
Change Download File Name in Cocoahttpserver

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-21 21:11:43
问题 I'm using cocoahttpserver in an iphone app, but when I try to download it (by clicking a link in the standard demo app), my sqlite file (myDatabase.sqlite) arrives on my Mac Desktop as "Unknown" with no suffix at all. However, when I "Save As..." it provides the name fine. I would prefer it to save the file with the sqlite suffix. So, it must be the suffix causing the problems???? If this is the problem, I cannot seem to find a way in the classes to download the correct file name BUT then

Objective-C/CocoaHttpServer - Trying to do a simple GET request with one parameter

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-11 08:39:38
问题 I'm trying to use the "CocoaHTTPServer" found at I have added it to my project, and now, if i type on my browser something like this: i receive an html page called index with a simple welcome message (this page is stored inside the default project). This is ok. It works correctly. What i need to understand now, is how can i for example do a simple GET request typing on the browser something like "

File transfer from Browser to locally connected iPhone

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-11-30 14:54:23
问题 Right now, I have created an HTTP Server on My iPhone Application and have hosted HTML there. Then Accessing it on Browser of the system that is in the same network of iPhone. I can see the File on my Browser. Now using WebSockets I am trying to send File from Browser to Application, but It's not working. It's fine with Text Message but Not in case of Data. As a workaround, I tried it via Base64 String, but in that case also socket Get Closed. For uploading using JAVAScript I have written

File transfer from Browser to locally connected iPhone

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-11-30 12:09:27
Right now, I have created an HTTP Server on My iPhone Application and have hosted HTML there. Then Accessing it on Browser of the system that is in the same network of iPhone. I can see the File on my Browser. Now using WebSockets I am trying to send File from Browser to Application, but It's not working. It's fine with Text Message but Not in case of Data. As a workaround, I tried it via Base64 String, but in that case also socket Get Closed. For uploading using JAVAScript I have written this code, here I tried by sending Base64 string in fragments of size 200 characters. function sendFile()


可紊 提交于 2019-11-28 22:28:47
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