首先检查有没有如下操作 //原先取dom的操作 document.getElementById('textarea'); //改正后,Vue中取demo的操作 this.$refs.textarea 如果问题还没有解决,就是$refs依旧获取不到值,即取不到el-dialog对话框中的子组件对象,返回的都是undefined。在其外面加上如下所示, this.$nextTick(function () { }); 比如我的 this._initialize() 方法里面获取不到 this.$refs.textarea 的值,一直为undefined,我就在其外面加上了 this.$nextTick(function () { this._initialize(); }); 如果问题还没有解决,你就要先打开el-dialog,让弹出框被初始化,只有el-dialog被初始化了,在Vue的渲染引擎中,你才可以获取到里面的子组件。 如下,我要做的是打开一个弹框