
ClickOnce Setup instantly stops executing

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-01-25 10:58:07
问题 I've got a problem with a ClickOnce Setup and have absolutely no idea what I'm doing wrong... I'm trying to publish a VSTO AddIn for Outlook 2013 using VS2012. However when I click on the Setup.exe created by the ClickOnce Publish the Setup shows the small installation window for about half a second and then instantly disappears again. This without showing any error message or generating any event log entries at all. The ClickOnce manifest is signed with a test certificate (self-signed

Calling a procedure within another class

百般思念 提交于 2020-01-23 02:35:41
问题 I've created an add-in for outlook 2010. I have a ribbon that has a button on it. When you click that button, I want it to call a procedure in the ThisAddIn.vb. There are two files: ThisAddin.vb and Ribbon.vb. I've tried several things to no avail. I've also set all the procedures to public. Call Testing123() Call ThisAddIn.Testing123() Etc How do I properly call this procedure? ****Ribbon1.vb**** Imports Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon Public Class MyOutlookTab Public Sub Button1_Click(ByVal

Iterating unregistered add-ins (.xla)

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-01-21 01:42:08
问题 I need help in figuring out how to iterate through currently open Excel add-in files (.xla) that have not been registered in Excel using the Tools > Add-ins menu path. more specifically, I am interested in any workbook that doesn't appear in the Add-In dialog, but has ThisWorkbook.IsAddin = True . Demonstrating the issue: Trying to loop through workbooks as follows doesn't get workbooks with .AddIn = True : Dim book As Excel.Workbook For Each book In Application.Workbooks Debug.Print book

Intermittent Error (System.TypeInitializationException: Type constructor threw an exception ) passing data to word addin from wpf app

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-01-17 08:30:33
问题 WE have a WPF application which will launch a word and then pass some information to a VSTO Application addin. I have written the code as has been explained here We defined the interface and the implemtation as follows [ComVisible(true)] [Guid("B523844E-1A41-4118-A0F0-FDFA7BCD77C9")] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)] public interface IBridge { /// <summary> /// Loads a task /// </summary> /// <returns> </returns> string Load(SomeDTO dataTransferObject); } [ComVisible(true)]

Adding a button to a 3rd party ribbon tab addin

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-01-17 03:50:34
问题 I have a 3rd party addin in word 2010 and do not have access to the source code. The addin adds a new ribbon tab and many groups in the ribbon tab generated by the 3rd party addin. I understand how to use vb2013 to create my own new ribbon tab etc. My question is, is it possible for me a create a new word 2010 addin, which somehow gets a handle on the 3rd party addin's ribbon tab and adds a button to one of the groups within the 3rd parties ribbon tab? So basically, if the 3rd party addin is

WPF resources addin

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-01-15 12:19:05
问题 I have a WPF application that runs as an add-in in another application. (In this case it is COM based but I don't think it matters for the problem I have) The application works fine when I run it standalone. When running as add-in there is a problem with resources. First: (minor) The "pack:" uri scheme is not available at all. I can work around this but it would be nice to understand why (and if it can be solved) Second: (showstopper) XAML resources can't be found (the XAML is found!). The

Referencing an excel sheet from a Windows Form in Document Level Customization

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-01-15 10:35:44
问题 I thought I'd try to learn and start with some VSTO (VS2012). I'm trying to do an Excel Document Customization with a separate Windows Form in it (.show on load). I can get the form to open on loading the doc. I found lots of examples of how to put Windows Form Controls in the document on MSDN (and figured out how to do that), but I'm having trouble referencing parts of the Excel document from the Windows Form. So for example on the windows form called Main Control I tried to add this

Referencing an excel sheet from a Windows Form in Document Level Customization

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-01-15 10:35:28
问题 I thought I'd try to learn and start with some VSTO (VS2012). I'm trying to do an Excel Document Customization with a separate Windows Form in it (.show on load). I can get the form to open on loading the doc. I found lots of examples of how to put Windows Form Controls in the document on MSDN (and figured out how to do that), but I'm having trouble referencing parts of the Excel document from the Windows Form. So for example on the windows form called Main Control I tried to add this

Excel Add-In not working after publish

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-01-15 09:54:51
问题 I've created an Excel COM Add-In in C# using Visual Studio 2013 Professional which displays a CustomTaskPane as a right sidebar in Excel. This is working perfect when running it directly from the IDE, but not working when installing it from the setup file generated when I published the solution. The Add-In MyAddIn appears in the Add-Ins list, but it stays Inactive at all times when I try to activate it by pressing the Go... button at the bottom and then mark the add-in to activate it. Any

install manually my word add-in VSTO (Ribbon)? built with c#

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-01-15 08:59:08
问题 Is it possible to manually install my word add-in? Visual Studio is preparing an installation file for word add-in and it worked great but i want to build more complex installation file. if i knew how to do it manually it would be very easy to build my own installer. 回答1: Sure its possible. If you use Visual Studio 2013, you have two common options to deploy your addin. One is to use publishing, also known as, Click-Once, this basically does all the dirty work for you, and leaves you with an