

不问归期 提交于 2020-05-09 12:11:29
使用chrome浏览器选择记住密码的账号,输入框会自动加上黄色的背景,有些设计输入框是透明背景的,需要去除掉这个黄色的背景; 方法1:阴影覆盖 (由于是设置颜色覆盖,所以只对非透明的纯色背景有效;) input:-webkit-autofill { -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 1000px white inset !important; } 方法2:修改chrome浏览器渲染黄色背景的时间 (透明背景) :-webkit-autofill { transition: background-color 5000s ease-in-out 0s; } 原文链接: 来源: oschina 链接:


天涯浪子 提交于 2020-05-09 10:50:43
  最近在整理项目的时候,遇到了一个chrome浏览器自动填充的样式问题, 用户名跟密码的input都设置为透明颜色,但是会变成黄色,打开chrome调试工具,发现有个input:-webkit-autofill的 background-color: rgb(250, 255, 189)!important;这个样式,网上查询得三种方案,一种是把input自动输入关闭 autocomplete= "off",第二种是设置box-shadow阴影覆盖默认样式, input:-webkit-autofill { -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0px 1000px white inset; -webkit-text-fill-color: #333; }   但是这种只适用于纯色背景   第三种是通过延长增加自动填充背景色的方式, 是用户感受不到样式的变化 input:-webkit-autofill, input:-webkit-autofill:hover, input:-webkit-autofill:focus, input:-webkit-autofill:active { -webkit-transition-delay: 99999s; -webkit-transition: color 99999s ease-out, background-color


人走茶凉 提交于 2020-05-09 10:50:28
网页不可避免的使用到表单,提交一些内容到后端,进行前后端交互。可是由于浏览器总是有各自的默认样式,所以需要对其进行清除。总的来说有以下几种: 1、input输入框获取焦点的时候,默认带蓝色边框,如果设计要求不带蓝色边框可以按照以下方式处理: input{outline:none;} 同时,一些textarea、select、button控件也会带有边框,所以可以在网站的通用css文件中进行如下设置: nput,button,select,textarea{ outline:none;} 2、chrome浏览器自动填充的内容默认带黄色背景色,如何去除呢?可以按照以下方式进行设置:   chrome表单自动填充后,input文本框的背景会变成偏黄色的,这是由于chrome会默认给自动填充的input表单加上input:-webkit-autofill私有属性,然后对其赋予以下样式: 在有些情况下,这个黄色的背景会影响到我们界面的效果,尤其是在我们给input文本框使用图片背景的时候,原来的圆角和边框都被覆盖了。具体设置方式如下: 法一:可以对input:-webkit-autofill使用足够大的纯色内阴影来覆盖input输入框的黄色背景: input:-webkit-autofill { -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0px 1000px white inset;


旧街凉风 提交于 2020-05-09 09:40:09
问题: This post is a Community Wiki . 这篇文章是社区维基 。 Edit existing answers to improve this post. 编辑现有答案以改善此职位。 It is not currently accepting new answers. 它当前不接受新的答案。 Learn more . 了解更多 。 I have been running into issues with the chrome autofill behavior on several forms. 我一直在遇到几种形式的Chrome自动填充行为问题。 The fields in the form all have very common and accurate names, such as "email", "name", or "password", and they also have autocomplete="off" set. 表单中的所有字段都有非常通用且准确的名称,例如“电子邮件”,“名称”或“密码”,并且还设置了 autocomplete="off" 。 The autocomplete flag has successfully disabled the autocomplete behavior, where a dropdown

Getting the value of autofilled inputs - Jquery

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-02-06 06:33:42
问题 So, as some browsers auto-fill sign in forms, it causes an issue with my interactive placeholders. The placeholder is a <span> element with some text in, which moves above the input itself when focussed. Upon the browser inserting the data it has 'remembered', how would I be able to detect its presence, and it's value? Please note, that it is the auto-completed value of the input which I wish to grab. 回答1: Using the following code, I have managed to achieve the result I wished for: setTimeout

Remove new Firefox autofill color

旧时模样 提交于 2020-01-22 14:55:46
问题 A few days ago my Firefox Developer Edition updated to version 67.0b2 (64 bit). Since then all autofilled input fields have a yellow background, on literally every website. How can I get rid of the yellow autofill color? Changing inset box-shadow color doesn't seem to work like it does in Chrome. 回答1: After few sleepless nights I've finally figured out how to get rid of the autofill colors! It's really simple, all you have to do is to add this to your css: input { filter: none; } It's because

Unwanted Autofills

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-15 08:13:39
问题 I am having a problem in my web application. I seem to have been experiencing auto-fill in my username and password field. It is ok when I do a log in, the problem is it still does the auto-fill even in the create account page, even though I named my textFields(InputText) different from the other. I have tried this in both chrome and firefox, it still the same. Here are some screenshots of the application and codes. For the create account page <p:outputLabel id="userLabel" value="Username*" /

Unwanted Autofills

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-01-15 08:13:11
问题 I am having a problem in my web application. I seem to have been experiencing auto-fill in my username and password field. It is ok when I do a log in, the problem is it still does the auto-fill even in the create account page, even though I named my textFields(InputText) different from the other. I have tried this in both chrome and firefox, it still the same. Here are some screenshots of the application and codes. For the create account page <p:outputLabel id="userLabel" value="Username*" /

Autofill iOS12 alert message user to save password after login to the app first time?

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-01-15 05:10:26
问题 I'm implementing autoFill to my iOS app using this tutorial "iOS 12 Password Tools: Improving User Security and Experience" everything work fine but the iOS is not prompt me with UIAlert to save the password when I login for the first time. I want to ask how I can trigger the UIAlert to prompt the user to save the password to keychain first time? 回答1: you have to clear the text fields and remove the view for View hierarchy. Note: with Xcode 10 you can use save the username password in the