
window.clipboardData is not part of Javascript?

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-04 14:19:58
In my search for a Javascript way to programmatically select WebView content, I encountered this Javascript code snippet , which uses a method named setData() in a member named clipboardData in the window object. But when I tried to find documentation for it in a Javascript reference , clipboardData was nowhere to be found. Why? Isn't window.clipboardData not part of Javascript or DOM? casablanca No, it's not part of any standard. Except for IE, most browsers don't allow clipboard access because of security concerns (you don't want arbitrary webpages reading something sensitive information

In Qt, how can I register a QString to my System's clipboard, both quoted and non-quoted?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-04 06:35:54
问题 If I want a quoted string in my clipboard: qDebug() << QString("Boat\nProgramming"); I then copy the output: "Boat\nProgramming" If I want a non-quoted string in my clipboard: qDebug().noquote() << QString("Boat\nProgramming"); I then copy the output: Boat Programming What is the proper way in Qt to register the quoted and non-quoted strings to my [Ubuntu] system's clipboard? Backstory / Usecase: I have built a command line application that renders me strings that I occasionally need to dump

Paste the Image from System in Html page using javascript

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-02 17:40:39
Hi i am creating an web chat application in that i want user can copy paste the image from desktop or can paste directly the screen shot but i am unable to achieve it. I used following code: $("#dummy").on("paste",function(event){ var items = (event.clipboardData || event.originalEvent.clipboardData).items; console.log(JSON.stringify(items)); // will give you the mime types for (index in items) { var item = items[index]; if (item.kind === 'file') { var blob = item.getAsFile(); var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(event){ console.log(}; // data url! reader

In Qt, how can I register a QString to my System's clipboard, both quoted and non-quoted?

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-02 10:38:54
If I want a quoted string in my clipboard: qDebug() << QString("Boat\nProgramming"); I then copy the output: "Boat\nProgramming" If I want a non-quoted string in my clipboard: qDebug().noquote() << QString("Boat\nProgramming"); I then copy the output: Boat Programming What is the proper way in Qt to register the quoted and non-quoted strings to my [Ubuntu] system's clipboard? Backstory / Usecase: I have built a command line application that renders me strings that I occasionally need to dump onto a website's string interpreter (Text to speech if you care) for debugging purposes. Dumping it to

Copy current URL to clipboard

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-11-30 13:59:56
Not sure why this has been so difficult for me today, but for some reason I cannot seem to get it to copy the current URL to the clipboard. Overall, I'm looking for a way to do it without needing to create some hidden text elements. This is what I'm trying so far: var shareBtn = document.querySelector(".share-button"); shareBtn.addEventListener('click', function(event) { var cpLink = window.location.href;; try { var successful = document.execCommand('copy'); var msg = successful ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful'; console.log('Copy command was ' + msg); } catch (err) { console.log

Storing clipboard data into a variable with JavaScript and the Google Chrome API

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-11-29 12:43:42
I am wondering if it is possible to store the contents of the clipboard in a string variable. The following source states that this is not possible using pure JS, but I was thinking hoping that the chrome API would make it possible. (I am developing a chrome extension). How to read clipboard data in cross browser? There is a clipboardRead permission, which would lead you to believe that it is possible, but it's description is just: Required if the extension or app uses document.execCommand('paste'). source To clarify: I am not trying to copy data to the clipboard or paste data from it. I would

Modify Clipboard content after copy event: JavaScript, jQuery

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-11-29 08:58:32
My requirement: When user copy some content from my web page, with text some HTML tags and carriage retun also gets copied. I need to modify the copied content in clipboard i.e. removing carriage retunn and HTML tags. What I have tried so far: I have captured the copy even using jQuery and get the content of clipboard. See below code. $(document).bind('copy', function () { //getting clipboard content var selectedText = window.getSelection().toString(); //removing carriage retun from content selectedText = selectedText.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, ""); //Trying to set data in clipboard window

paste data from clipboard using document.execCommand(“paste”); within firefox extension

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-11-28 12:57:01
I am trying to paste clipboard data into a variable that gets fed into and fired via XMLhttprequest POST message. I have created a firefox user.js with this code to increase access to clipboard based on this recommendation . user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "allowclipboard"); user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.sites", "mydomain"); user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.cutcopy", "allAccess"); user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.paste", "allAccess"); Do I need to change "mydomain" in line two? I do not want any sites to have access. Just my

how to get clipboard data in angular JS

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-11-28 10:55:51
I was actually looking to get the content of clipboard using angular JS to simulate a copy paste thing. I created a directive for copy to clipboard which is using the document.execCommand() method. Directive (function() { app.directive('copyToClipboard', function ($window) { var body = angular.element($window.document.body); var textarea = angular.element('<textarea/>'); textarea.css({ position: 'fixed', opacity: '0' }); function copy(toCopy) { textarea.val(toCopy); body.append(textarea); textarea[0].select(); try { var successful = document.execCommand('copy'); if (!successful) throw

Storing clipboard data into a variable with JavaScript and the Google Chrome API

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-11-28 06:35:49
问题 I am wondering if it is possible to store the contents of the clipboard in a string variable. The following source states that this is not possible using pure JS, but I was thinking hoping that the chrome API would make it possible. (I am developing a chrome extension). How to read clipboard data in cross browser? There is a clipboardRead permission, which would lead you to believe that it is possible, but it's description is just: Required if the extension or app uses document.execCommand(