
Running into 'serviceUnavailable' SharePoint graph query forever when combining Azure AD App permissions

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-07-21 03:02:30
问题 This situation made me create a real monstrous work-around, but sometimes, you don't have an option right? The problem is basically bumping into 503: 'serviceUnavailable' messages when several (specific?) Azure AD Application permissions are set in your Azure AD Application, which should not happen. Context and technical queries The context is specifically for Application permissions (app-only auth) and NOT delegated permissions. Token is retrieved by: HTTP POST https://login.microsoftonline

Adding users to Exchange admin role groups via API?

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-06-29 15:00:30
问题 Is it possible to add users/members to Exchange admin role groups via an API? The equivalent PowerShell cmdlet would be Add-RoleGroupMember and the specific group I wish to add to is View-only Organization Management . Microsoft Graph has an endpoint to add to directory roles, however I can't seem to find a "View-only Organization Management" group listed in my tenant's DirectoryRoles or DirectoryRoleTemplates, so I suspect MS Graph hasn't got access to these Exchange role groups. Poking

Microsoft Graph Api Webhook subscription via Rest Api not working anymore

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-06-28 17:17:46
问题 I have a working application that receive email webhook events from MS-Graph Api. I noticed that I could not find the subscription back using the subscriptionId, I get a 404 error.I also cannot delete the subscription using the id. I investigated further and noticed that I cannot create new subscriptions anymore: The Application registered in Azure AD is a service-application (daemon) My application auto renews the subscriptions and every time it did that I get a 202 response, but somehow the

Query Azure AD Graph for B2C SignInName

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-05-29 05:02:20
问题 How do I query Azure AD Graph for a SignInName? i.e. I want to take the user's login-name and find the user object in the Azure AD Graph. I would assume I'm supposed to use $filter, right? I tried:$filter=signInNames eq spottedmahn and I got: The operand for a binary operator 'Equal' is not a single value. Binary operators require both operands to be single values. Ok, so maybe I'm suppoed to use the any operator so

Query Azure AD Graph for B2C SignInName

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-05-29 05:02:00
问题 How do I query Azure AD Graph for a SignInName? i.e. I want to take the user's login-name and find the user object in the Azure AD Graph. I would assume I'm supposed to use $filter, right? I tried:$filter=signInNames eq spottedmahn and I got: The operand for a binary operator 'Equal' is not a single value. Binary operators require both operands to be single values. Ok, so maybe I'm suppoed to use the any operator so