
activity概述2-流程设计 、BPMN文件 和 一些扩展思路

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-01-28 12:16:10
目录 一、安装Activiti 的Eclipse Designer插件 二、设计流程 三、BPMN文件说明 四、总结 【原文地址: http://craft6.cn/detail/activiti_research_designer_element_bpmn.do 】 一、安装Activiti 的Eclipse Designer插件 Activiti基于Eclipse的设计器插件地址: https://www.activiti.org/designer/update/ 安装好后,就可以创建Activiti 设计图了: 二、设计流程 在你的任意项目中,选择一个位置专门放置设计文件,然后创建Activiti Diagram。我设计了一个流程如下图: 流程比较简单,我只是用来讲解Activit主要元素和BPMN文件使用,该图的业务简单说明。 (至于设计器右侧的组件面板(Palette)我则不贴图了,读者在eclipse中打开bpmn文件后自然就会看到) 采用了泳道,这样方便区分那些任务是属于那些角色的。 任务:可以是UserTask(人工任务)、ScriptTask(脚本任务,自动执行)、ServiceTask...等等。 角色:注意泳道对应的是角色。具体各个任务的执行人,一般在流程实例中根据业务情况来动态分配。 有起始和结束节点 起始节点只有一个。 结束节点可以有多个。 网关

Migrating YAWL files (*.ywl) to BPMN 2.0 schema files

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-23 16:44:45
问题 I'm trying to migrate from YAWL engine to another workflow engine, but I have about 500 (*.ywl) files, which I'm trying to convert to BPMN 2.0 and I think it's not reasonable to convert all of them manually. The question is if there is any tool to convert all of these files automatically? 回答1: Looks like not, you will have to make a parser to translate to bpmn xml. 回答2: Strangely, I just learned about YAWL and I am indeed very interested in Buisness Process Modeling (BPM). In other words, it

Is there any BPMN 2.0 Parser for .NET?

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-01-22 23:43:06
问题 In general, I am searching for a way to Model business processes. I found UML and BPMN quite often as an answer to this. Now I want to check this models with a Program. There is only an UML specification HOW this elements should look like, not how this different models should be saved. Thats why I looked closer at BPMN. There is a BPMN 2.0 specification be the Object Management Group. I downloaded a BPMN editor and start to play with this notation. Now I want to start to write a program that

Merging two versions of bpmn (xml) files

邮差的信 提交于 2020-01-21 10:06:33
问题 We develop processes in jBPM Business Central. And we create two branches for two developers, and every developer make some changes. After that, I try to merge changes, but get a lot of conflicts like this: <<<<<<< HEAD <bpsim:ElementParameters xsi:type="bpsim:ElementParameters" elementRef="_B522FC25-C305-43A2-B22B-CF9D2280A47B" id="_rucp8h2REeqUr8GsL--YmA"> ======= <bpsim:ElementParameters xsi:type="bpsim:ElementParameters" elementRef="_B522FC25-C305-43A2-B22B-CF9D2280A47B" id="

How to initiate a workflow in Activiti using REST API

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-01-21 06:06:06
问题 I have created a Activit Process using Service Tasks etc with eclipse and deployed the .bar to Activiti which is running on tomcat. It was successfully deployed I can start my process using activiti-explorer without any issue. The deployed process name is "My process" and it is listed under Processes->Deployed Process Definitions in the Activiti-Explorer as well. In the diagram it has the name "myProcess:1:1473" But I have two questions. I need to start my process using REST call. (i.e.

How to initiate a workflow in Activiti using REST API

你。 提交于 2020-01-21 06:05:05
问题 I have created a Activit Process using Service Tasks etc with eclipse and deployed the .bar to Activiti which is running on tomcat. It was successfully deployed I can start my process using activiti-explorer without any issue. The deployed process name is "My process" and it is listed under Processes->Deployed Process Definitions in the Activiti-Explorer as well. In the diagram it has the name "myProcess:1:1473" But I have two questions. I need to start my process using REST call. (i.e.


