
converting 12 bit DICOM image to 8 bit jpeg

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-22 17:28:31
问题 I am trying to load DICOM files into python using the dicom library. I have done the following ds=dicom.read_file(r"C:\Users\Z003SPFR.AD005\ML\GLCM AND SVM\data\NECT\1.IMA") # # store the raw image data DicomImage = ds.pixel_array This gives me values that appear to be 12 bit, since the highest value obtained was around 3047 and lowest value was 0. Then i made my own mapping function to bring it to the range 0-255. I used the following code: leftMin = 0 leftMax = np.amax(DicomImage) rightMin

How to convert a BufferedImage to 8 bit?

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-22 04:01:36
问题 I was looking at the ImageConverter class, trying to figure out how to convert a BufferedImage to 8-bit color, but I have no idea how I would do this. I was also searching around the internet and I could find no simple answer, they were all talking about 8 bit grayscale images. I simply want to convert the colors of an image to 8 bit... nothing else, no resizing no nothing. Does anyone mind telling me how to do this. 回答1: This code snippet from the article "Transparent gifs in Java" at G-Man

Difference between C 8 bit 16-bit 32-bit compilers [closed]

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-20 15:21:37
问题 As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance. Closed 6 years ago . This question may be redundant, but I didn't found exact answer. What is the Difference between C 8 bit 16-bit 32-bit compilers. how

tinyAVR: best known multiplication routines for 8-bit and 16-bit factors? [closed]

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-18 05:12:41
问题 Closed . This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 4 years ago . "Faster than avr200b.asm"? The mpy8u -routine from avr200b.asm for those processors of Atmel's AVR family that do not implement any of the MUL instructions seems pretty generic, but mpy16u looks sloppy for rotating both lower result bytes 16 times instead of 8. Antonio presented a

Options to Convert 16 bit Image

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-10 11:50:47
问题 when i open a 16 bit image in tiff format, it opens up as a black image. The 16-bit tiff image only opens in the program ImageJ; however, it does not open in Preview. I am wondering what my options are now to view the format in an easier way that does not reduce the resolution than to open ImageJ to view it. Should I convert it to an 8-bit format, but wouldn't I lose data when the format is reduced from 16 to 8 bit? Also, I was thinking about converting the tiff image to jpeg, but would that

converting 12 bit DICOM image to 8 bit jpeg

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-06 09:29:32
I am trying to load DICOM files into python using the dicom library. I have done the following ds=dicom.read_file(r"C:\Users\Z003SPFR.AD005\ML\GLCM AND SVM\data\NECT\1.IMA") # # store the raw image data DicomImage = ds.pixel_array This gives me values that appear to be 12 bit, since the highest value obtained was around 3047 and lowest value was 0. Then i made my own mapping function to bring it to the range 0-255. I used the following code: leftMin = 0 leftMax = np.amax(DicomImage) rightMin = 0 rightMax = 255 def translate(value, leftMin, leftMax, rightMin, rightMax): # Figure out how 'wide'

How to convert a BufferedImage to 8 bit?

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-05 02:43:20
I was looking at the ImageConverter class, trying to figure out how to convert a BufferedImage to 8-bit color, but I have no idea how I would do this. I was also searching around the internet and I could find no simple answer, they were all talking about 8 bit grayscale images. I simply want to convert the colors of an image to 8 bit... nothing else, no resizing no nothing. Does anyone mind telling me how to do this. This code snippet from the article "Transparent gifs in Java" at G-Man's Uber Software Engineering Blog works well: public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

How does a computer distinguish between Data and Instructions?

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-01 09:45:01
I watched a video on an 8-bit pc being fed a program - manually, using physics switches. The fed program was: MAIN: 0000 0001 0100 # 0 = LDA [4] 0001 0010 0101 # 1 = ADD [5] 0010 0101 0000 # 2 = OUT 0011 1111 0000 # 3 = HLT DATA: 0100 00001110 # 4 = #14 0101 00011100 # 5 = #28 What I want to know is how the computer, if it does, distinguishes between Data and Instructions, because there are no flags that divide data from instructions. 0001 0001 0010 may be interpreted as either: 1 = LDA [2] or: 1 = #10 Is it because while the program runs, addresses are treated as instructions. but because of

How does a computer distinguish between Data and Instructions?

你。 提交于 2019-12-01 08:20:49
问题 I watched a video on an 8-bit pc being fed a program - manually, using physics switches. The fed program was: MAIN: 0000 0001 0100 # 0 = LDA [4] 0001 0010 0101 # 1 = ADD [5] 0010 0101 0000 # 2 = OUT 0011 1111 0000 # 3 = HLT DATA: 0100 00001110 # 4 = #14 0101 00011100 # 5 = #28 What I want to know is how the computer, if it does, distinguishes between Data and Instructions, because there are no flags that divide data from instructions. 0001 0001 0010 may be interpreted as either: 1 = LDA [2]

How to convert 24 bit RGB to 8 bit RGB

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-11-30 17:27:15
问题 I was wondering what is the best way to convert a 24-bit RGB color (8 bits per color) into an 8-bit color (2bits Blue, 3 Green, 3 Red). I'd like C code for doing this. 回答1: 8 bit RGB is normally an indexed (palettized) color format, see Palette (computing). The way you described it though, getting 8 bpp out of 24 bpp is pretty straightforward - you would need to strip least significant bits and merge the bits into single byte value, per pixel. AFAIK it is not a standard or well-known pixel