mongo shell script won't let me include “use <database>”

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-18 11:01:44


32-bit mongo 2.0.1 on a windows XP machine

//script filename: test.js  (one line shell script file to store a person){Name: "Fred", Age:21});

run against database dbTest by entering the following 2 shell commands:

    > use dbTest
    switched to dbTest
    > load("test.js")

So far, so good.

But if I try and include the "use" statement in the script it fails:

//script filename: test.js  (including "use" statement)
use dbTest;{Name: "Fred", Age:21});

fails with error msg as follows:

    > load("test.js")
    SyntaxError: missing ; before statement
    Mon Dec 19 11:56:31: Error: error loading js file temp.js (shell):1

Adding or removing semicolons to test.js doesn't seem to matter.

So how do you put a "use" directive into a mongo shell script?


use dbname
This command does not work in scripted mode. Instead you will need to explicitly define the database in the connection (/dbname in the example above).

Alternately, you can also create a connection within the script:

db2 = connect("server:27017/otherdbname")


In a mongo script you can use the db.getSiblingDB('new_db_name') to get a reference of a new database. So, it it not mandatory to give the database name in the command line. You can use the script.js:

db = db.getSiblingDB('new_db_name');

// the rest of your code for database "new_db_name"

and the output of this script is (invoked with mongo script.js):

MongoDB shell version: 2.2.2
connecting to: test


Well, it still is unfortunate that "load('file.js')" and "mongo file.js" don't actually use the same script interpreter as the interactive mongo shell. Opening the connection explicitly in the script is potentially a violation of the DRY principle because mongo already knows that information. What does work, though, is piping the file into mongo rather than passing its name on the command line:

mongo <file.js

