why is time rising for more than one request to asyncio server in python?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-01 18:55:05

What is request

Single request (roughly saying) consists of the following steps:

  1. write data to network
  2. waste time waiting for answer
  3. read answer from network

№1/№3 processed by your CPU very fast. Step №2 - is a bytes journey from your PC to some server (in another city, for example) and back by wires: it usually takes much more time.

How asynchronous requests work

Asynchronous requests are not really "parallel" in terms of processing: it's still your single CPU core that can process one thing at a time. But running multiple async requests allows you to use step №2 of some request to do steps №1/№3 of other request instead of just wasting huge amount of time. That's a reason why multiple async requests usually would finish earlier then same amount of sync ones.

Running async code without network delay

But when you run things locally, step №2 doesn't take much time: your PC and server are the same thing and bytes don't go to network journey. There is just no time that can be used in step №2 to start new request. Only your single CPU core works processing one thing at a time.

You should test requests against server that answers with some delay to see results you expect.
