How to move a symlink to the trash?

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-01 18:23:45

Use FSPathMakeRefWithOptions() to generate an FSRef to the link. Then use FSMoveObjectToTrashSync() to delete it.

The other way would be to tell the NSWorkspace to “recycle” it, by sending it either a performFileOperation:source:destination:files:tag: message with the NSWorkspaceRecycleOperation operation or a recycleURLs:completionHandler: message.

I don't know how well either one of these would work on symlinks, but it's worth trying if you'd rather not deal with FSRefs.

my retro-futuristic approach

//  main.swift
//  recycle
//  usage: recycle <files or directories to throw out>

import Foundation
import AppKit

var args = NSProcessInfo.processInfo().arguments
args.removeAtIndex(0)   // first item in list is the program itself

var w = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace()
var fm = NSFileManager.defaultManager()

for arg in args {
    let path = arg.stringByStandardizingPath;

    let file = path.lastPathComponent
    let source = path.stringByDeletingLastPathComponent

        destination: "",
        files: [file],
        tag: nil)