你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-01-18 05:39:59
1. 初识Activiti 1.1. 工作流与工作流引擎 工作流(workflow)就是工作流程的计算模型,即将工作流程中的工作如何前后组织在一起的逻辑和规则在计算机中以恰当的模型进行表示并对其实施计算。它主要解决的是“使在多个参与者之间按照某种预定义的规则传递文档、信息或任务的过程自动进行,从而实现某个预期的业务目标,或者促使此目标的实现”。(我的理解就是:将部分或者全部的工作流程、逻辑让计算机帮你来处理,实现自动化) 所谓工作流引擎是指workflow作为应用系统的一部分,并为之提供对各应用系统有决定作用的根据角色、分工和条件的不同决定信息传递路由、内容等级等核心解决方案。 例如开发一个系统最关键的部分不是系统的界面,也不是和数据库之间的信息交换,而是如何根据业务逻辑开发出符合实际需要的程序逻辑并确保其稳定性、易维护性和弹性。 比如你的系统中有一个任务流程,一般情况下这个任务的代码逻辑、流程你都要自己来编写。实现它是没有问题的。但是谁能保证逻辑编写的毫无纰漏?经过无数次的测试与改进,这个流程没有任何漏洞也是可以实现的,但是明显就会拖慢整个项目的进度。 工作流引擎解决的就是这个问题:如果 应用程序 缺乏强大的逻辑层,势必变得容易出错(信息的路由错误、死循环等等)。 1.2. BPMN2.0规范 BPMN(Business Process Model and Notation)-

Activiti初学者教程 (zhuan)

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-01-18 05:39:25
http://blog.csdn .NET /bluejoe2000/article/details/39521405 ********************************************************** http://wenku.baidu.com/view/bb7364ad4693daef5ff73d32.html 1. 初识Activiti 1.1. 工作流与工作流引擎 工作流(workflow)就是工作流程的计算模型,即将工作流程中的工作如何前后组织在一起的逻辑和规则在计算机中以恰当的模型进行表示并对其实施计算。它主要解决的是“使在多个参与者之间按照某种预定义的规则传递文档、信息或任务的过程自动进行,从而实现某个预期的业务目标,或者促使此目标的实现”。 (我的理解就是:将部分或者全部的工作流程、逻辑让计算机帮你来处理,实现自动化) 所谓工作流引擎是指workflow作为应用系统的一部分,并为之提供对各应用系统有决定作用的根据角色、分工和条件的不同决定信息传递路由、内容等级等核心解决方案。 例如开发一个系统最关键的部分不是系统的界面,也不是和 数据库 之间的信息交换,而是如何根据业务逻辑开发出符合实际需要的程序逻辑并确保其稳定性、易维护性和弹性。 比如你的系统中有一个任务流程,一般情况下这个任务的代码逻辑、流程你都要自己来编写

Responsibility matrix(Raci) in enterprise-architecture

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-01-07 08:47:10
问题 I have pools and lanes with some activities within them in BPMN 2.0 Business Process Diagram. I want showing Lanes ( or pools) with their activity in Relationship Matrix. I choose lanes (pools) in Source and activities in Target or vica versa in relationship matrix, but the relations could not be shown. How can i select Link Type in relashionship matrix? How can I resolve my problem? how should I relate activities to lanes for showing relations in Relationship Matrix? 回答1: You can't in this

Flowable BPMN Workflow > Extend due date in Task Escalation

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-24 19:03:22
问题 Regarding Opensource Project: https://github.com/flowable/flowable-engine/tree/flowable-6.4.1 First, I didn’t find a built in ‘Escalation’ routine so I decided to build one (via BPMN). Let me know if there is a built in ‘Escalation’ flow. Pick Due Date: Form with a date widget Script to parse date to ISO var dateStr = execution.getVariable(“pickDueDate”); if (dateStr) { var isoDate = (new Date(dateStr).toISOString()); execution.setVariable(“dueDate1”, isoDate); } else { // this fails, dont