
How to recognize when logon fails in RDP / MSTSC?

若如初见. 提交于 2020-07-21 05:01:30
问题 I am working on a C# implementation of RDP / MSTSC using the MsRdpClient9NotSafeForScripting class. I need to recognize when the user logon failed due to wrong credentials. The event OnLogonError should do the job but it doesn't fire (at least not on Server 2016), while the other events seem to work properly. From the Microsoft documentation of OnLogonError : LOGON_FAILED_BAD_PASSWORD (0 (0x0)) The logon failed because the logon credentials are not valid. The behaviour (not fireing

How to recognize when logon fails in RDP / MSTSC?

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-07-21 05:00:10
问题 I am working on a C# implementation of RDP / MSTSC using the MsRdpClient9NotSafeForScripting class. I need to recognize when the user logon failed due to wrong credentials. The event OnLogonError should do the job but it doesn't fire (at least not on Server 2016), while the other events seem to work properly. From the Microsoft documentation of OnLogonError : LOGON_FAILED_BAD_PASSWORD (0 (0x0)) The logon failed because the logon credentials are not valid. The behaviour (not fireing

vb6 “regfreecom” autocreate manifest for ocx file

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2020-07-16 10:35:21
问题 I think I need to create a manifest file for MSCOMCTL.ocx to use in my VB6 application (reg free) I will also need to update/create the .res file Then I will need to use ManifestCreatorII It has been a few years (2017) and I have forgotten the steps and cannot find my old notes. I ~remember how to work with the NSI to generate the install package. Without this, I cannot get my applications to run on a new Win 10 PC. My Development PC is a virtual PC running Windows XP (32bit) Service Pack 3.


社会主义新天地 提交于 2020-03-03 17:00:08
如题:OCX在调用云台指令使用mousedown和mouseup来发送指令和结束指令动作不起作用问题(视频播放和检索在requireJS封装都是正常的)。 在项目中使用requireJS封装了视频控件,但是在指令调用这块始终有问题,经过分析和测试发现: mousedown和mouseup间隔时间一般只有100多ms ocx方法直接调用可以请求,说明ocx不能离开上下文 mousedown和mouseup事件之间肯定有某种因素干扰了执行(时间、空间皆有可能) requireJS封装 下面的方法采用requrejs封装调用: /* $("#yt_direction_top").on('mousedown',function(){ upstart(); }); */ function upstart(){ require(['videoStart'],function(video){ video.upstart(); }); } /* $("#yt_direction_top").on('mouseup',function(){ upstop(); }); */ function upstop(){ require(['videoStart'],function(video){ video.upstop(); }); } /* $("#yt_direction_bottom").on(


余生颓废 提交于 2020-02-16 01:12:59
网上有很多的open OCX控件,down下来之后可以集成到ABAP后台,借助OCX实现很多强大的功能. 这是一个LED显示的例子. Run这个report之前,首先要把ocx文件注册到系统里去: (1) 以administrator的role运行cmd: 打开注册表,搜ledtest.ocx,找到ocx对应的clsid: (2) 把clsid hard code到report里去就ok了。 要获取更多Jerry的原创文章,请关注公众号"汪子熙": 来源: CSDN 作者: 汪子熙 链接: https://blog.csdn.net/i042416/article/details/104311146


混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-02-09 16:53:30
这是原来从网上搜集、整理后编制用于自己的小程序使用的OCX是否注册及未注册控件的自动注册函数。 CheckCtrlFileRegist("ctToolBar.ctToolBarCtrl.4") && 检测与注册DBI工具条控件(ctToolBar) ****************************** 控件注册函数 Function CheckCtrlFileRegist Parameters lcCheck && 调用形如:CheckCtrlFileRegist("ctGrid.ctGridCtrl.3") && 其中,经常用到的控件如下: && MS日期控件 MSComCt2.OCX 版本2-("MSComCtl2.DTPicker.2")(MS Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP4)) && 视频头控件 AVCap.OCX 版本1-("AVCap.AVCapture.1") && DBI表格控件 ctGrid.OCX 版本3-("ctGrid.ctGridCtrl.3"),版本1-("ctGrid.ctGridCtrl.1") && DBI下拉框控件 ctCombo.OCX 版本2-("ctCoLorCombo.ctColorComboCtrl.2") && DBI工具条控件 ctToolBar.OCX 版本4-(

mscomm32.ocx(串口控制控件) 支持WIN7/WIN10

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-01-30 15:55:11
VB串口开发必备控件 下载这个控件,然后把它拷贝到到C:\Windows\system32文件夹下, win7 64位,复制到C:\Windows\sysWOW64文件夹下, 然后打开cmd, 写入代码 regsvr32 C:\Windows\system32\MSComm32.ocx 按enter会提示你注册成功 http://traffic189.com/f-18.html 来源: CSDN 作者: aeaxea43 链接: https://blog.csdn.net/aeaxea43/article/details/104114375

Windows 10下注册32位OCX控件的方法

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-01-29 23:18:54
  对于早期的32位Windows操作系统,我们可以直接注册OCX或DLL控件,但是在64位系统下是不可行的,而对于支持UAC(例如Windows 10等)的系统,就必须要复制到指定的目录,并使用管理员权限才能成功注册。   对于64位Windows 10操作系统,具体方法是:   1. 把ocx文件复制到系统“C:\Windows\SysWOW64”文件夹下;   2. 以管理员身份运行CMD或者PowerShell(开始菜单点右键-Windows PowerShell(管理员));   3. 执行 regsvr32 ocx文件名,即可注册成功。   对于32位Windows 10操作系统,具体方法是:   1. 把ocx文件复制到系统“C:\Windows\System32”文件夹下;   2. 以管理员身份运行CMD或者PowerShell(开始菜单点右键-Windows PowerShell(管理员));   3. 执行 regsvr32 ocx文件名,即可注册成功。 来源: SEO优化技术 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/1994jinnan/p/12241720.html

Cannot register my .ocx with error code 0x80040200

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-24 19:25:00
问题 When i try to register my .ocx file I get error code 0x80040200. I know that this error usually occurs when I got no administrator privileges, but for me that's not the case. I found some code snippet with which I could test my .ocx wether regsvr32 can find the entry point and it looks like it could. Is there any other known reason why this error could occur? Thanks 回答1: In my case, I tried to register dll and got the same error. The reason was absence of a tlb file near the dll. 来源: https:/